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Release Resolved Community Contributions
11 Feb. 2009
12 bugs Alphonse van Assche contributed many fixes for our RPM specfile editor as well as integration of rpmlint error and warning parsing. Phil Muldoon contributed his Systemtap editor and helped with ChangeLog bug fixes. Kent Sebastian picked up Keith Seitz's work on OProfile and worked with Elliott Baron to create a framework for profiling tools. Elliott contributed his work on integrating the Valgrind suite of tools into the IDE. Alexander Kurtakov contributed many fixes to our RPM specfile editor as well as making the initial RPM Stubby work usable. Nick Boldt helped us immensely as we got our release engineering processes straightened out. Jeff Johnston contributed his work on integrating the GNU Autotools with the CDT. Jeff also contributed his work on bridging the gap between API documentation and the CDT's hover help with his libhover work.
pre-0.1 69 bugs Prior to our 0.1 release, Remy Chi Jian Suen helped us out with proper execution environments for our plugins among other things. Phil Muldoon contributed his ChangeLog plugin. Kyu Lee then contributed an editor for ChangeLog files. Keith Seitz contributed his OProfile integration plugins. Igor Foox helped out a great deal getting our RPM specfile editor started.

New in Linux Tools 0.1

GNU Autotools Support


The Autotools integration plugins add support for a configuration step prior to running the Makefile of existing projects that use a configure or script.


The Autotools plugins add colourized editors for configure scripts including hover help and completion for macros.

Tools Access

Invoking autotools can be done directly from within the IDE. Support is provided for running aclocal, automake, and autoconf.

ChangeLog Tools

Source code parsing

The ChangeLog tools assist in generating ChangeLog entries. Pressing the key combination Ctrl-Alt-c will parse the current file and add a ChangeLog entry in the appropriate ChangeLog file. C, C++, and Java source files are parsed to fill out the method/function.

Repository integration

The ChangeLog tools can generate a ChangeLog entry for projects that use a source code repository. Support is provided for standard providers and has been tested with both CVS and SVN repositories. A ChangeLog entry can be generated for all changes between the local copy and the repository by pressing Ctrl+Alt+p.

Formatting extensibility

The ChangeLog plugin allows extending the ChangeLog format as exemplified by the RPM specfile editor which adds specfile %changelog section formatting invoked via Ctrl-Alt-c.

API Documentation Hover Help


The Libhover plugin adds C library hover help and completion support for various C libraries including glibc and newlib. The plugin provides an extension and a documentation format for adding new C libraries in the future.

OProfile Profiling

New View

The OProfile view is all new as well as much of the backend supplying the data. Events are top level elements allowing multiple events to be shown simultaneously. Double-clicking on a line number node brings up an editor with the source file at the appropriate line (if available). Double-clicking on the default session (named "current") allows it to be saved for future viewing.

New OProfile View UI

One Click Launch

Profiling is as easy as a single click. Right-clicking on a CDT binary, project or editor of a source file will launch the associated project's binary under OProfile with no configuration needed. Configuration is set to appropriate defaults for the user's processor (an event based on execution time) and this configuration is left for the user to customize later. If multiple binaries exist in the project, a dialog will allow the user to select the appropriate one.

Launch Shortcut

New Event Config Tab UI

Allows users of all experience levels with OProfile to take advantage of its powerful profiling capabilities. Default event configuration option. Multiple hardware counters appear as tabs. All unit masks properly displayed with appropriate defaults. Caching of event check results allowing for faster validation. Scrollable composite for events with many unit masks.

Event Config Tab

RPM Stubby


The RPM Stubby plugin assists in generating an RPM specfile for an Eclipse feature by using the data in its feature.xml. The plugin uses the latest best practices for packaging an Eclipse feature as an RPM.

RPM .spec Editor


Completion proposals for RPM Group tags has been added based on the system-installed GROUPS file.

Autocompletion for patches has been fixed to appear only in the %prep section.

Task tags

Task tags support is added with custom defined tags.


Templates for common actions are available. In the example shown here, RPM Requires completions are shown.

Hover help

Both system- and file-defined variable definitions are displayed when hovering over their usage.

Quick fixes

Quick fixes for the following rpmlint warnings have been added:

  • HardcodedPackagerTag
  • HardcodedPrefixTag
  • NoCleanSection
  • NoInstallSection
  • NoPrepSection

Systemtap Editor

Probe completion

The Systemtap script editor provides probe completion suggestions for Systemtap scripts.

Syntax highlighting

While editing Systemtap scripts, syntax highlighting showing script conformance is shown.

Code folding

Logical sections of Systemtap scripts can be collapsed to increase readability.

Valgrind Profiling


Profiling with Valgrind is done through the launch framework and can be accessed via the "Profile As" menu item in the Run and context menus.


Support for Memcheck, the memory error-checking tool, includes a tree view of errors and their corresponding stack trace. Stack frames can be double-clicked to show the given line in an editor. Markers annotate the corresponding source code.


Massif integration consists of three different forms of output. A table view lists each heap snapshot taken. Of these snapshots, some have more detailed information available, including a call trace of the functions performing heap allocations in each snapshot. This extended information is available in a tree view accessible either by double clicking on a snapshot with the "tree" icon, or by clicking the similar icon in the Valgrind view's toolbar. Within the tree view, allocation functions found in source files can be viewed in an editor by double clicking on the element in the tree. Finally, there is a heap chart displayed in an editor that graphically outlines the information provided in the snapshots. Clicking on a point in the chart selects the snapshot in the table.

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