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Eclipse Web Tools Platform 3.1 M3
New and Noteworthy



    The HTML editor now provides hyperlinks between anchor tags and their targets in the same document, to anchors in other resources, and to their referrer(s) in the same file.

    Links to named anchors within the same file
    Hyperlinks to matching named anchors within the same file.

    A link to an anchor in another file
    A hyperlink to an anchor in another file.

    Links to anchors pointing to this anchor from within this file
    Hyperlinks to anchors pointing to this anchor from within this file.

    Enablement of the Anchors link kind is controlled from the Hyperlinking Preference page.

    Enablement of the Anchors link kind on the Hyperlinking Preference page

XML Schema

Advanced tab for simple types

    There is now an Advanced tab in the Properties view for simple types. This tab allows editing of advanced attributes like final.

    Simple type advanced tab

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