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RAP 3.1 M4 - New and Noteworthy

Here's a list of the most noteworthy things in the RAP 3.1 M4 milestone build which is available for download since December 18, 2015.

Transformation Support for Canvas

GC now implements the setTransform method.

Transform transform = new Transform( display );
gc.setTransform( transform );
gc.setBackground( display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_BLACK ) );
gc.fillRectangle( 0, 0, 100, 50 );

transform.rotate( 10 );
gc.setTransform( transform );
gc.setBackground( display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_RED ) );
gc.fillRectangle( 0, 0, 100, 50 );

transform.rotate( 10 );
gc.setTransform( transform );
gc.setBackground( display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_YELLOW ) );
gc.fillRectangle( 0, 0, 100, 50 );

Graphics Transformation

Column Span Support for Nebula Grid

GridItem now implements the setColumnSpan method. The Grid itself has been given a more spreadsheet-like default look to better work with this new feature. It is now also separately themeable (previously shared the a theme with Tree).

Grid column spanning

Selection Theming update for all Table/List-based Widgets

Tree, Table, Grid, List, Combo, CCombo and DropDown have a new default theming for selected items. Instead of a dark-blue gradient a solid, semi-transparent light blue is used. This preserves the color of the text elements (they are now longer set to white) and allows elements like cell backgrounds that are normally hidden beneath the selection effect to shine through. It also works better with the new Nebula Grid look. The business theme remains unchanged.


This list shows all bugs that have been fixed for this milestone build.

Previous Builds

The above features are just the ones that are new since the last milestone build. Summaries for earlier builds: