Sirius – Provide custom aird editor pages


Sirius provides an aird editor with a default page allowing to handle viewpoints and representations as well as semantic models. It is the entry point to any Sirius project for end user.

Custom pages can be provided to aird editor instances to show different information not available in the default page. It can be anything from business information to aird information. The functionalities around custom page providing are the following:

Sirius offers two distinct ways of providing custom pages for aird editor:

Using the API to provide custom pages

The API is composed of the following classes:

and are available in the package org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor.api.pages from the plugin org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor

To provide a custom page by using this API you have to:

  1. Build your custom page that extends AbstractSessionEditorPage and with the help of PageUpdateCommandBuilder if needed.
  2. Create a PageProvider that will provide your custom page as well as other custom pages you want.
  3. Register your PageProvider either directly in the PageRegistry or by using the provided extension point.
  4. Launch the runtime and open the aird editor of a modeling project. If the display context required by your custom page is present it will be visible.

Example with the Sirius Debug Page:

Page positioning

When contributing a custom page, you can tell where the editor tab corresponding to your page will be located regarding other pages' tab in different contexts:

Whatever the context is, you always need to provide two kind of information to position your page regarding others:

If a page identified by the id used to position your custom page does not exists in the aird editor when positioning your page, then your page will be added to the leftmost position.

Building the custom page

To build a custom page you need to create a class extending org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor.api.pages.AbstractSessionEditorPage that also extends FormPage.
The UI creation part of your page is handled by the methods of FormPage with the method createFormContent(IManagedForm managedForm) as entry point.
The AbstractSessionEditorPage abstract class brings the following methods to implement:

There is also a method NotificationFilter getFilterForPageRequesting() with default behavior that can be overridden.


This method is called by the aird editor whenever a resource set event occurs on its session’s resource set. The event can be a change regarding the aird file, or the loaded resources or viewpoints.

You can internally refresh your graphic components when called according to the change event. You also can return a list of PageUpdateCommand that the editor needs to execute to update your page by using the builder PageUpdateCommandBuilder. For example:

return Optional.of(new PageUpdateCommandBuilder().removePage().build());

This builder allows you to build a command the owning aird editor must execute. The built command can do one or a combination of the following command:

If the built command contains the remove command and a reorder, rename or both command, then the remove command will be executed but not the other(s).

If you does not need to use this functionality you must return Optional.empty().


This method is called with true as parameter when your page just becomes visible (i.e it is selected). It is called with false as parameter when any other page than yours is selected.

You can use the parameter to avoid doing heavy computation on model changes when you know your page is not visible to the end-user, and defer these to later, when it will become visible again (i.e. when pageChanged is invoked with true).

You also can internally refresh your graphic components when called according to the change event. You also can return a list of PageUpdateCommand that the editor needs to execute to update your page by using the builder PageUpdateCommandBuilder. See section resourceSetChanged to have details about the commands.

If you want to apply page update only when the page is visible and if certain conditions are fulfilled regarding the session, then it is your responsibility to keep track of what happens since the last page selection with calls to resourceSetChanged(ResourceSetChangeEvent) to know if some update must be done.

If you does not need to use this functionality you must return Optional.empty().


This method defined with a default implementation in AbstractSessionEditorPage allows to prevent calls to AbstractSessionEditorPage.resourceSetChanged(ResourceSetChangeEvent) for events you does not want to consider because you know your page will not refresh anything from these.

By default the filter org.eclipse.emf.transaction.NotificationFilter.NOT_TOUCH is used. This filter makes sure you are not called when all the event’s notification does not change any values.

You can override this method to provide your own filter.


This method is used when your page is created to position it among other pages. See section Page Positioning to now more about how positioning works.

It defines the kind of positioning to achieve.

If you don’t want to position your page relatively to another one, you can return Optional.empty(). In this case your page will be added to the leftmost position (first position).


This method is used when your page is created to position it among other pages. See section Page Positioning to now more about how positioning works.

It defines the page id from which your page should be positioned relatively to.

If you don’t want to position your page relatively to another one, you can return Optional.empty(). In this case your page will be added to the leftmost position (first position).

Building the PageProvider

The PageProvider responsibilities are:

To build a custom page you need to create a class extending org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor.api.pages.PageProvider.
This abstract class brings the following methods to implements:


This method returns all custom pages instances extending AbstractSessionEditorPage to initialize.

This method must return a map of page id to its supplier initializing a new instance of the page.

For example with the debug page:

Map<String, Supplier<AbstractSessionEditorPage>> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
resultMap.put(DebugPage.PAGE_ID, () -> {
    return new DebugPage(editor, DebugPage.PAGE_ID, DEBUG_PAGE_TITLE);
return resultMap;

You can use the given parameter to determine if your pages should be provided at the moment. You have access to the editor org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor.SessionEditor asking for the pages of your provider. From this parameter you can access to its session by using the method org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor.SessionEditor.getSession(). You also can use any singleton like PlatformUI to know if your pages should be created at the moment.

If the required conditions to display a page that can be computed from the session are not verified, then you should not return a new instance of this page.

The method is called when:


This method defined with a default implementation in PageProvider allows to prevent calls to PageProvider.getPages(SessionEditor) for events you does not want to consider because you know that the initial conditions to show your pages will not be fulfilled.

By default the filter org.eclipse.emf.transaction.NotificationFilter.NOT_TOUCH is used. This filter makes sure you are not called when the event does not change any values.

You can override this method to provide your own filter.


This method tells if your provider can create a page instance of the given id as parameter. It is used when computing page positions.

Warning: If you don’t return true for the id of a page you provide, then positioning may not be what you expect.

Page status synchronization

You can create pages at a given position of an editor only when some initial conditions are fulfilled. This mechanism involves the methods:

You also can dynamically change the page position by reacting to session’s resource set events or even tell the editor to remove the page no longer useful. This mechanism involves the methods:

So we have two distinct mechanism allowing for page positioning that can be conflicted if not careful.
For example, your AbstractSessionEditorPage page can dynamically be removed when a condition A is verified. But your page creation initial condition in PageProvider is also A. In this situation, if A is verified a first time, the page is created. Then if A is verified a second time, the page will be removed dynamically and created again.

So to avoid conflicts, the page position and creation/removal must have the most specific conditions in the PageProvider and the less specific in AbstractSessionEditorPage

For example, if a page can be created from PageProvider when condition A and B are verified, then this page can be dynamically removed only if !A or !B is verified but not if another condition is verified like C or !C.

Registering the PageProvider

When your PageProvider providing your custom pages is done, you have to register it to Sirius so it can be use to display your pages in aird editors.
You have two ways to do that either by using the PageRegistry or an extension point.

Programmatic registering

The PageRegistry is the registry containing all PageProvider used by aird editors.
To be used, your provider can be registered in this registry.

You can do this programmatically by calling the method org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor.SessionEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getPageRegistry().addPageProvider(parameter) with a new instance of your page provider as parameter.

Declarative registering

The extension point org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor.sessionEditorPageProvider allows you to define the class of your page provider that should be taken in consideration when Sirius populates pages of aird editors: