 * Copyright 2005-2007, CHISEL Group, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * Contributors:
 *     The Chisel Group, University of Victoria
package org.eclipse.mylar.zest.examples.swt;

import org.eclipse.mylar.zest.core.widgets.Graph;
import org.eclipse.mylar.zest.core.widgets.GraphConnection;
import org.eclipse.mylar.zest.core.widgets.GraphNode;
import org.eclipse.mylar.zest.core.widgets.ZestStyles;
import org.eclipse.mylar.zest.layouts.LayoutStyles;
import org.eclipse.mylar.zest.layouts.algorithms.SpringLayoutAlgorithm;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;

 * This snippet creates a very simpl graph where Rock is connected to Paper
 * which is connected to scissors which is connected to rock.
 * The nodes a layed out using a SpringLayout Algorithm, and they can be moved
 * around.
 * @author Ian Bull
public class GraphSnippet2 {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Display d = new Display();
		Shell shell = new Shell(d);
		Image image1 = Display.getDefault().getSystemImage(SWT.ICON_INFORMATION);
		Image image2 = Display.getDefault().getSystemImage(SWT.ICON_WARNING);
		Image image3 = Display.getDefault().getSystemImage(SWT.ICON_ERROR);
		shell.setLayout(new FillLayout());
		shell.setSize(400, 400);

		Graph g = new Graph(shell, SWT.NONE);
		GraphNode n1 = new GraphNode(g, SWT.NONE, "Information", image1);
		GraphNode n2 = new GraphNode(g, SWT.NONE, "Warning", image2);
		GraphNode n3 = new GraphNode(g, SWT.NONE, "Error", image3);

		new GraphConnection(g, SWT.NONE, n1, n2);
		new GraphConnection(g, SWT.NONE, n2, n3);
		new GraphConnection(g, SWT.NONE, n3, n3);

		g.setLayoutAlgorithm(new SpringLayoutAlgorithm(LayoutStyles.NO_LAYOUT_NODE_RESIZING), true);

		while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
			while (!d.readAndDispatch()) {

