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Eclipse Web Tools Platform Incubator
New and Noteworthy

The WTP Incubator is a subproject fostering the creation and development of new components for existing WTP subprojects, before they become part of a release. While they don't fall under the same schedule as the WTP release itself, they are encouraged to follow the same processes. As such, a complete list of which Incubator bugs were fixed during this milestone is also available .

XSL 1.0M3

XSLT Syntax Coloring

    The XSL Tools Editor can have syntax coloring that is specific just for the XSLT Namespace.

    XSL Editor Syntax Coloring

    Control of the coloring that is used for the XSLT namespace items is handled through the Syntax Coloring preference page for XSL.

    XSL Syntax Coloring Preference

    Non-XSLT coloring is handled by the standard XML Syntax Coloring preference page.

Project specific Validation Settings

    XSL Tools now supports project specific settings for validation.

    Project Level Validation

Content Assist: Named Templates

    XSLT named templates have Content Assistance based on the call-templates that are available in the model. This includes imported and included style-sheets.

    Named Template Assistance


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