Project Plan For JavaServer Faces, version Helios


The Web Tool Platform (WTP) project provides extensible frameworks and exemplary tools to build Web and Java EE applications. This document describes the features and the API set in the JSF Tools subproject for the Galileo release.

Release Deliverables

  • WTP non-SDK package
  • WTP SDK Package
  • WST non-SDK package
  • WST SDK Package
  • The Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers package

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Release Milestones

WTP Milestones .

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Target Environments

WTP will support the platforms certified by the Eclipse Platform project. For a list of platforms supported in WTP 3.2, see Eclipse Target Operating Environments



Internationalization and Localization will be supported.

  • Internationalization (I18N)

    Each project should be able to work in an international environment, including support for operating in different locales and processing/displaying international data (dates, strings, etc.).

  • Localization

    Each project should provide an environment that supports the localization of the technology (i.e. translation). This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that strings are externalized for easy translation.

  • Where possible, projects should use an open and transparent process to create, maintain and deliver language packs translated into multiple languages in a timely manner. The primary languages to consider are: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Spanish.

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Compatibility with Previous Releases

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Themes and Priorities

Themes and their priorities communicate the main objectives of the project and their importance. The following themes are derived from those defined by the Eclipse Requirement council and from the WTP 3.1 release themes. These will be prioritized based on the community feedback. New themes could be synthesized from the requirements submitted by the community.

The sections to follow defines the plan items in the JSF Tools project. The plan items are grouped under the respective themes where applicable. Each plan item corresponds to a new feature, API or some apsects of the project that needs to be improved. A plan item has an entry in the Eclipse Bugzilla system that has a detailed description of the plan item. Not all plan items represent the same amount of work; some may be quite large, others, quite small. Although some plan items are for work that is more pressing than others, the plan items appear in no particular order. See the corresponding bugzilla items for up-to-date status information on ongoing work and planned delivery milestones.

Ease of Use

Features provided by WTP should be simple to use for users with widely-varying backgrounds and skill sets.

  • WTP User Interface should be consistent and should follow the Eclipse User Experience Guidelines.
  • Usability and Accessibility reviews should be done for the most common task flows. Cheat Sheets should be provided to assist users in performing tasks
  • WTP should provide enhanced user documentation, tutorials, white papers, demonstrations.
In Bugzilla, Ease of Use plan items are designated with "EaseOfUse" in the Status Whiteboard and the "plan" keyword.

  • Committed
    • No items.
  • Proposed
    • No items.
  • Deferred
    • No items.

Robustness and Performance

The JSF Tools Project should be reliable and durable. The work items in this theme will focus on reducing the bug backlog, fixing issues that affect the stability, performance and scalability of the features. In Bugzilla, the plan items are designated with "Robustness" in the Status Whiteboard and the "plan" keyword.

  • Committed
    • No items.
  • Proposed
    • content assist for "var" names show up everywhere [253920] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • NPE in copySignatures method [269042] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • Bad attribute validation metadata [277932] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • Possible memory leak [278068] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • [WPE] NPE in WebrootUtil.getWebContentPath() method [289349] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • [WPE] WPE does not render child components of a f:subview [285929] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • f:selectItems value attribute doesn't have expected type metadata [289162] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • Tab names on faces-config editor aren't read by screen reader [268435] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • Improvements to tab order in faces-config editor [268871] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • JSF user libraries only accepted with absolute path names [282118] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • Validating large, complex JSP pegs CPU and takes several minutes [163890] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • Performance improvement of loading metadata by removing the entityGroup [283564] (target milestone: 3.2)
  • Deferred
    • No items.


The JSF Tools Project should ensure the success of its adopters by promoting new API's and Extension points. The work items in this theme will focus on making the Web Page Editor extensible. It will also include enhancements to the existing frameworks. In Bugzilla, the plan items are designated with "Extensibility" in the Status Whiteboard and the "plan" keyword.

  • Committed
    • Too many files are checked out when faces-config is modified [288391] (target milestone: 3.2 M7)
  • Proposed
    • [WPE] IAttributeValueResolver: New Provisional API on WPE [286145] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • [WPE] Add tag converter transform operation in WPE to support generating markup depending on view mode [252861] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • Support multiple pluggable SymbolContextResolvers [280272] (target milestone: 3.2)
    • Need a way to override default symbol factories [289504] (target milestone: 3.2)
  • Deferred
    • No items.


The JSF Tools Project should support the latest JSF specification, JSR-314. The main work item in this theme is to update the support for Facelets in the JSF Facelets Incubator project and move it to the JSF Tools Project. In Bugzilla, the plan items are designated with "JSF2.0" in the Status Whiteboard and the "plan" keyword.

  • Committed
    • [JSF2.0] Move Facelet support into JSF Core for 2.0 support [251798] (target milestone: 3.2 M6)
  • Proposed
    • No items.
  • Deferred
    • No items.


Following are plan items that are not yet categorized into a theme. In Bugzilla, they are designated with the "plan" keyword.

  • Committed
    • [JSF2.0] Move Facelet support into JSF Core for 2.0 support [251798] (target milestone: 3.2 M6)
    • Too many files are checked out when faces-config is modified [288391] (target milestone: 3.2 M7)
  • Proposed
    • No items.
  • Deferred
    • No items.

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Appendix References

  1. The general WTP plan can be found here .

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