Eclipse Jetty Programming Guide

The Eclipse Jetty Programming Guide targets developers who want to use the Eclipse Jetty libraries in their applications.

The Eclipse Jetty libraries provide the client-side and server-side APIs to work with various web protocols such as HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3, WebSocket and FastCGI.

You may use the Eclipse Jetty client-side library in your application to make calls to third party REST services, or to other REST microservices in your system.

Likewise, you may use the Eclipse Jetty server-side library to quickly create an HTTP or REST service without having to create a web application archive file (a *.war file) and without having to deploy it a Jetty standalone server that you would have to download and install.

This guide will walk you through the design of the Eclipse Jetty libraries and how to use its classes to write your applications.

Client Libraries

The Eclipse Jetty Project provides client-side libraries that allow you to embed a client in your applications. A typical example is a client application that needs to contact a third party service via HTTP (for example a REST service). Another example is a proxy application that receives HTTP requests and forwards them as FCGI requests to a PHP application such as WordPress, or receives HTTP/1.1 requests and converts them to HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. Yet another example is a client application that needs to receive events from a WebSocket server.

The client libraries are designed to be non-blocking and offer both synchronous and asynchronous APIs and come with many configuration options.

These are the available client libraries:

If you are interested in the low-level details of how the Eclipse Jetty client libraries work, or are interested in writing a custom protocol, look at the Client I/O Architecture.

I/O Architecture

The Jetty client libraries provide the basic components and APIs to implement a network client.

They build on the common Jetty I/O Architecture and provide client specific concepts (such as establishing a connection to a server).

There are conceptually two layers that compose the Jetty client libraries:

  1. The network layer, that handles the low level I/O and deals with buffers, threads, etc.

  2. The protocol layer, that handles the parsing of bytes read from the network and the generation of bytes to write to the network.

Network Layer

The Jetty client libraries use the common I/O design described in this section. The main client-side component is the ClientConnector.

The ClientConnector primarily wraps the SelectorManager and aggregates other four components:

  • a thread pool (in form of an java.util.concurrent.Executor)

  • a scheduler (in form of org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Scheduler)

  • a byte buffer pool (in form of

  • a TLS factory (in form of org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.Client)

The ClientConnector is where you want to set those components after you have configured them. If you don’t explicitly set those components on the ClientConnector, then appropriate defaults will be chosen when the ClientConnector starts.

The simplest example that creates and starts a ClientConnector is the following:

ClientConnector clientConnector = new ClientConnector();

A more typical example:

// Create and configure the SslContextFactory.
SslContextFactory.Client sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Client();
sslContextFactory.addExcludeProtocols("TLSv1", "TLSv1.1");

// Create and configure the thread pool.
QueuedThreadPool threadPool = new QueuedThreadPool();

// Create and configure the ClientConnector.
ClientConnector clientConnector = new ClientConnector();

A more advanced example that customizes the ClientConnector by overriding some of its methods:

class CustomClientConnector extends ClientConnector
    protected SelectorManager newSelectorManager()
        return new ClientSelectorManager(getExecutor(), getScheduler(), getSelectors())
            protected void endPointOpened(EndPoint endpoint)
                System.getLogger("endpoint").log(INFO, "opened %s", endpoint);

            protected void endPointClosed(EndPoint endpoint)
                System.getLogger("endpoint").log(INFO, "closed %s", endpoint);

// Create and configure the thread pool.
QueuedThreadPool threadPool = new QueuedThreadPool();

// Create and configure the scheduler.
Scheduler scheduler = new ScheduledExecutorScheduler("scheduler-client", false);

// Create and configure the custom ClientConnector.
CustomClientConnector clientConnector = new CustomClientConnector();

Since ClientConnector is the component that handles the low-level network, it is also the component where you want to configure the low-level network configuration.

The most common parameters are:

  • ClientConnector.selectors: the number of java.nio.Selectors components (defaults to 1) that are present to handle the SocketChannels opened by the ClientConnector. You typically want to increase the number of selectors only for those use cases where each selector should handle more than few hundreds concurrent socket events. For example, one selector typically runs well for 250 concurrent socket events; as a rule of thumb, you can multiply that number by 10 to obtain the number of opened sockets a selector can handle (2500), based on the assumption that not all the 2500 sockets will be active at the same time.

  • ClientConnector.idleTimeout: the duration of time after which ClientConnector closes a socket due to inactivity (defaults to 30 seconds). This is an important parameter to configure, and you typically want the client idle timeout to be shorter than the server idle timeout, to avoid race conditions where the client attempts to use a socket just before the client-side idle timeout expires, but the server-side idle timeout has already expired and the is already closing the socket.

  • ClientConnector.connectBlocking: whether the operation of connecting a socket to the server (i.e. SocketChannel.connect(SocketAddress)) must be a blocking or a non-blocking operation (defaults to false). For localhost or same datacenter hosts you want to set this parameter to true because DNS resolution will be immediate (and likely never fail). For generic Internet hosts (e.g. when you are implementing a web spider) you want to set this parameter to false.

  • ClientConnector.connectTimeout: the duration of time after which ClientConnector aborts a connection attempt to the server (defaults to 5 seconds). This time includes the DNS lookup time and the TCP connect time.

Please refer to the ClientConnector javadocs for the complete list of configurable parameters.

Unix-Domain Support

JEP 380 introduced Unix-Domain sockets support in Java 16, on all operative systems.

ClientConnector can be configured to support Unix-Domain sockets in the following way:

// This is the path where the server "listens" on.
Path unixDomainPath = Path.of("/path/to/server.sock");

// Creates a ClientConnector that uses Unix-Domain
// sockets, not the network, to connect to the server.
ClientConnector clientConnector = ClientConnector.forUnixDomain(unixDomainPath);

You can use Unix-Domain sockets support only when you run your client application with Java 16 or later.

Protocol Layer

The protocol layer builds on top of the network layer to generate the bytes to be written to the network and to parse the bytes read from the network.

Recall from this section that Jetty uses the Connection abstraction to produce and interpret the network bytes.

On the client side, a ClientConnectionFactory implementation is the component that creates Connection instances based on the protocol that the client wants to "speak" with the server.

Applications use ClientConnector.connect(SocketAddress, Map<String, Object>) to establish a TCP connection to the server, and must tell ClientConnector how to create the Connection for that particular TCP connection, and how to notify back the application when the connection creation succeeds or fails.

This is done by passing a ClientConnectionFactory (that creates Connection instances) and a Promise (that is notified of connection creation success or failure) in the context Map as follows:

class CustomConnection extends AbstractConnection
    public CustomConnection(EndPoint endPoint, Executor executor)
        super(endPoint, executor);

    public void onOpen()
        System.getLogger("connection").log(INFO, "Opened connection {0}", this);

    public void onFillable()

ClientConnector clientConnector = new ClientConnector();

String host = "serverHost";
int port = 8080;
SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);

// The ClientConnectionFactory that creates CustomConnection instances.
ClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (endPoint, context) ->
    System.getLogger("connection").log(INFO, "Creating connection for {0}", endPoint);
    return new CustomConnection(endPoint, clientConnector.getExecutor());

// The Promise to notify of connection creation success or failure.
CompletableFuture<CustomConnection> connectionPromise = new Promise.Completable<>();

// Populate the context with the mandatory keys to create and obtain connections.
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
context.put(ClientConnector.CLIENT_CONNECTION_FACTORY_CONTEXT_KEY, connectionFactory);
context.put(ClientConnector.CONNECTION_PROMISE_CONTEXT_KEY, connectionPromise);
clientConnector.connect(address, context);

// Use the Connection when it's available.

// Use it in a non-blocking way via CompletableFuture APIs.
connectionPromise.whenComplete((connection, failure) ->
    System.getLogger("connection").log(INFO, "Created connection for {0}", connection);

// Alternatively, you can block waiting for the connection (or a failure).
// CustomConnection connection = connectionPromise.get();

When a Connection is created successfully, its onOpen() method is invoked, and then the promise is completed successfully.

It is now possible to write a super-simple telnet client that reads and writes string lines:

class TelnetConnection extends AbstractConnection
    private final ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    private Consumer<String> consumer;

    public TelnetConnection(EndPoint endPoint, Executor executor)
        super(endPoint, executor);

    public void onOpen()

        // Declare interest for fill events.

    public void onFillable()
            ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtil.allocate(1024);
            while (true)
                int filled = getEndPoint().fill(buffer);
                if (filled > 0)
                    while (buffer.hasRemaining())
                        // Search for newline.
                        byte read = buffer.get();
                        if (read == '\n')
                            // Notify the consumer of the line.
                else if (filled == 0)
                    // No more bytes to fill, declare
                    // again interest for fill events.
                    // The other peer closed the
                    // connection, close it back.
        catch (Exception x)

    public void onLine(Consumer<String> consumer)
        this.consumer = consumer;

    public void writeLine(String line, Callback callback)
        line = line + "\r\n";
        getEndPoint().write(callback, ByteBuffer.wrap(line.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));

ClientConnector clientConnector = new ClientConnector();

String host = "";
int port = 80;
SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);

ClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (endPoint, context) ->
    new TelnetConnection(endPoint, clientConnector.getExecutor());

CompletableFuture<TelnetConnection> connectionPromise = new Promise.Completable<>();

Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
context.put(ClientConnector.CLIENT_CONNECTION_FACTORY_CONTEXT_KEY, connectionFactory);
context.put(ClientConnector.CONNECTION_PROMISE_CONTEXT_KEY, connectionPromise);
clientConnector.connect(address, context);

connectionPromise.whenComplete((connection, failure) ->
    if (failure == null)
        // Register a listener that receives string lines.
        connection.onLine(line -> System.getLogger("app").log(INFO, "line: {0}", line));

        // Write a line.
        connection.writeLine("" +
            "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" +
            "", Callback.NOOP);

Note how a very basic "telnet" API that applications could use is implemented in the form of the onLine(Consumer<String>) for the non-blocking receiving side and writeLine(String, Callback) for the non-blocking sending side. Note also how the onFillable() method implements some basic "parsing" by looking up the \n character in the buffer.

The "telnet" client above looks like a super-simple HTTP client because HTTP/1.0 can be seen as a line-based protocol. HTTP/1.0 was used just as an example, but we could have used any other line-based protocol such as SMTP, provided that the server was able to understand it.

This is very similar to what the Jetty client implementation does for real network protocols. Real network protocols are of course more complicated and so is the implementation code that handles them, but the general ideas are similar.

The Jetty client implementation provides a number of ClientConnectionFactory implementations that can be composed to produce and interpret the network bytes.

For example, it is simple to modify the above example to use the TLS protocol so that you will be able to connect to the server on port 443, typically reserved for the encrypted HTTP protocol.

The differences between the clear-text version and the TLS encrypted version are minimal:

class TelnetConnection extends AbstractConnection
    private final ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    private Consumer<String> consumer;

    public TelnetConnection(EndPoint endPoint, Executor executor)
        super(endPoint, executor);

    public void onOpen()

        // Declare interest for fill events.

    public void onFillable()
            ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtil.allocate(1024);
            while (true)
                int filled = getEndPoint().fill(buffer);
                if (filled > 0)
                    while (buffer.hasRemaining())
                        // Search for newline.
                        byte read = buffer.get();
                        if (read == '\n')
                            // Notify the consumer of the line.
                else if (filled == 0)
                    // No more bytes to fill, declare
                    // again interest for fill events.
                    // The other peer closed the
                    // connection, close it back.
        catch (Exception x)

    public void onLine(Consumer<String> consumer)
        this.consumer = consumer;

    public void writeLine(String line, Callback callback)
        line = line + "\r\n";
        getEndPoint().write(callback, ByteBuffer.wrap(line.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));

ClientConnector clientConnector = new ClientConnector();

// Use port 443 to contact the server using encrypted HTTP.
String host = "";
int port = 443;
SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);

ClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (endPoint, context) ->
    new TelnetConnection(endPoint, clientConnector.getExecutor());

// Wrap the "telnet" ClientConnectionFactory with the SslClientConnectionFactory.
connectionFactory = new SslClientConnectionFactory(clientConnector.getSslContextFactory(),
    clientConnector.getByteBufferPool(), clientConnector.getExecutor(), connectionFactory);

// We will obtain a SslConnection now.
CompletableFuture<SslConnection> connectionPromise = new Promise.Completable<>();

Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
context.put(ClientConnector.CLIENT_CONNECTION_FACTORY_CONTEXT_KEY, connectionFactory);
context.put(ClientConnector.CONNECTION_PROMISE_CONTEXT_KEY, connectionPromise);
clientConnector.connect(address, context);

connectionPromise.whenComplete((sslConnection, failure) ->
    if (failure == null)
        // Unwrap the SslConnection to access the "line" APIs in TelnetConnection.
        TelnetConnection connection = (TelnetConnection)sslConnection.getDecryptedEndPoint().getConnection();
        // Register a listener that receives string lines.
        connection.onLine(line -> System.getLogger("app").log(INFO, "line: {0}", line));

        // Write a line.
        connection.writeLine("" +
            "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" +
            "", Callback.NOOP);

The differences with the clear-text version are only:

  • Change the port from 80 to 443.

  • Wrap the ClientConnectionFactory with SslClientConnectionFactory.

  • Unwrap the SslConnection to access TelnetConnection.

HTTP Client

HttpClient Introduction

The Jetty HTTP client module provides easy-to-use APIs and utility classes to perform HTTP (or HTTPS) requests.

Jetty’s HTTP client is non-blocking and asynchronous. It offers an asynchronous API that never blocks for I/O, making it very efficient in thread utilization and well suited for high performance scenarios such as load testing or parallel computation.

However, when all you need to do is to perform a GET request to a resource, Jetty’s HTTP client offers also a synchronous API; a programming interface where the thread that issued the request blocks until the request/response conversation is complete.

Jetty’s HTTP client supports different transports protocols: HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3 and FastCGI. This means that the semantic of an HTTP request such as: " GET the resource /index.html " can be carried over the network in different formats. The most common and default format is HTTP/1.1. That said, Jetty’s HTTP client can carry the same request using the HTTP/2 format, the HTTP/3 format, or the FastCGI format.

Furthermore, every transport protocol can be sent either over the network or via Unix-Domain sockets. Supports for Unix-Domain sockets requires Java 16 or later, since Unix-Domain sockets support has been introduced in OpenJDK with JEP 380.

The FastCGI transport is heavily used in Jetty’s FastCGI support that allows Jetty to work as a reverse proxy to PHP (exactly like Apache or Nginx do) and therefore be able to serve, for example, WordPress websites, often in conjunction with Unix-Domain sockets (although it’s possible to use FastCGI via network too).

The HTTP/2 transport allows Jetty’s HTTP client to perform requests using HTTP/2 to HTTP/2 enabled web sites, see also Jetty’s HTTP/2 support.

The HTTP/3 transport allows Jetty’s HTTP client to perform requests using HTTP/3 to HTTP/3 enabled web sites, see also Jetty’s HTTP/3 support.

Out of the box features that you get with the Jetty HTTP client include:

  • Redirect support — redirect codes such as 302 or 303 are automatically followed.

  • Cookies support — cookies sent by servers are stored and sent back to servers in matching requests.

  • Authentication support — HTTP "Basic", "Digest" and "SPNEGO" authentications are supported, others are pluggable.

  • Forward proxy support — HTTP proxying and SOCKS4 proxying.

Starting HttpClient

The Jetty artifact that provides the main HTTP client implementation is jetty-client. The Maven artifact coordinates are the following:


The main class is named org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient.

You can think of a HttpClient instance as a browser instance. Like a browser it can make requests to different domains, it manages redirects, cookies and authentication, you can configure it with a proxy, and it provides you with the responses to the requests you make.

In order to use HttpClient, you must instantiate it, configure it, and then start it:

// Instantiate HttpClient.
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

// Configure HttpClient, for example:

// Start HttpClient.

You may create multiple instances of HttpClient, but typically one instance is enough for an application. There are several reasons for having multiple HttpClient instances including, but not limited to:

  • You want to specify different configuration parameters (for example, one instance is configured with a forward proxy while another is not).

  • You want the two instances to behave like two different browsers and hence have different cookies, different authentication credentials, etc.

  • You want to use different transports.

Like browsers, HTTPS requests are supported out-of-the-box (see this section for the TLS configuration), as long as the server provides a valid certificate. In case the server does not provide a valid certificate (or in case it is self-signed) you want to customize HttpClient's TLS configuration as described in this section.

Stopping HttpClient

It is recommended that when your application stops, you also stop the HttpClient instance (or instances) that you are using.

// Stop HttpClient.

Stopping HttpClient makes sure that the memory it holds (for example, authentication credentials, cookies, etc.) is released, and that the thread pool and scheduler are properly stopped allowing all threads used by HttpClient to exit.

You cannot call HttpClient.stop() from one of its own threads, as it would cause a deadlock. It is recommended that you stop HttpClient from an unrelated thread, or from a newly allocated thread, for example:

// Stop HttpClient from a new thread.
// Use LifeCycle.stop(...) to rethrow checked exceptions as unchecked.
new Thread(() -> LifeCycle.stop(httpClient)).start();

HttpClient Architecture

A HttpClient instance can be thought as a browser instance, and it manages the following components:

A destination is the client-side component that represents an origin server, and manages a queue of requests for that origin, and a pool of TCP connections to that origin.

An origin may be simply thought as the tuple (scheme, host, port) and it is where the client connects to in order to communicate with the server. However, this is not enough.

If you use HttpClient to write a proxy you may have different clients that want to contact the same server. In this case, you may not want to use the same proxy-to-server connection to proxy requests for both clients, for example for authentication reasons: the server may associate the connection with authentication credentials and you do not want to use the same connection for two different users that have different credentials. Instead, you want to use different connections for different clients and this can be achieved by "tagging" a destination with a tag object that represents the remote client (for example, it could be the remote client IP address).

Two origins with the same (scheme, host, port) but different tag create two different destinations and therefore two different connection pools. However, also this is not enough.

It is possible for a server to speak different protocols on the same port. A connection may start by speaking one protocol, for example HTTP/1.1, but then be upgraded to speak a different protocol, for example HTTP/2. After a connection has been upgraded to a second protocol, it cannot speak the first protocol anymore, so it can only be used to communicate using the second protocol.

Two origins with the same (scheme, host, port) but different protocol create two different destinations and therefore two different connection pools.

Therefore an origin is identified by the tuple (scheme, host, port, tag, protocol).

HttpClient Connection Pooling

A destination manages a org.eclipse.jetty.client.ConnectionPool, where connections to a particular origin are pooled for performance reasons: opening a connection is a costly operation and it’s better to reuse them for multiple requests.

Remember that to select a specific destination you must select a specific origin, and that an origin is identified by the tuple (scheme, host, port, tag, protocol), so you can have multiple destinations for the same host and port.

You can access the ConnectionPool in this way:

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

ConnectionPool connectionPool = httpClient.getDestinations().stream()
    // Cast to HttpDestination.
    // Find the destination by filtering on the Origin.
    .filter(destination -> destination.getOrigin().getAddress().getHost().equals(""))
    // Get the ConnectionPool.

Jetty’s client library provides the following ConnectionPool implementations:

  • DuplexConnectionPool, historically the first implementation, only used by the HTTP/1.1 transport.

  • MultiplexConnectionPool, the generic implementation valid for any transport where connections are reused with a MRU (most recently used) algorithm (that is, the connections most recently returned to the connection pool are the more likely to be used again).

  • RoundRobinConnectionPool, similar to MultiplexConnectionPool but where connections are reused with a round-robin algorithm.

The ConnectionPool implementation can be customized for each destination in by setting a ConnectionPool.Factory on the HttpClientTransport:

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

// The max number of connections in the pool.
int maxConnectionsPerDestination = httpClient.getMaxConnectionsPerDestination();

// The max number of requests per connection (multiplexing).
// Start with 1, since this value is dynamically set to larger values if
// the transport supports multiplexing requests on the same connection.
int maxRequestsPerConnection = 1;

HttpClientTransport transport = httpClient.getTransport();

// Set the ConnectionPool.Factory using a lambda.
transport.setConnectionPoolFactory(destination ->
    new RoundRobinConnectionPool(destination,

HttpClient Request Processing


When a request is sent, an origin is computed from the request; HttpClient uses that origin to find (or create if it does not exist) the correspondent destination. The request is then queued onto the destination, and this causes the destination to ask its connection pool for a free connection. If a connection is available, it is returned, otherwise a new connection is created. Once the destination has obtained the connection, it dequeues the request and sends it over the connection.

The first request to a destination triggers the opening of the first connection. A second request with the same origin sent after the first request/response cycle is completed may reuse the same connection, depending on the connection pool implementation. A second request with the same origin sent concurrently with the first request will likely cause the opening of a second connection, depending on the connection pool implementation. The configuration parameter HttpClient.maxConnectionsPerDestination (see also the configuration section) controls the max number of connections that can be opened for a destination.

If opening connections to a given origin takes a long time, then requests for that origin will queue up in the corresponding destination until the connections are established.

Each connection can handle a limited number of concurrent requests. For HTTP/1.1, this number is always 1: there can only be one outstanding request for each connection. For HTTP/2 this number is determined by the server max_concurrent_stream setting (typically around 100, i.e. there can be up to 100 outstanding requests for every connection).

When a destination has maxed out its number of connections, and all connections have maxed out their number of outstanding requests, more requests sent to that destination will be queued. When the request queue is full, the request will be failed. The configuration parameter HttpClient.maxRequestsQueuedPerDestination (see also the configuration section) controls the max number of requests that can be queued for a destination.

HttpClient API Usage

HttpClient provides two types of APIs: a blocking API and a non-blocking API.

HttpClient Blocking APIs

The simpler way to perform a HTTP request is the following:

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

// Perform a simple GET and wait for the response.
ContentResponse response = httpClient.GET("");

The method HttpClient.GET(…​) performs a HTTP GET request to the given URI and returns a ContentResponse when the request/response conversation completes successfully.

The ContentResponse object contains the HTTP response information: status code, headers and possibly content. The content length is limited by default to 2 MiB; for larger content see the section on response content handling.

If you want to customize the request, for example by issuing a HEAD request instead of a GET, and simulating a browser user agent, you can do it in this way:

ContentResponse response = httpClient.newRequest("")
    .agent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0")

This is a shorthand for:

Request request = httpClient.newRequest("");
request.agent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0");
ContentResponse response = request.send();

You first create a request object using httpClient.newRequest(…​), and then you customize it using the fluent API style (that is, a chained invocation of methods on the request object). When the request object is customized, you call request.send() that produces the ContentResponse when the request/response conversation is complete.

The Request object, despite being mutable, cannot be reused for other requests. This is true also when trying to send two or more identical requests: you have to create two or more Request objects.

Simple POST requests also have a shortcut method:

ContentResponse response = httpClient.POST("")
    .param("p", "value")

The POST parameter values added via the param() method are automatically URL-encoded.

Jetty’s HttpClient automatically follows redirects, so it handles the typical web pattern POST/Redirect/GET, and the response object contains the content of the response of the GET request. Following redirects is a feature that you can enable/disable on a per-request basis or globally.

File uploads also require one line, and make use of java.nio.file classes:

ContentResponse response = httpClient.POST("")
    .file(Paths.get("file_to_upload.txt"), "text/plain")

It is possible to impose a total timeout for the request/response conversation using the Request.timeout(…​) method as follows:

ContentResponse response = httpClient.newRequest("")
    .timeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

In the example above, when the 5 seconds expire, the request/response cycle is aborted and a java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException is thrown.

HttpClient Non-Blocking APIs

So far we have shown how to use Jetty HTTP client in a blocking style — that is, the thread that issues the request blocks until the request/response conversation is complete.

This section will look at Jetty’s HttpClient non-blocking, asynchronous APIs that are perfectly suited for large content downloads, for parallel processing of requests/responses and in cases where performance and efficient thread and resource utilization is a key factor.

The asynchronous APIs rely heavily on listeners that are invoked at various stages of request and response processing. These listeners are implemented by applications and may perform any kind of logic. The implementation invokes these listeners in the same thread that is used to process the request or response. Therefore, if the application code in these listeners takes a long time to execute, the request or response processing is delayed until the listener returns.

If you need to execute application code that takes long time inside a listener, you must spawn your own thread.

Request and response processing are executed by two different threads and therefore may happen concurrently. A typical example of this concurrent processing is an echo server, where a large upload may be concurrent with the large download echoed back.

Remember that responses may be processed and completed before requests; a typical example is a large upload that triggers a quick response, for example an error, by the server: the response may arrive and be completed while the request content is still being uploaded.

The application thread that calls Request.send(Response.CompleteListener) performs the processing of the request until either the request is fully sent over the network or until it would block on I/O, then it returns (and therefore never blocks). If it would block on I/O, the thread asks the I/O system to emit an event when the I/O will be ready to continue, then returns. When such an event is fired, a thread taken from the HttpClient thread pool will resume the processing of the request.

Response are processed from the I/O thread taken from the HttpClient thread pool that processes the event that bytes are ready to be read. Response processing continues until either the response is fully processed or until it would block for I/O. If it would block for I/O, the thread asks the I/O system to emit an event when the I/O will be ready to continue, then returns. When such an event is fired, a (possibly different) thread taken from the HttpClient thread pool will resume the processing of the response.

When the request and the response are both fully processed, the thread that finished the last processing (usually the thread that processes the response, but may also be the thread that processes the request — if the request takes more time than the response to be processed) is used to dequeue the next request for the same destination and to process it.

A simple non-blocking GET request that discards the response content can be written in this way:

    .send(result ->
        // Your logic here

Method Request.send(Response.CompleteListener) returns void and does not block; the Response.CompleteListener lambda provided as a parameter is notified when the request/response conversation is complete, and the Result parameter allows you to access the request and response objects as well as failures, if any.

You can impose a total timeout for the request/response conversation in the same way used by the synchronous API:

    .timeout(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .send(result ->
        /* Your logic here */

The example above will impose a total timeout of 3 seconds on the request/response conversation.

The HTTP client APIs use listeners extensively to provide hooks for all possible request and response events:

    // Add request hooks.
    .onRequestQueued(request -> { /* ... */ })
    .onRequestBegin(request -> { /* ... */ })
    .onRequestHeaders(request -> { /* ... */ })
    .onRequestCommit(request -> { /* ... */ })
    .onRequestContent((request, content) -> { /* ... */ })
    .onRequestFailure((request, failure) -> { /* ... */ })
    .onRequestSuccess(request -> { /* ... */ })
    // Add response hooks.
    .onResponseBegin(response -> { /* ... */ })
    .onResponseHeader((response, field) -> true)
    .onResponseHeaders(response -> { /* ... */ })
    .onResponseContentAsync((response, buffer, callback) -> callback.succeeded())
    .onResponseFailure((response, failure) -> { /* ... */ })
    .onResponseSuccess(response -> { /* ... */ })
    // Result hook.
    .send(result -> { /* ... */ });

This makes Jetty HTTP client suitable for HTTP load testing because, for example, you can accurately time every step of the request/response conversation (thus knowing where the request/response time is really spent).

Have a look at the Request.Listener class to know about request events, and to the Response.Listener class to know about response events.

Request Content Handling

Jetty’s HttpClient provides a number of utility classes off the shelf to handle request content.

You can provide request content as String, byte[], ByteBuffer, java.nio.file.Path, InputStream, and provide your own implementation of org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Request.Content. Here’s an example that provides the request content using java.nio.file.Paths:

ContentResponse response = httpClient.POST("")
    .body(new PathRequestContent("text/plain", Paths.get("file_to_upload.txt")))

Alternatively, you can use FileInputStream via the InputStreamRequestContent utility class:

ContentResponse response = httpClient.POST("")
    .body(new InputStreamRequestContent("text/plain", new FileInputStream("file_to_upload.txt")))

Since InputStream is blocking, then also the send of the request will block if the input stream blocks, even in case of usage of the non-blocking HttpClient APIs.

If you have already read the content in memory, you can pass it as a byte[] (or a String) using the BytesRequestContent (or StringRequestContent) utility class:

ContentResponse bytesResponse = httpClient.POST("")
    .body(new BytesRequestContent("text/plain", bytes))

ContentResponse stringResponse = httpClient.POST("")
    .body(new StringRequestContent("text/plain", string))

If the request content is not immediately available, but your application will be notified of the content to send, you can use AsyncRequestContent in this way:

AsyncRequestContent content = new AsyncRequestContent();
    .send(result ->
        // Your logic here

// Content not available yet here.

// An event happens in some other class, in some other thread.
class ContentPublisher
    void publish(ByteBufferPool bufferPool, byte[] bytes, boolean lastContent)
        // Wrap the bytes into a new ByteBuffer.
        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);

        // Offer the content, and release the ByteBuffer
        // to the pool when the Callback is completed.
        content.offer(buffer, Callback.from(() -> bufferPool.release(buffer)));

        // Close AsyncRequestContent when all the content is arrived.
        if (lastContent)

While the request content is awaited and consequently uploaded by the client application, the server may be able to respond (at least with the response headers) completely asynchronously. In this case, Response.Listener callbacks will be invoked before the request is fully sent. This allows fine-grained control of the request/response conversation: for example the server may reject contents that are too big, send a response to the client, which in turn may stop the content upload.

Another way to provide request content is by using an OutputStreamRequestContent, which allows applications to write request content when it is available to the OutputStream provided by OutputStreamRequestContent:

OutputStreamRequestContent content = new OutputStreamRequestContent();

// Use try-with-resources to close the OutputStream when all content is written.
try (OutputStream output = content.getOutputStream())
        .send(result ->
            // Your logic here

    // Content not available yet here.

    // Content is now available.
    byte[] bytes = new byte[]{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
// End of try-with-resource, output.close() called automatically to signal end of content.
Response Content Handling

Jetty’s HttpClient allows applications to handle response content in different ways.

You can buffer the response content in memory; this is done when using the blocking APIs and the content is buffered within a ContentResponse up to 2 MiB.

If you want to control the length of the response content (for example limiting to values smaller than the default of 2 MiB), then you can use a org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.FutureResponseListener in this way:

Request request = httpClient.newRequest("");

// Limit response content buffer to 512 KiB.
FutureResponseListener listener = new FutureResponseListener(request, 512 * 1024);


// Wait at most 5 seconds for request+response to complete.
ContentResponse response = listener.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

If the response content length is exceeded, the response will be aborted, and an exception will be thrown by method get(…​).

You can buffer the response content in memory also using the non-blocking APIs, via the BufferingResponseListener utility class:

    // Buffer response content up to 8 MiB
    .send(new BufferingResponseListener(8 * 1024 * 1024)
        public void onComplete(Result result)
            if (!result.isFailed())
                byte[] responseContent = getContent();
                // Your logic here

If you want to avoid buffering, you can wait for the response and then stream the content using the InputStreamResponseListener utility class:

InputStreamResponseListener listener = new InputStreamResponseListener();

// Wait for the response headers to arrive.
Response response = listener.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

// Look at the response before streaming the content.
if (response.getStatus() == HttpStatus.OK_200)
    // Use try-with-resources to close input stream.
    try (InputStream responseContent = listener.getInputStream())
        // Your logic here
    response.abort(new IOException("Unexpected HTTP response"));

Finally, let’s look at the advanced usage of the response content handling.

The response content is provided by the HttpClient implementation to application listeners following a reactive model similar to that of java.util.concurrent.Flow.

The listener that follows this model is Response.DemandedContentListener.

After the response headers have been processed by the HttpClient implementation, Response.DemandedContentListener.onBeforeContent(response, demand) is invoked. This allows the application to control whether to demand the first content or not. The default implementation of this method calls demand.accept(1), which demands one chunk of content to the implementation. The implementation will deliver the chunk of content as soon as it is available.

The chunks of content are delivered to the application by invoking Response.DemandedContentListener.onContent(response, demand, buffer, callback). Applications implement this method to process the content bytes in the buffer. Succeeding the callback signals to the implementation that the application has consumed the buffer so that the implementation can dispose/recycle the buffer. Failing the callback signals to the implementation to fail the response (no more content will be delivered, and the response failed event will be emitted).

Succeeding the callback must be done only after the buffer bytes have been consumed. When the callback is succeeded, the HttpClient implementation may reuse the buffer and overwrite the bytes with different bytes; if the application looks at the buffer after having succeeded the callback is may see other, unrelated, bytes.

The application uses the demand object to demand more content chunks. Applications will typically demand for just one more content via demand.accept(1), but may decide to demand for more via demand.accept(2) or demand "infinitely" once via demand.accept(Long.MAX_VALUE). Applications that demand for more than 1 chunk of content must be prepared to receive all the content that they have demanded.

Demanding for content and consuming the content are orthogonal activities.

An application can demand "infinitely" and store aside the pairs (buffer, callback) to consume them later. If not done carefully, this may lead to excessive memory consumption, since the buffers are not consumed. Succeeding the callbacks will result in the buffers to be disposed/recycled and may be performed at any time.

An application can also demand one chunk of content, consume it (by succeeding the associated callback) and then not demand for more content until a later time.

Subclass Response.AsyncContentListener overrides the behavior of Response.DemandedContentListener; when an application implementing its onContent(response, buffer, callback) succeeds the callback, it will have both the effect of disposing/recycling the buffer and the effect of demanding one more chunk of content.

Subclass Response.ContentListener overrides the behavior of Response.AsyncContentListener; when an application implementing its onContent(response, buffer) returns from the method itself, it will both the effect of disposing/recycling the buffer and the effect of demanding one more chunk of content.

Previous examples of response content handling were inefficient because they involved copying the buffer bytes, either to accumulate them aside so that the application could use them when the request was completed, or because they were provided to an API such as InputStream that made use of byte[] (and therefore a copy from ByteBuffer to byte[] is necessary).

An application that implements a forwarder between two servers can be implemented efficiently by handling the response content without copying the buffer bytes as in the following example:

// Prepare a request to server1, the source.
Request request1 = httpClient.newRequest(host1, port1)

// Prepare a request to server2, the sink.
AsyncRequestContent content2 = new AsyncRequestContent();
Request request2 = httpClient.newRequest(host2, port2)

request1.onResponseContentDemanded(new Response.DemandedContentListener()
    public void onBeforeContent(Response response, LongConsumer demand)
        request2.onRequestCommit(request ->
            // Only when the request to server2 has been sent,
            // then demand response content from server1.

        // Send the request to server2.
        request2.send(result -> System.getLogger("forwarder").log(INFO, "Forwarding to server2 complete"));

    public void onContent(Response response, LongConsumer demand, ByteBuffer content, Callback callback)
        // When response content is received from server1, forward it to server2.
        content2.offer(content, Callback.from(() ->
            // When the request content to server2 is sent,
            // succeed the callback to recycle the buffer.
            // Then demand more response content from server1.
        }, callback::failed));

// When the response content from server1 is complete,
// complete also the request content to server2.
request1.onResponseSuccess(response -> content2.close());

// Send the request to server1.
request1.send(result -> System.getLogger("forwarder").log(INFO, "Sourcing from server1 complete"));

HttpClient Configuration

HttpClient has a quite large number of configuration parameters. Please refer to the HttpClient javadocs for the complete list of configurable parameters.

The most common parameters are:

  • HttpClient.idleTimeout: same as ClientConnector.idleTimeout described in this section.

  • HttpClient.connectBlocking: same as ClientConnector.connectBlocking described in this section.

  • HttpClient.connectTimeout: same as ClientConnector.connectTimeout described in this section.

  • HttpClient.maxConnectionsPerDestination: the max number of TCP connections that are opened for a particular destination (defaults to 64).

  • HttpClient.maxRequestsQueuedPerDestination: the max number of requests queued (defaults to 1024).

HttpClient TLS Configuration

HttpClient supports HTTPS requests out-of-the-box like a browser does.

The support for HTTPS request is provided by a SslContextFactory.Client instance, typically configured in the ClientConnector. If not explicitly configured, the ClientConnector will allocate a default one when started.

SslContextFactory.Client sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Client();

ClientConnector clientConnector = new ClientConnector();

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(new HttpClientTransportDynamic(clientConnector));

The default SslContextFactory.Client verifies the certificate sent by the server by verifying the validity of the certificate with respect to the certificate chain, the expiration date, the server host name, etc. This means that requests to public websites that have a valid certificate (such as will work out-of-the-box, without the need to specify a KeyStore or a TrustStore.

However, requests made to sites that return an invalid or a self-signed certificate will fail (like they will in a browser). An invalid certificate may be expired or have the wrong server host name; a self-signed certificate has a certificate chain that cannot be verified.

The validation of the server host name present in the certificate is important, to guarantee that the client is connected indeed with the intended server.

The validation of the server host name is performed at two levels: at the TLS level (in the JDK) and, optionally, at the application level.

By default, the validation of the server host name at the TLS level is enabled, while it is disabled at the application level.

You can configure the SslContextFactory.Client to skip the validation of the server host name at the TLS level:

SslContextFactory.Client sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Client();
// Disable the validation of the server host name at the TLS level.

When you disable the validation of the server host name at the TLS level, you are strongly recommended to enable it at the application level, otherwise you may risk to connect to a server different from the one you intend to connect to:

SslContextFactory.Client sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Client();
// Only allow to connect to subdomains of
sslContextFactory.setHostnameVerifier((hostName, session) -> hostName.endsWith(""));

You may have the validation of the server host name enabled at both the TLS level and application level, typically when you want to further restrict the client to connect only to a smaller set of server hosts than those allowed in the certificate sent by the server.

Please refer to the SslContextFactory.Client javadocs for the complete list of configurable parameters.

Jetty’s HttpClient supports cookies out of the box.

The HttpClient instance receives cookies from HTTP responses and stores them in a, a class that is part of the JDK. When new requests are made, the cookie store is consulted and if there are matching cookies (that is, cookies that are not expired and that match domain and path of the request) then they are added to the requests.

Applications can programmatically access the cookie store to find the cookies that have been set:

CookieStore cookieStore = httpClient.getCookieStore();
List<HttpCookie> cookies = cookieStore.get(URI.create(""));

Applications can also programmatically set cookies as if they were returned from a HTTP response:

CookieStore cookieStore = httpClient.getCookieStore();
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("foo", "bar");
cookieStore.add(URI.create(""), cookie);

Cookies may be added explicitly only for a particular request:

ContentResponse response = httpClient.newRequest("")
    .cookie(new HttpCookie("foo", "bar"))

You can remove cookies that you do not want to be sent in future HTTP requests:

CookieStore cookieStore = httpClient.getCookieStore();
URI uri = URI.create("");
List<HttpCookie> cookies = cookieStore.get(uri);
for (HttpCookie cookie : cookies)
    cookieStore.remove(uri, cookie);

If you want to totally disable cookie handling, you can install a HttpCookieStore.Empty. This must be done when HttpClient is used in a proxy application, in this way:

httpClient.setCookieStore(new HttpCookieStore.Empty());

You can enable cookie filtering by installing a cookie store that performs the filtering logic in this way:

class GoogleOnlyCookieStore extends HttpCookieStore
    public void add(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie)
        if (uri.getHost().endsWith(""))
            super.add(uri, cookie);

httpClient.setCookieStore(new GoogleOnlyCookieStore());

The example above will retain only cookies that come from the domain or sub-domains.

Special Characters in Cookies

Jetty is compliant with RFC6265, and as such care must be taken when setting a cookie value that includes special characters such as ;.

Previously, Version=1 cookies defined in RFC2109 (and continued in RFC2965) allowed for special/reserved characters to be enclosed within double quotes when declared in a Set-Cookie response header:

Set-Cookie: foo="bar;baz";Version=1;Path="/secur"

This was added to the HTTP Response as follows:

protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    javax.servlet.http.Cookie cookie = new Cookie("foo", "bar;baz");

The introduction of RFC6265 has rendered this approach no longer possible; users are now required to encode cookie values that use these special characters. This can be done utilizing jakarta.servlet.http.Cookie as follows:

javax.servlet.http.Cookie cookie = new Cookie("foo", URLEncoder.encode("bar;baz", "UTF-8"));

Jetty validates all cookie names and values being added to the HttpServletResponse via the addCookie(Cookie) method. If an illegal value is discovered Jetty will throw an IllegalArgumentException with the details.

HttpClient Authentication Support

Jetty’s HttpClient supports the BASIC and DIGEST authentication mechanisms defined by RFC 7235, as well as the SPNEGO authentication mechanism defined in RFC 4559.

The HTTP conversation, the sequence of related HTTP requests, for a request that needs authentication is the following:


Upon receiving a HTTP 401 response code, HttpClient looks at the WWW-Authenticate response header (the server challenge) and then tries to match configured authentication credentials to produce an Authentication header that contains the authentication credentials to access the resource.

You can configure authentication credentials in the HttpClient instance as follows:

// Add authentication credentials.
AuthenticationStore auth = httpClient.getAuthenticationStore();

URI uri1 = new URI("");
auth.addAuthentication(new BasicAuthentication(uri1, "MyRealm", "userName1", "password1"));

URI uri2 = new URI("");
auth.addAuthentication(new BasicAuthentication(uri1, "AdminRealm", "admin", "password"));

Authentications are matched against the server challenge first by mechanism (e.g. BASIC or DIGEST), then by realm and then by URI.

If an Authentication match is found, the application does not receive events related to the HTTP 401 response. These events are handled internally by HttpClient which produces another (internal) request similar to the original request but with an additional Authorization header.

If the authentication is successful, the server responds with a HTTP 200 and HttpClient caches the Authentication.Result so that subsequent requests for a matching URI will not incur in the additional rountrip caused by the HTTP 401 response.

It is possible to clear Authentication.Results in order to force authentication again:


Authentication results may be preempted to avoid the additional roundtrip due to the server challenge in this way:

AuthenticationStore auth = httpClient.getAuthenticationStore();
URI uri = URI.create("");
auth.addAuthenticationResult(new BasicAuthentication.BasicResult(uri, "username", "password"));

In this way, requests for the given URI are enriched immediately with the Authorization header, and the server should respond with HTTP 200 (and the resource content) rather than with the 401 and the challenge.

It is also possible to preempt the authentication for a single request only, in this way:

URI uri = URI.create("");
Authentication.Result authn = new BasicAuthentication.BasicResult(uri, "username", "password");
Request request = httpClient.newRequest(uri);

See also the proxy authentication section for further information about how authentication works with HTTP proxies.

HttpClient Proxy Support

Jetty’s HttpClient can be configured to use proxies to connect to destinations.

These types of proxies are available out of the box:

  • HTTP proxy (provided by class org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpProxy)

  • SOCKS 4 proxy (provided by class org.eclipse.jetty.client.Socks4Proxy)

  • SOCKS 5 proxy (provided by class org.eclipse.jetty.client.Socks5Proxy)

Other implementations may be written by subclassing ProxyConfiguration.Proxy.

The following is a typical configuration:

HttpProxy proxy = new HttpProxy("proxyHost", 8888);

// Do not proxy requests for localhost:8080.

// Add the new proxy to the list of proxies already registered.
ProxyConfiguration proxyConfig = httpClient.getProxyConfiguration();

ContentResponse response = httpClient.GET("");

You specify the proxy host and proxy port, and optionally also the addresses that you do not want to be proxied, and then add the proxy configuration on the ProxyConfiguration instance.

Configured in this way, HttpClient makes requests to the HTTP proxy (for plain-text HTTP requests) or establishes a tunnel via HTTP CONNECT (for encrypted HTTPS requests).

Proxying is supported for any version of the HTTP protocol.

SOCKS5 Proxy Support

SOCKS 5 (defined in RFC 1928) offers choices for authentication methods and supports IPv6 (things that SOCKS 4 does not support).

A typical SOCKS 5 proxy configuration with the username/password authentication method is the following:

Socks5Proxy proxy = new Socks5Proxy("proxyHost", 8888);
String socks5User = "jetty";
String socks5Pass = "secret";
var socks5AuthenticationFactory = new Socks5.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFactory(socks5User, socks5Pass);
// Add the authentication method to the proxy.

// Do not proxy requests for localhost:8080.

// Add the new proxy to the list of proxies already registered.
ProxyConfiguration proxyConfig = httpClient.getProxyConfiguration();

ContentResponse response = httpClient.GET("");
HTTP Proxy Authentication Support

Jetty’s HttpClient supports HTTP proxy authentication in the same way it supports server authentication.

In the example below, the HTTP proxy requires BASIC authentication, but the server requires DIGEST authentication, and therefore:

AuthenticationStore auth = httpClient.getAuthenticationStore();

// Proxy credentials.
URI proxyURI = new URI("");
auth.addAuthentication(new BasicAuthentication(proxyURI, "ProxyRealm", "proxyUser", "proxyPass"));

// Server credentials.
URI serverURI = new URI("");
auth.addAuthentication(new DigestAuthentication(serverURI, "ServerRealm", "serverUser", "serverPass"));

// Proxy configuration.
ProxyConfiguration proxyConfig = httpClient.getProxyConfiguration();
HttpProxy proxy = new HttpProxy("", 8080);

ContentResponse response = httpClient.newRequest(serverURI).send();

The HTTP conversation for successful authentications on both the proxy and the server is the following:


The application does not receive events related to the responses with code 407 and 401 since they are handled internally by HttpClient.

Similarly to the authentication section, the proxy authentication result and the server authentication result can be preempted to avoid, respectively, the 407 and 401 roundtrips.

HttpClient Pluggable Transports

Jetty’s HttpClient can be configured to use different transport protocols to carry the semantic of HTTP requests and responses.

This means that the intention of a client to request resource /index.html using the GET method can be carried over the network in different formats.

An HttpClient transport is the component that is in charge of converting a high-level, semantic, HTTP requests such as " GET resource /index.html " into the specific format understood by the server (for example, HTTP/2 or HTTP/3), and to convert the server response from the specific format (HTTP/2 or HTTP/3) into high-level, semantic objects that can be used by applications.

The most common protocol format is HTTP/1.1, a textual protocol with lines separated by \r\n:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n

However, the same request can be made using FastCGI, a binary protocol:

x01 x01 x00 x01 x00 x08 x00 x00
x00 x01 x01 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00
x01 x04 x00 x01 xLL xLL x00 x00
x0C x0B  D   O   C   U   M   E
 N   T   _   U   R   I   /   i
 n   d   e   x   .   h   t   m

Similarly, HTTP/2 is a binary protocol that transports the same information in a yet different format via TCP, while HTTP/3 is a binary protocol that transports the same information in yet another format via UDP.

A protocol may be negotiated between client and server. A request for a resource may be sent using one protocol (for example, HTTP/1.1), but the response may arrive in a different protocol (for example, HTTP/2).

HttpClient supports these static transports, each speaking only one protocol:

  • HTTP/1.1 (both clear-text and TLS encrypted)

  • HTTP/2 (both clear-text and TLS encrypted)

  • HTTP/3 (only encrypted via QUIC+TLS)

  • FastCGI (both clear-text and TLS encrypted)

HttpClient also supports one dynamic transport, that can speak different protocols and can select the right protocol by negotiating it with the server or by explicit indication from applications.

Furthermore, every transport protocol can be sent either over the network or via Unix-Domain sockets. Supports for Unix-Domain sockets requires Java 16 or later, since Unix-Domain sockets support has been introduced in OpenJDK with JEP 380.

Applications are typically not aware of the actual protocol being used. This allows them to write their logic against a high-level API that hides the details of the specific protocol being used over the network.

HTTP/1.1 Transport

HTTP/1.1 is the default transport.

// No transport specified, using default.
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

If you want to customize the HTTP/1.1 transport, you can explicitly configure it in this way:

// Configure HTTP/1.1 transport.
HttpClientTransportOverHTTP transport = new HttpClientTransportOverHTTP();

HttpClient client = new HttpClient(transport);
HTTP/2 Transport

The HTTP/2 transport can be configured in this way:

// The HTTP2Client powers the HTTP/2 transport.
HTTP2Client h2Client = new HTTP2Client();
h2Client.setInitialSessionRecvWindow(64 * 1024 * 1024);

// Create and configure the HTTP/2 transport.
HttpClientTransportOverHTTP2 transport = new HttpClientTransportOverHTTP2(h2Client);

HttpClient client = new HttpClient(transport);

HTTP2Client is the lower-level client that provides an API based on HTTP/2 concepts such as sessions, streams and frames that are specific to HTTP/2. See the HTTP/2 client section for more information.

HttpClientTransportOverHTTP2 uses HTTP2Client to format high-level semantic HTTP requests (like "GET resource /index.html") into the HTTP/2 specific format.

HTTP/3 Transport

The HTTP/3 transport can be configured in this way:

// The HTTP3Client powers the HTTP/3 transport.
HTTP3Client h3Client = new HTTP3Client();
h3Client.getQuicConfiguration().setSessionRecvWindow(64 * 1024 * 1024);

// Create and configure the HTTP/3 transport.
HttpClientTransportOverHTTP3 transport = new HttpClientTransportOverHTTP3(h3Client);

HttpClient client = new HttpClient(transport);

HTTP3Client is the lower-level client that provides an API based on HTTP/3 concepts such as sessions, streams and frames that are specific to HTTP/3. See the HTTP/3 client section for more information.

HttpClientTransportOverHTTP3 uses HTTP3Client to format high-level semantic HTTP requests (like "GET resource /index.html") into the HTTP/3 specific format.

FastCGI Transport

The FastCGI transport can be configured in this way:

String scriptRoot = "/var/www/wordpress";
HttpClientTransportOverFCGI transport = new HttpClientTransportOverFCGI(scriptRoot);

HttpClient client = new HttpClient(transport);

In order to make requests using the FastCGI transport, you need to have a FastCGI server such as PHP-FPM (see also link:

The FastCGI transport is primarily used by Jetty’s FastCGI support to serve PHP pages (WordPress for example).

Dynamic Transport

The static transports work well if you know in advance the protocol you want to speak with the server, or if the server only supports one protocol (such as FastCGI).

With the advent of HTTP/2 and HTTP/3, however, servers are now able to support multiple protocols, at least both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.

The HTTP/2 protocol is typically negotiated between client and server. This negotiation can happen via ALPN, a TLS extension that allows the client to tell the server the list of protocol that the client supports, so that the server can pick one of the client supported protocols that also the server supports; or via HTTP/1.1 upgrade by means of the Upgrade header.

Applications can configure the dynamic transport with one or more application protocols such as HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2. The implementation will take care of using TLS for HTTPS URIs, using ALPN if necessary, negotiating protocols, upgrading from one protocol to another, etc.

By default, the dynamic transport only speaks HTTP/1.1:

// Dynamic transport speaks HTTP/1.1 by default.
HttpClientTransportDynamic transport = new HttpClientTransportDynamic();

HttpClient client = new HttpClient(transport);

The dynamic transport can be configured with just one protocol, making it equivalent to the corresponding static transport:

ClientConnector connector = new ClientConnector();

// Equivalent to HttpClientTransportOverHTTP.
HttpClientTransportDynamic http11Transport = new HttpClientTransportDynamic(connector, HttpClientConnectionFactory.HTTP11);

// Equivalent to HttpClientTransportOverHTTP2.
HTTP2Client http2Client = new HTTP2Client(connector);
HttpClientTransportDynamic http2Transport = new HttpClientTransportDynamic(connector, new ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2.HTTP2(http2Client));

The dynamic transport, however, has been implemented to support multiple transports, in particular both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2:

ClientConnector connector = new ClientConnector();

ClientConnectionFactory.Info http1 = HttpClientConnectionFactory.HTTP11;

HTTP2Client http2Client = new HTTP2Client(connector);
ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2.HTTP2 http2 = new ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2.HTTP2(http2Client);

HttpClientTransportDynamic transport = new HttpClientTransportDynamic(connector, http1, http2);

HttpClient client = new HttpClient(transport);
The order in which the protocols are specified to HttpClientTransportDynamic indicates what is the client preference.
When using TLS (i.e. URIs with the https scheme), the application protocol is negotiated between client and server via ALPN, and it is the server that decides what is the application protocol to use for the communication, regardless of the client preference.

When clear-text communication is used (i.e. URIs with the http scheme) there is no application protocol negotiation, and therefore the application must know a priori whether the server supports the protocol or not. For example, if the server only supports clear-text HTTP/2, and HttpClientTransportDynamic is configured as in the example above, the client will send, by default, a clear-text HTTP/1.1 request to a clear-text HTTP/2 only server, which will result in a communication failure.

Provided that the server supports both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 clear-text, client applications can explicitly hint the version they want to use:

ClientConnector connector = new ClientConnector();
ClientConnectionFactory.Info http1 = HttpClientConnectionFactory.HTTP11;
HTTP2Client http2Client = new HTTP2Client(connector);
ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2.HTTP2 http2 = new ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2.HTTP2(http2Client);
HttpClientTransportDynamic transport = new HttpClientTransportDynamic(connector, http1, http2);
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(transport);

// The server supports both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 clear-text on port 8080.

// Make a clear-text request without explicit version.
// The first protocol specified to HttpClientTransportDynamic
// is picked, in this example will be HTTP/1.1.
ContentResponse http1Response = client.newRequest("host", 8080).send();

// Make a clear-text request with explicit version.
// Clear-text HTTP/2 is used for this request.
ContentResponse http2Response = client.newRequest("host", 8080)
    // Specify the version explicitly.

// Make a clear-text upgrade request from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2.
// The request will start as HTTP/1.1, but the response will be HTTP/2.
ContentResponse upgradedResponse = client.newRequest("host", 8080)
    .headers(headers -> headers
        .put(HttpHeader.UPGRADE, "h2c")
        .put(HttpHeader.HTTP2_SETTINGS, "")
        .put(HttpHeader.CONNECTION, "Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings"))

In case of TLS encrypted communication using the https scheme, things are a little more complicated.

If the client application explicitly specifies the HTTP version, then ALPN is not used by the client. By specifying the HTTP version explicitly, the client application has prior-knowledge of what HTTP version the server supports, and therefore ALPN is not needed. If the server does not support the HTTP version chosen by the client, then the communication will fail.

If the client application does not explicitly specify the HTTP version, then ALPN will be used by the client. If the server also supports ALPN, then the protocol will be negotiated via ALPN and the server will choose the protocol to use. If the server does not support ALPN, the client will try to use the first protocol configured in HttpClientTransportDynamic, and the communication may succeed or fail depending on whether the server supports the protocol chosen by the client.

Unix-Domain Configuration

All the transports can be configured with a ClientConnector, the component that is responsible for the transmission of the bytes generated by the transport to the server.

By default, ClientConnector uses TCP networking to send bytes to the server and receive bytes from the server.

When you are using Java 16 or later, ClientConnector also support Unix-Domain sockets, and every transport can be configured to use Unix-Domain sockets instead of TCP networking.

To configure Unix-Domain sockets, you can create a ClientConnector instance in the following way:

// This is the path where the server "listens" on.
Path unixDomainPath = Path.of("/path/to/server.sock");

// Creates a ClientConnector that uses Unix-Domain
// sockets, not the network, to connect to the server.
ClientConnector unixDomainClientConnector = ClientConnector.forUnixDomain(unixDomainPath);

// Use Unix-Domain for HTTP/1.1.
HttpClientTransportOverHTTP http1Transport = new HttpClientTransportOverHTTP(unixDomainClientConnector);

// You can use Unix-Domain also for HTTP/2.
HTTP2Client http2Client = new HTTP2Client(unixDomainClientConnector);
HttpClientTransportOverHTTP2 http2Transport = new HttpClientTransportOverHTTP2(http2Client);

// You can also use UnixDomain for the dynamic transport.
ClientConnectionFactory.Info http1 = HttpClientConnectionFactory.HTTP11;
ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2.HTTP2 http2 = new ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2.HTTP2(http2Client);
HttpClientTransportDynamic dynamicTransport = new HttpClientTransportDynamic(unixDomainClientConnector, http1, http2);

// Choose the transport you prefer for HttpClient, for example the dynamic transport.
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(dynamicTransport);

You can use Unix-Domain sockets support only when you run your client application with Java 16 or later.

You can configure a Jetty server to use Unix-Domain sockets, as explained in this section.

HTTP/2 Client Library

In the vast majority of cases, client applications should use the generic, high-level, HTTP client library that also provides HTTP/2 support via the pluggable HTTP/2 transport or the dynamic transport.

The high-level HTTP library supports cookies, authentication, redirection, connection pooling and a number of other features that are absent in the low-level HTTP/2 library.

The HTTP/2 client library has been designed for those applications that need low-level access to HTTP/2 features such as sessions, streams and frames, and this is quite a rare use case.

See also the correspondent HTTP/2 server library.

Introducing HTTP2Client

The Maven artifact coordinates for the HTTP/2 client library are the following:


The main class is named org.eclipse.jetty.http2.client.HTTP2Client, and must be created, configured and started before use:

// Instantiate HTTP2Client.
HTTP2Client http2Client = new HTTP2Client();

// Configure HTTP2Client, for example:

// Start HTTP2Client.

When your application stops, or otherwise does not need HTTP2Client anymore, it should stop the HTTP2Client instance (or instances) that were started:

// Stop HTTP2Client.

HTTP2Client allows client applications to connect to an HTTP/2 server. A session represents a single TCP connection to an HTTP/2 server and is defined by class org.eclipse.jetty.http2.api.Session. A session typically has a long life — once the TCP connection is established, it remains open until it is not used anymore (and therefore it is closed by the idle timeout mechanism), until a fatal error occurs (for example, a network failure), or if one of the peers decides unilaterally to close the TCP connection.

HTTP/2 is a multiplexed protocol: it allows multiple HTTP/2 requests to be sent on the same TCP connection, or session. Each request/response cycle is represented by a stream. Therefore, a single session manages multiple concurrent streams. A stream has typically a very short life compared to the session: a stream only exists for the duration of the request/response cycle and then disappears.

HTTP/2 Flow Control

The HTTP/2 protocol is flow controlled (see the specification). This means that a sender and a receiver maintain a flow control window that tracks the number of data bytes sent and received, respectively. When a sender sends data bytes, it reduces its flow control window. When a receiver receives data bytes, it also reduces its flow control window, and then passes the received data bytes to the application. The application consumes the data bytes and tells back the receiver that it has consumed the data bytes. The receiver then enlarges the flow control window, and arranges to send a message to the sender with the number of bytes consumed, so that the sender can enlarge its flow control window.

A sender can send data bytes up to its whole flow control window, then it must stop sending until it receives a message from the receiver that the data bytes have been consumed, which enlarges the flow control window, which allows the sender to send more data bytes.

HTTP/2 defines two flow control windows: one for each session, and one for each stream. Let’s see with an example how they interact, assuming that in this example the session flow control window is 120 bytes and the stream flow control window is 100 bytes.

The sender opens a session, and then opens stream_1 on that session, and sends 80 data bytes. At this point the session flow control window is 40 bytes (120 - 80), and stream_1's flow control window is 20 bytes (100 - 80). The sender now opens stream_2 on the same session and sends 40 data bytes. At this point, the session flow control window is 0 bytes (40 - 40), while stream_2's flow control window is 60 (100 - 40). Since now the session flow control window is 0, the sender cannot send more data bytes, neither on stream_1 nor on stream_2 despite both have their stream flow control windows greater than 0.

The receiver consumes stream_2's 40 data bytes and sends a message to the sender with this information. At this point, the session flow control window is 40 (0 40), stream_1's flow control window is still 20 and stream_2's flow control window is 100 (60 40). If the sender opens stream_3 and would like to send 50 data bytes, it would only be able to send 40 because that is the maximum allowed by the session flow control window at this point.

It is therefore very important that applications notify the fact that they have consumed data bytes as soon as possible, so that the implementation (the receiver) can send a message to the sender (in the form of a WINDOW_UPDATE frame) with the information to enlarge the flow control window, therefore reducing the possibility that sender stalls due to the flow control windows being reduced to 0.

How a client application should handle HTTP/2 flow control is discussed in details in this section.

Connecting to the Server

The first thing an application should do is to connect to the server and obtain a Session. The following example connects to the server on a clear-text port:

// Address of the server's clear-text port.
SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080);

// Connect to the server, the CompletableFuture will be
// notified when the connection is succeeded (or failed).
CompletableFuture<Session> sessionCF = http2Client.connect(serverAddress, new Session.Listener.Adapter());

// Block to obtain the Session.
// Alternatively you can use the CompletableFuture APIs to avoid blocking.
Session session = sessionCF.get();

The following example connects to the server on an encrypted port:

HTTP2Client http2Client = new HTTP2Client();

ClientConnector connector = http2Client.getClientConnector();

// Address of the server's encrypted port.
SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8443);

// Connect to the server, the CompletableFuture will be
// notified when the connection is succeeded (or failed).
CompletableFuture<Session> sessionCF = http2Client.connect(connector.getSslContextFactory(), serverAddress, new Session.Listener.Adapter());

// Block to obtain the Session.
// Alternatively you can use the CompletableFuture APIs to avoid blocking.
Session session = sessionCF.get();
Applications must know in advance whether they want to connect to a clear-text or encrypted port, and pass the SslContextFactory parameter accordingly to the connect(…​) method.

Configuring the Session

The connect(…​) method takes a Session.Listener parameter. This listener’s onPreface(…​) method is invoked just before establishing the connection to the server to gather the client configuration to send to the server. Client applications can override this method to change the default configuration:

SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080);
http2Client.connect(serverAddress, new Session.Listener.Adapter()
    public Map<Integer, Integer> onPreface(Session session)
        Map<Integer, Integer> configuration = new HashMap<>();

        // Disable push from the server.
        configuration.put(SettingsFrame.ENABLE_PUSH, 0);

        // Override HTTP2Client.initialStreamRecvWindow for this session.
        configuration.put(SettingsFrame.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, 1024 * 1024);

        return configuration;

The Session.Listener is notified of session events originated by the server such as receiving a SETTINGS frame from the server, or the server closing the connection, or the client timing out the connection due to idleness. Please refer to the Session.Listener javadocs for the complete list of events.

Once a Session has been established, the communication with the server happens by exchanging frames, as specified in the HTTP/2 specification.

Sending a Request

Sending an HTTP request to the server, and receiving a response, creates a stream that encapsulates the exchange of HTTP/2 frames that compose the request and the response.

In order to send an HTTP request to the server, the client must send a HEADERS frame. HEADERS frames carry the request method, the request URI and the request headers. Sending the HEADERS frame opens the Stream:

SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080);
CompletableFuture<Session> sessionCF = http2Client.connect(serverAddress, new Session.Listener.Adapter());
Session session = sessionCF.get();

// Configure the request headers.
HttpFields requestHeaders =
    .put(HttpHeader.USER_AGENT, "Jetty HTTP2Client 11.0.20");

// The request metadata with method, URI and headers.
MetaData.Request request = new MetaData.Request("GET", HttpURI.from("http://localhost:8080/path"), HttpVersion.HTTP_2, requestHeaders);

// The HTTP/2 HEADERS frame, with endStream=true
// to signal that this request has no content.
HeadersFrame headersFrame = new HeadersFrame(request, null, true);

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
session.newStream(headersFrame, new Stream.Listener.Adapter());

Note how Session.newStream(…​) takes a Stream.Listener parameter. This listener is notified of stream events originated by the server such as receiving HEADERS or DATA frames that are part of the response, discussed in more details in the section below. Please refer to the Stream.Listener javadocs for the complete list of events.

HTTP requests may have content, which is sent using the Stream APIs:

SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080);
CompletableFuture<Session> sessionCF = http2Client.connect(serverAddress, new Session.Listener.Adapter());
Session session = sessionCF.get();

// Configure the request headers.
HttpFields requestHeaders =
    .put(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");

// The request metadata with method, URI and headers.
MetaData.Request request = new MetaData.Request("POST", HttpURI.from("http://localhost:8080/path"), HttpVersion.HTTP_2, requestHeaders);

// The HTTP/2 HEADERS frame, with endStream=false to
// signal that there will be more frames in this stream.
HeadersFrame headersFrame = new HeadersFrame(request, null, false);

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
CompletableFuture<Stream> streamCF = session.newStream(headersFrame, new Stream.Listener.Adapter());

// Block to obtain the Stream.
// Alternatively you can use the CompletableFuture APIs to avoid blocking.
Stream stream = streamCF.get();

// The request content, in two chunks.
String content1 = "{\"greet\": \"hello world\"}";
ByteBuffer buffer1 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.encode(content1);
String content2 = "{\"user\": \"jetty\"}";
ByteBuffer buffer2 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.encode(content2);

// Send the first DATA frame on the stream, with endStream=false
// to signal that there are more frames in this stream.
CompletableFuture<Stream> dataCF1 = DataFrame(stream.getId(), buffer1, false));

// Only when the first chunk has been sent we can send the second,
// with endStream=true to signal that there are no more frames.
dataCF1.thenCompose(s -> DataFrame(s.getId(), buffer2, true)));
When sending two DATA frames consecutively, the second call to…​) must be done only when the first is completed, or a WritePendingException will be thrown. Use the Callback APIs or CompletableFuture APIs to ensure that the second…​) call is performed when the first completed successfully.

Receiving a Response

Response events are delivered to the Stream.Listener passed to Session.newStream(…​).

An HTTP response is typically composed of a HEADERS frame containing the HTTP status code and the response headers, and optionally one or more DATA frames containing the response content bytes.

The HTTP/2 protocol also supports response trailers (that is, headers that are sent after the response content) that also are sent using a HEADERS frame.

A client application can therefore receive the HTTP/2 frames sent by the server by implementing the relevant methods in Stream.Listener:

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
session.newStream(headersFrame, new Stream.Listener.Adapter()
    public void onHeaders(Stream stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        MetaData metaData = frame.getMetaData();

        // Is this HEADERS frame the response or the trailers?
        if (metaData.isResponse())
            MetaData.Response response = (MetaData.Response)metaData;
            System.getLogger("http2").log(INFO, "Received response {0}", response);
            System.getLogger("http2").log(INFO, "Received trailers {0}", metaData.getFields());

    public void onData(Stream stream, DataFrame frame, Callback callback)
        // Get the content buffer.
        ByteBuffer buffer = frame.getData();

        // Consume the buffer, here - as an example - just log it.
        System.getLogger("http2").log(INFO, "Consuming buffer {0}", buffer);

        // Tell the implementation that the buffer has been consumed.

        // By returning from the method, implicitly tell the implementation
        // to deliver to this method more DATA frames when they are available.
Returning from the onData(…​) method implicitly demands for more DATA frames (unless the one just delivered was the last). Additional DATA frames may be delivered immediately if they are available or later, asynchronously, when they arrive.

Applications that consume the content buffer within onData(…​) (for example, writing it to a file, or copying the bytes to another storage) should succeed the callback as soon as they have consumed the content buffer. This allows the implementation to reuse the buffer, reducing the memory requirements needed to handle the content buffers.

Alternatively, a client application may store away both the buffer and the callback to consume the buffer bytes later, or pass both the buffer and the callback to another asynchronous API (this is typical in proxy applications).

Completing the Callback is very important not only to allow the implementation to reuse the buffer, but also tells the implementation to enlarge the stream and session flow control windows so that the sender will be able to send more DATA frames without stalling.

Applications can also precisely control when to demand more DATA frames, by implementing the onDataDemanded(…​) method instead of onData(…​):

class Chunk
    private final ByteBuffer buffer;
    private final Callback callback;

    Chunk(ByteBuffer buffer, Callback callback)
        this.buffer = buffer;
        this.callback = callback;

// A queue that consumers poll to consume content asynchronously.
Queue<Chunk> dataQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();

// Implementation of Stream.Listener.onDataDemanded(...)
// in case of asynchronous content consumption and demand.
Stream.Listener listener = new Stream.Listener.Adapter()
    public void onDataDemanded(Stream stream, DataFrame frame, Callback callback)
        // Get the content buffer.
        ByteBuffer buffer = frame.getData();

        // Store buffer to consume it asynchronously, and wrap the callback.
        dataQueue.offer(new Chunk(buffer, Callback.from(() ->
            // When the buffer has been consumed, then:
            // A) succeed the nested callback.
            // B) demand more DATA frames.
        }, callback::failed)));

        // Do not demand more content here, to avoid to overflow the queue.
Applications that implement onDataDemanded(…​) must remember to call Stream.demand(…​). If they don’t, the implementation will not deliver DATA frames and the application will stall threadlessly until an idle timeout fires to close the stream or the session.

Resetting a Request or Response

In HTTP/2, clients and servers have the ability to tell to the other peer that they are not interested anymore in either the request or the response, using a RST_STREAM frame.

The HTTP2Client APIs allow client applications to send and receive this "reset" frame:

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
CompletableFuture<Stream> streamCF = session.newStream(headersFrame, new Stream.Listener.Adapter()
    public void onReset(Stream stream, ResetFrame frame)
        // The server reset this stream.
Stream stream = streamCF.get();

// Reset this stream (for example, the user closed the application).
stream.reset(new ResetFrame(stream.getId(), ErrorCode.CANCEL_STREAM_ERROR.code), Callback.NOOP);

Receiving HTTP/2 Pushes

HTTP/2 servers have the ability to push resources related to a primary resource. When an HTTP/2 server pushes a resource, it sends to the client a PUSH_PROMISE frame that contains the request URI and headers that a client would use to request explicitly that resource.

Client applications can be configured to tell the server to never push resources, see this section.

Client applications can listen to the push events, and act accordingly:

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
CompletableFuture<Stream> streamCF = session.newStream(headersFrame, new Stream.Listener.Adapter()
    public Stream.Listener onPush(Stream pushedStream, PushPromiseFrame frame)
        // The "request" the client would make for the pushed resource.
        MetaData.Request pushedRequest = frame.getMetaData();
        // The pushed "request" URI.
        HttpURI pushedURI = pushedRequest.getURI();
        // The pushed "request" headers.
        HttpFields pushedRequestHeaders = pushedRequest.getFields();

        // If needed, retrieve the primary stream that triggered the push.
        Stream primaryStream = pushedStream.getSession().getStream(frame.getStreamId());

        // Return a Stream.Listener to listen for the pushed "response" events.
        return new Stream.Listener.Adapter()
            public void onHeaders(Stream stream, HeadersFrame frame)
                // Handle the pushed stream "response".

                MetaData metaData = frame.getMetaData();
                if (metaData.isResponse())
                    // The pushed "response" headers.
                    HttpFields pushedResponseHeaders = metaData.getFields();

            public void onData(Stream stream, DataFrame frame, Callback callback)
                // Handle the pushed stream "response" content.

                // The pushed stream "response" content bytes.
                ByteBuffer buffer = frame.getData();
                // Consume the buffer and complete the callback.

If a client application does not want to handle a particular HTTP/2 push, it can just reset the pushed stream to tell the server to stop sending bytes for the pushed stream:

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
CompletableFuture<Stream> streamCF = session.newStream(headersFrame, new Stream.Listener.Adapter()
    public Stream.Listener onPush(Stream pushedStream, PushPromiseFrame frame)
        // Reset the pushed stream to tell the server we are not interested.
        pushedStream.reset(new ResetFrame(pushedStream.getId(), ErrorCode.CANCEL_STREAM_ERROR.code), Callback.NOOP);

        // Not interested in listening to pushed response events.
        return null;

HTTP/3 Client Library

In the vast majority of cases, client applications should use the generic, high-level, HTTP client library that also provides HTTP/3 support via the pluggable HTTP/3 transport or the dynamic transport.

The high-level HTTP library supports cookies, authentication, redirection, connection pooling and a number of other features that are absent in the low-level HTTP/3 library.

The HTTP/3 client library has been designed for those applications that need low-level access to HTTP/3 features such as sessions, streams and frames, and this is quite a rare use case.

See also the correspondent HTTP/3 server library.

Introducing HTTP3Client

The Maven artifact coordinates for the HTTP/3 client library are the following:


The main class is named org.eclipse.jetty.http3.client.HTTP3Client, and must be created, configured and started before use:

// Instantiate HTTP3Client.
HTTP3Client http3Client = new HTTP3Client();

// Configure HTTP3Client, for example:

// Start HTTP3Client.

When your application stops, or otherwise does not need HTTP3Client anymore, it should stop the HTTP3Client instance (or instances) that were started:

// Stop HTTP3Client.

HTTP3Client allows client applications to connect to an HTTP/3 server. A session represents a single connection to an HTTP/3 server and is defined by class org.eclipse.jetty.http3.api.Session. A session typically has a long life — once the connection is established, it remains active until it is not used anymore (and therefore it is closed by the idle timeout mechanism), until a fatal error occurs (for example, a network failure), or if one of the peers decides unilaterally to close the connection.

HTTP/3 is a multiplexed protocol because it relies on the multiplexing capabilities of QUIC, the protocol based on UDP that transports HTTP/3 frames. Thanks to multiplexing, multiple HTTP/3 requests are sent on the same QUIC connection, or session. Each request/response cycle is represented by a stream. Therefore, a single session manages multiple concurrent streams. A stream has typically a very short life compared to the session: a stream only exists for the duration of the request/response cycle and then disappears.

Connecting to the Server

The first thing an application should do is to connect to the server and obtain a Session. The following example connects to the server:

// Address of the server's port.
SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8444);

// Connect to the server, the CompletableFuture will be
// notified when the connection is succeeded (or failed).
CompletableFuture<Session.Client> sessionCF = http3Client.connect(serverAddress, new Session.Client.Listener() {});

// Block to obtain the Session.
// Alternatively you can use the CompletableFuture APIs to avoid blocking.
Session session = sessionCF.get();

Configuring the Session

The connect(…​) method takes a Session.Client.Listener parameter. This listener’s onPreface(…​) method is invoked just before establishing the connection to the server to gather the client configuration to send to the server. Client applications can override this method to change the default configuration:

SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8444);
http3Client.connect(serverAddress, new Session.Client.Listener()
    public Map<Long, Long> onPreface(Session session)
        Map<Long, Long> configuration = new HashMap<>();

        // Add here configuration settings.

        return configuration;

The Session.Client.Listener is notified of session events originated by the server such as receiving a SETTINGS frame from the server, or the server closing the connection, or the client timing out the connection due to idleness. Please refer to the Session.Client.Listener javadocs for the complete list of events.

Once a Session has been established, the communication with the server happens by exchanging frames.

Sending a Request

Sending an HTTP request to the server, and receiving a response, creates a stream that encapsulates the exchange of HTTP/3 frames that compose the request and the response.

In order to send an HTTP request to the server, the client must send a HEADERS frame. HEADERS frames carry the request method, the request URI and the request headers. Sending the HEADERS frame opens the Stream:

SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8444);
CompletableFuture<Session.Client> sessionCF = http3Client.connect(serverAddress, new Session.Client.Listener() {});
Session.Client session = sessionCF.get();

// Configure the request headers.
HttpFields requestHeaders =
    .put(HttpHeader.USER_AGENT, "Jetty HTTP3Client 11.0.20");

// The request metadata with method, URI and headers.
MetaData.Request request = new MetaData.Request("GET", HttpURI.from("http://localhost:8444/path"), HttpVersion.HTTP_3, requestHeaders);

// The HTTP/3 HEADERS frame, with endStream=true
// to signal that this request has no content.
HeadersFrame headersFrame = new HeadersFrame(request, true);

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
session.newRequest(headersFrame, new Stream.Client.Listener() {});

Note how Session.newRequest(…​) takes a Stream.Client.Listener parameter. This listener is notified of stream events originated by the server such as receiving HEADERS or DATA frames that are part of the response, discussed in more details in the section below. Please refer to the Stream.Client.Listener javadocs for the complete list of events.

HTTP requests may have content, which is sent using the Stream APIs:

SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8444);
CompletableFuture<Session.Client> sessionCF = http3Client.connect(serverAddress, new Session.Client.Listener() {});
Session.Client session = sessionCF.get();

// Configure the request headers.
HttpFields requestHeaders =
    .put(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");

// The request metadata with method, URI and headers.
MetaData.Request request = new MetaData.Request("POST", HttpURI.from("http://localhost:8444/path"), HttpVersion.HTTP_3, requestHeaders);

// The HTTP/3 HEADERS frame, with endStream=false to
// signal that there will be more frames in this stream.
HeadersFrame headersFrame = new HeadersFrame(request, false);

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
CompletableFuture<Stream> streamCF = session.newRequest(headersFrame, new Stream.Client.Listener() {});

// Block to obtain the Stream.
// Alternatively you can use the CompletableFuture APIs to avoid blocking.
Stream stream = streamCF.get();

// The request content, in two chunks.
String content1 = "{\"greet\": \"hello world\"}";
ByteBuffer buffer1 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.encode(content1);
String content2 = "{\"user\": \"jetty\"}";
ByteBuffer buffer2 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.encode(content2);

// Send the first DATA frame on the stream, with endStream=false
// to signal that there are more frames in this stream.
CompletableFuture<Stream> dataCF1 = DataFrame(buffer1, false));

// Only when the first chunk has been sent we can send the second,
// with endStream=true to signal that there are no more frames.
dataCF1.thenCompose(s -> DataFrame(buffer2, true)));
When sending two DATA frames consecutively, the second call to…​) must be done only when the first is completed, or a WritePendingException will be thrown. Use the CompletableFuture APIs to ensure that the second…​) call is performed when the first completed successfully.

Receiving a Response

Response events are delivered to the Stream.Client.Listener passed to Session.newRequest(…​).

An HTTP response is typically composed of a HEADERS frame containing the HTTP status code and the response headers, and optionally one or more DATA frames containing the response content bytes.

The HTTP/3 protocol also supports response trailers (that is, headers that are sent after the response content) that also are sent using a HEADERS frame.

A client application can therefore receive the HTTP/3 frames sent by the server by implementing the relevant methods in Stream.Client.Listener:

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
session.newRequest(headersFrame, new Stream.Client.Listener()
    public void onResponse(Stream.Client stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        MetaData metaData = frame.getMetaData();
        MetaData.Response response = (MetaData.Response)metaData;
        System.getLogger("http3").log(INFO, "Received response {0}", response);

    public void onDataAvailable(Stream.Client stream)
        // Read a chunk of the content.
        Stream.Data data = stream.readData();
        if (data == null)
            // No data available now, demand to be called back.
            // Process the content.

            // Notify the implementation that the content has been consumed.

            if (!data.isLast())
                // Demand to be called back.

Resetting a Request or Response

In HTTP/3, clients and servers have the ability to tell to the other peer that they are not interested anymore in either the request or the response, by resetting the stream.

The HTTP3Client APIs allow client applications to send and receive this "reset" event:

// Open a Stream by sending the HEADERS frame.
CompletableFuture<Stream> streamCF = session.newRequest(headersFrame, new Stream.Client.Listener()
    public void onFailure(Stream.Client stream, long error, Throwable failure)
        // The server reset this stream.
Stream stream = streamCF.get();

// Reset this stream (for example, the user closed the application).
stream.reset(HTTP3ErrorCode.REQUEST_CANCELLED_ERROR.code(), new ClosedChannelException());

WebSocket Client

Jetty’s WebSocketClient is a more powerful alternative to the WebSocket client provided by the standard JSR 356 javax.websocket APIs.

Similarly to Jetty’s HttpClient, the WebSocketClient is non-blocking and asynchronous, making it very efficient in resource utilization. A synchronous, blocking, API is also offered for simpler cases.

Since the first step of establishing a WebSocket communication is an HTTP request, WebSocketClient makes use of HttpClient and therefore depends on it.

The Maven artifact coordinates are the following:


Starting WebSocketClient

The main class is org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.client.WebSocketClient; you instantiate it, configure it, and then start it like may other Jetty components. This is a minimal example:

// Instantiate WebSocketClient.
WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new WebSocketClient();

// Configure WebSocketClient, for example:
webSocketClient.setMaxTextMessageSize(8 * 1024);

// Start WebSocketClient.

However, it is recommended that you explicitly pass an HttpClient instance to WebSocketClient so that you can have control over the HTTP configuration as well:

// Instantiate and configure HttpClient.
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
// For example, configure a proxy.
httpClient.getProxyConfiguration().addProxy(new HttpProxy("localhost", 8888));

// Instantiate WebSocketClient, passing HttpClient to the constructor.
WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new WebSocketClient(httpClient);
// Configure WebSocketClient, for example:
webSocketClient.setMaxTextMessageSize(8 * 1024);

// Start WebSocketClient; this implicitly starts also HttpClient.

You may create multiple instances of WebSocketClient, but typically one instance is enough for most applications. Creating multiple instances may be necessary for example when you need to specify different configuration parameters for different instances. For example, you may need different instances when you need to configure the HttpClient differently: different transports, different proxies, different cookie stores, different authentications, etc.

The configuration that is not WebSocket specific (such as idle timeout, etc.) should be directly configured on the associated HttpClient instance.

The WebSocket specific configuration can be configured directly on the WebSocketClient instance. Configuring the WebSocketClient allows to give default values to various parameters, whose values may be overridden more specifically, as described in this section.

Refer to the WebSocketClient javadocs for the setter methods available to customize the WebSocket specific configuration.

Stopping WebSocketClient

It is recommended that when your application stops, you also stop the WebSocketClient instance (or instances) that you are using.

Similarly to stopping HttpClient, you want to stop WebSocketClient from a thread that is not owned by WebSocketClient itself, for example:

// Stop WebSocketClient.
// Use LifeCycle.stop(...) to rethrow checked exceptions as unchecked.
new Thread(() -> LifeCycle.stop(webSocketClient)).start();

Connecting to a Remote Host

A WebSocket client may initiate the communication with the server either using HTTP/1.1 or using HTTP/2. The two mechanism are quite different and detailed in the following sections.

Using HTTP/1.1

Initiating a WebSocket communication with a server using HTTP/1.1 is detailed in RFC 6455.

A WebSocket client first establishes a TCP connection to the server, then sends an HTTP/1.1 upgrade request.

If the server supports upgrading to WebSocket, it responds with HTTP status code 101, and then switches the communication over that connection, either incoming or outgoing, to happen using the WebSocket protocol.

When the client receives the HTTP status code 101, it switches the communication over that connection, either incoming or outgoing, to happen using the WebSocket protocol.


In code:

// Use a standard, HTTP/1.1, HttpClient.
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

// Create and start WebSocketClient.
WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new WebSocketClient(httpClient);

// The client-side WebSocket EndPoint that
// receives WebSocket messages from the server.
ClientEndPoint clientEndPoint = new ClientEndPoint();
// The server URI to connect to.
URI serverURI = URI.create("ws://");

// Connect the client EndPoint to the server.
CompletableFuture<Session> clientSessionPromise = webSocketClient.connect(clientEndPoint, serverURI);

WebSocketClient.connect() links the client-side WebSocket endpoint to a specific server URI, and returns a CompletableFuture of an org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session.

The endpoint offers APIs to receive WebSocket data (or errors) from the server, while the session offers APIs to send WebSocket data to the server.

Using HTTP/2

Initiating a WebSocket communication with a server using HTTP/1.1 is detailed in RFC 8441.

A WebSocket client establishes a TCP connection to the server or reuses an existing one currently used for HTTP/2, then sends an HTTP/2 connect request over an HTTP/2 stream.

If the server supports upgrading to WebSocket, it responds with HTTP status code 200, then switches the communication over that stream, either incoming or outgoing, to happen using HTTP/2 DATA frames wrapping WebSocket frames.

When the client receives the HTTP status code 200, it switches the communication over that stream, either incoming or outgoing, to happen using HTTP/2 DATA frames wrapping WebSocket frames.

From an external point of view, it will look like client is sending chunks of an infinite HTTP/2 request upload, and the server is sending chunks of an infinite HTTP/2 response download, as they will exchange HTTP/2 DATA frames; but the HTTP/2 DATA frames will contain each one or more WebSocket frames that both client and server know how to deliver to the respective WebSocket endpoints.

When either WebSocket endpoint decides to terminate the communication, the HTTP/2 stream will be closed as well.


In code:

// Use the HTTP/2 transport for HttpClient.
HTTP2Client http2Client = new HTTP2Client();
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(new HttpClientTransportOverHTTP2(http2Client));

// Create and start WebSocketClient.
WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new WebSocketClient(httpClient);

// The client-side WebSocket EndPoint that
// receives WebSocket messages from the server.
ClientEndPoint clientEndPoint = new ClientEndPoint();
// The server URI to connect to.
URI serverURI = URI.create("wss://");

// Connect the client EndPoint to the server.
CompletableFuture<Session> clientSessionPromise = webSocketClient.connect(clientEndPoint, serverURI);

Alternatively, you can use the dynamic HttpClient transport:

// Use the dynamic HTTP/2 transport for HttpClient.
HTTP2Client http2Client = new HTTP2Client();
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(new HttpClientTransportDynamic(new ClientConnectionFactoryOverHTTP2.HTTP2(http2Client)));

// Create and start WebSocketClient.
WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new WebSocketClient(httpClient);

ClientEndPoint clientEndPoint = new ClientEndPoint();
URI serverURI = URI.create("wss://");

// Connect the client EndPoint to the server.
CompletableFuture<Session> clientSessionPromise = webSocketClient.connect(clientEndPoint, serverURI);
Customizing the Initial HTTP Request

Sometimes you need to add custom cookies, or other HTTP headers, or specify a WebSocket sub-protocol to the HTTP request that initiates the WebSocket communication.

You can do this by using overloaded versions of the WebSocketClient.connect(…​) method:

ClientEndPoint clientEndPoint = new ClientEndPoint();
URI serverURI = URI.create("ws://");

// Create a custom HTTP request.
ClientUpgradeRequest customRequest = new ClientUpgradeRequest();
// Specify a cookie.
customRequest.getCookies().add(new HttpCookie("name", "value"));
// Specify a custom header.
customRequest.setHeader("X-Token", "0123456789ABCDEF");
// Specify a custom sub-protocol.

// Connect the client EndPoint to the server with a custom HTTP request.
CompletableFuture<Session> clientSessionPromise = webSocketClient.connect(clientEndPoint, serverURI, customRequest);
Inspecting the Initial HTTP Response

If you want to inspect the HTTP response returned by the server as a reply to the HTTP request that initiates the WebSocket communication, you may provide a JettyUpgradeListener:

ClientEndPoint clientEndPoint = new ClientEndPoint();
URI serverURI = URI.create("ws://");

// The listener to inspect the HTTP response.
JettyUpgradeListener listener = new JettyUpgradeListener()
    public void onHandshakeResponse(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
        // Inspect the HTTP response here.

// Connect the client EndPoint to the server with a custom HTTP request.
CompletableFuture<Session> clientSessionPromise = webSocketClient.connect(clientEndPoint, serverURI, null, listener);

Jetty WebSocket Architecture

The Jetty WebSocket architecture is organized around the concept of a logical connection between the client and the server.

The connection may be physical, when connecting to the server using HTTP/1.1, as the WebSocket bytes are carried directly by the TCP connection.

The connection may be virtual, when connecting to the server using HTTP/2, as the WebSocket bytes are wrapped into HTTP/2 DATA frames of an HTTP/2 stream. In this case, a single TCP connection may carry several WebSocket virtual connections, each wrapped in its own HTTP/2 stream.

Each side of a WebSocket connection, either client or server, is made of two entities:

  • A WebSocket endpoint, the entity that receives WebSocket events.

  • A WebSocket session, the entity that offers an API to send WebSocket data (and to close the WebSocket connection), as well as to configure WebSocket connection parameters.

WebSocket Endpoints

A WebSocket endpoint is the entity that receives WebSocket events.

The WebSocket events are the following:

  • The connect event. This event is emitted when the WebSocket communication has been successfully established. Applications interested in the connect event receive the WebSocket session so that they can use it to send data to the remote peer.

  • The close event. This event is emitted when the WebSocket communication has been closed. Applications interested in the close event receive a WebSocket status code and an optional close reason message.

  • The error event. This event is emitted when the WebSocket communication encounters a fatal error, such as an I/O error (for example, the network connection has been broken), or a protocol error (for example, the remote peer sends an invalid WebSocket frame). Applications interested in the error event receive a Throwable that represent the error.

  • The message event. The message event is emitted when a WebSocket message is received. Only one thread at a time will be delivering a message event to the onMessage method; the next message event will not be delivered until the previous call to the onMessage method has exited. Endpoints will always be notified of message events in the same order they were received over the network. The message event can be of two types:

    • Textual message event. Applications interested in this type of messages receive a String representing the UTF-8 bytes received.

    • Binary message event. Applications interested in this type of messages receive a byte[] representing the raw bytes received.

Listener Endpoints

A WebSocket endpoint may implement the org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.WebSocketListener interface to receive WebSocket events:

public class ListenerEndPoint implements WebSocketListener (1)
    private Session session;

    public void onWebSocketConnect(Session session)
        // The WebSocket connection is established.

        // Store the session to be able to send data to the remote peer.
        this.session = session;

        // You may configure the session.
        session.setMaxTextMessageSize(16 * 1024);

        // You may immediately send a message to the remote peer.
        session.getRemote().sendString("connected", WriteCallback.NOOP);

    public void onWebSocketClose(int statusCode, String reason)
        // The WebSocket connection is closed.

        // You may dispose resources.

    public void onWebSocketError(Throwable cause)
        // The WebSocket connection failed.

        // You may log the error.

        // You may dispose resources.

    public void onWebSocketText(String message)
        // A WebSocket textual message is received.

        // You may echo it back if it matches certain criteria.
        if (message.startsWith("echo:"))
            session.getRemote().sendString(message.substring("echo:".length()), WriteCallback.NOOP);

    public void onWebSocketBinary(byte[] payload, int offset, int length)
        // A WebSocket binary message is received.

        // Save only PNG images.
        byte[] pngBytes = new byte[]{(byte)0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G'};
        for (int i = 0; i < pngBytes.length; ++i)
            if (pngBytes[i] != payload[offset + i])
        savePNGImage(payload, offset, length);
1 Your listener class implements WebSocketListener.
Message Streaming Reads

If you need to deal with large WebSocket messages, you may reduce the memory usage by streaming the message content. For large WebSocket messages, the memory usage may be large due to the fact that the text or the bytes must be accumulated until the message is complete before delivering the message event.

To stream textual or binary messages, you must implement interface org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.WebSocketPartialListener instead of WebSocketListener.

Interface WebSocketPartialListener exposes one method for textual messages, and one method to binary messages that receive chunks of, respectively, text and bytes that form the whole WebSocket message.

You may accumulate the chunks yourself, or process each chunk as it arrives, or stream the chunks elsewhere, for example:

public class StreamingListenerEndpoint implements WebSocketPartialListener
    private Path textPath;

    public void onWebSocketPartialText(String payload, boolean fin)
        // Forward chunks to external REST service.
        forwardToREST(payload, fin);

    public void onWebSocketPartialBinary(ByteBuffer payload, boolean fin)
        // Save chunks to file.
        appendToFile(payload, fin);
Annotated Endpoints

A WebSocket endpoint may annotate methods with org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotations.* annotations to receive WebSocket events. Each annotated method may take an optional Session argument as its first parameter:

@WebSocket (1)
public class AnnotatedEndPoint
    private Session session;

    @OnWebSocketConnect (2)
    public void onConnect(Session session)
        // The WebSocket connection is established.

        // Store the session to be able to send data to the remote peer.
        this.session = session;

        // You may configure the session.
        session.setMaxTextMessageSize(16 * 1024);

        // You may immediately send a message to the remote peer.
        session.getRemote().sendString("connected", WriteCallback.NOOP);

    @OnWebSocketClose (3)
    public void onClose(int statusCode, String reason)
        // The WebSocket connection is closed.

        // You may dispose resources.

    @OnWebSocketError (4)
    public void onError(Throwable cause)
        // The WebSocket connection failed.

        // You may log the error.

        // You may dispose resources.

    @OnWebSocketMessage (5)
    public void onTextMessage(Session session, String message) (3)
        // A WebSocket textual message is received.

        // You may echo it back if it matches certain criteria.
        if (message.startsWith("echo:"))
            session.getRemote().sendString(message.substring("echo:".length()), WriteCallback.NOOP);

    @OnWebSocketMessage (5)
    public void onBinaryMessage(byte[] payload, int offset, int length)
        // A WebSocket binary message is received.

        // Save only PNG images.
        byte[] pngBytes = new byte[]{(byte)0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G'};
        for (int i = 0; i < pngBytes.length; ++i)
            if (pngBytes[i] != payload[offset + i])
        savePNGImage(payload, offset, length);
1 Use the @WebSocket annotation at the class level to make it a WebSocket endpoint.
2 Use the @OnWebSocketConnect annotation for the connect event. As this is the first event notified to the endpoint, you can configure the Session object.
3 Use the @OnWebSocketClose annotation for the close event. The method may take an optional Session as first parameter.
4 Use the @OnWebSocketError annotation for the error event. The method may take an optional Session as first parameter.
5 Use the @OnWebSocketMessage annotation for the message event, both for textual and binary messages. The method may take an optional Session as first parameter.

For binary messages, you may declare the annotated method with either or these two signatures:

public void methodName(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) { ... }


public void methodName(ByteBuffer buffer) { ... }
Message Streaming Reads

If you need to deal with large WebSocket messages, you may reduce the memory usage by streaming the message content.

To stream textual or binary messages, you still use the @OnWebSocketMessage annotation, but you change the signature of the method to take, respectively a Reader and an InputStream:

public class StreamingAnnotatedEndpoint
    public void onTextMessage(Reader reader)
        // Read chunks and forward.

    public void onBinaryMessage(InputStream stream)
        // Save chunks to file.

Reader or InputStream only offer blocking APIs, so if the remote peers are slow in sending the large WebSocket messages, reading threads may be blocked in[]) or[]), possibly exhausting the thread pool.

WebSocket Session

A WebSocket session is the entity that offers an API to send data to the remote peer, to close the WebSocket connection, and to configure WebSocket connection parameters.

Configuring the Session

You may configure the WebSocket session behavior using the org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session APIs. You want to do this as soon as you have access to the Session object, typically from the connect event handler:

public class ConfigureEndpoint implements WebSocketListener
    public void onWebSocketConnect(Session session)
        // Configure the max length of incoming messages.
        session.setMaxTextMessageSize(16 * 1024);

        // Configure the idle timeout.

The settings that can be configured include:


the maximum size in bytes of a binary message (which may be composed of multiple frames) that can be received.


the maximum size in bytes of a text message (which may be composed of multiple frames) that can be received.


the maximum payload size in bytes of any WebSocket frame that can be received.


the input (read from network/transport layer) buffer size in bytes; it has no relationship with the WebSocket frame size or message size.


the output (write to network/transport layer) buffer size in bytes; it has no relationship to the WebSocket frame size or message size.


whether WebSocket frames are automatically fragmented to respect the maximum frame size.


the duration that a WebSocket connection may remain idle (that is, there is no network traffic, neither in read nor in write) before being closed by the implementation.

Please refer to the Session javadocs for the complete list of configuration APIs.

Sending Data

To send data to the remote peer, you need to obtain the RemoteEndpoint object from the Session, and then use its API to send data.

RemoteEndpoint offers two styles of APIs to send data:

  • Blocking APIs, where the call returns when the data has been sent, or throws an IOException if the data cannot be sent.

  • Non-blocking APIs, where a callback object is notified when the data has been sent, or when there was a failure sending the data.

Blocking APIs

RemoteEndpoint blocking APIs throw IOException:

public class BlockingSendEndpoint
    public void onText(Session session, String text)
        // Obtain the RemoteEndpoint APIs.
        RemoteEndpoint remote = session.getRemote();

            // Send textual data to the remote peer.

            // Send binary data to the remote peer.
            ByteBuffer bytes = readImageFromFile();

            // Send a PING frame to the remote peer.
        catch (IOException x)
            // No need to rethrow or close the session.
            System.getLogger("websocket").log(System.Logger.Level.WARNING, "could not send data", x);

Blocking APIs are simpler to use since they can be invoked one after the other sequentially.

Sending large messages to the remote peer may cause the sending thread to block, possibly exhausting the thread pool. Consider using non-blocking APIs for large messages.

Non-Blocking APIs

RemoteEndpoint non-blocking APIs have an additional callback parameter:

public class NonBlockingSendEndpoint
    public void onText(Session session, String text)
        // Obtain the RemoteEndpoint APIs.
        RemoteEndpoint remote = session.getRemote();

        // Send textual data to the remote peer.
        remote.sendString("data", new WriteCallback() (1)
            public void writeSuccess()
                // Send binary data to the remote peer.
                ByteBuffer bytes = readImageFromFile();
                remote.sendBytes(bytes, new WriteCallback() (2)
                    public void writeSuccess()
                        // Both sends succeeded.

                    public void writeFailed(Throwable x)
                        System.getLogger("websocket").log(System.Logger.Level.WARNING, "could not send binary data", x);

            public void writeFailed(Throwable x)
                // No need to rethrow or close the session.
                System.getLogger("websocket").log(System.Logger.Level.WARNING, "could not send textual data", x);

        // remote.sendString("wrong", WriteCallback.NOOP); // May throw WritePendingException! (3)
1 Non-blocking APIs require a WriteCallback parameter.
2 Note how the second send must be performed from inside the callback.
3 Sequential sends may throw WritePendingException.

Non-blocking APIs are more difficult to use since you are required to meet the following condition:

You cannot initiate another send of any kind until the previous send is completed.

For example, if you have initiated a text send, you cannot initiate a binary send, until the previous send has completed.

Furthermore, if you have initiated a non-blocking send, you cannot initiate a blocking send, until the previous send has completed.

This requirement is necessary to avoid unbounded buffering that could lead to OutOfMemoryErrors.

We strongly recommend that you follow the condition above.

However, there may be cases where you want to explicitly control the number of outgoing buffered messages using RemoteEndpoint.setMaxOutgoingFrames(int).

Remember that trying to control the number of outgoing buffered messages is very difficult and tricky; you may set maxOutgoingFrames=4 and have a situation where 6 threads try to concurrently send messages: threads 1 to 4 will be able to successfully buffer their messages, thread 5 may fail, but thread 6 may succeed because one of the previous threads completed its send. At this point you have an out-of-order message delivery that could be unexpected and very difficult to troubleshoot because it will happen non-deterministically.

While non-blocking APIs are more difficult to use, they don’t block the sender thread and therefore use less resources, which in turn typically allows for greater scalability under load: with respect to blocking APIs, non-blocking APIs need less resources to cope with the same load.

Streaming Send APIs

If you need to send large WebSocket messages, you may reduce the memory usage by streaming the message content.

Both blocking and non-blocking APIs offer sendPartial*(…​) methods that allow you to send a chunk of the whole message at a time, therefore reducing the memory usage since it is not necessary to have the whole message String or byte[] in memory to send it.

Streaming sends using blocking APIs is quite simple:

public class StreamSendBlockingEndpoint
    public void onText(Session session, String text)
            RemoteEndpoint remote = session.getRemote();
            while (true)
                ByteBuffer chunk = readChunkToSend();
                if (chunk == null)
                    // No more bytes, finish the WebSocket message.
                    remote.sendPartialBytes(ByteBuffer.allocate(0), true);
                    // Send the chunk.
                    remote.sendPartialBytes(chunk, false);
        catch (IOException x)

Streaming sends using non-blocking APIs is more complicated, as you should wait (without blocking!) for the callbacks to complete.

Fortunately, Jetty provides you with the IteratingCallback utility class (described in more details in this section) which greatly simplify the use of non-blocking APIs:

public class StreamSendNonBlockingEndpoint
    public void onText(Session session, String text)
        RemoteEndpoint remote = session.getRemote();
        new Sender(remote).iterate();

    private class Sender extends IteratingCallback implements WriteCallback (1)
        private final RemoteEndpoint remote;
        private boolean finished;

        private Sender(RemoteEndpoint remote)
            this.remote = remote;

        protected Action process() throws Throwable (2)
            if (finished)
                return Action.SUCCEEDED;

            ByteBuffer chunk = readChunkToSend();
            if (chunk == null)
                // No more bytes, finish the WebSocket message.
                remote.sendPartialBytes(ByteBuffer.allocate(0), true, this); (3)
                finished = true;
                return Action.SCHEDULED;
                // Send the chunk.
                remote.sendPartialBytes(ByteBuffer.allocate(0), false, this); (3)
                return Action.SCHEDULED;

        public void writeSuccess()
            // When the send succeeds, succeed this IteratingCallback.

        public void writeFailed(Throwable x)
            // When the send fails, fail this IteratingCallback.

        protected void onCompleteFailure(Throwable x)
1 Implementing WriteCallback allows to pass this to sendPartialBytes(…​).
2 The process() method is called iteratively when each sendPartialBytes(…​) is completed.
3 Send the message chunks.
Sending Ping/Pong

The WebSocket protocol defines two special frame, named Ping and Pong that may be interesting to applications for these use cases:

  • Calculate the round-trip time with the remote peer.

  • Keep the connection from being closed due to idle timeout — a heartbeat-like mechanism.

To handle Ping/Pong events, you may implement interface org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.WebSocketPingPongListener.

Ping/Pong events are not supported when using annotations.

Ping frames may contain opaque application bytes, and the WebSocket implementation replies to them with a Pong frame containing the same bytes:

public class RoundTripListenerEndpoint implements WebSocketPingPongListener (1)
    public void onWebSocketConnect(Session session)
        // Send to the remote peer the local nanoTime.
        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(;
        session.getRemote().sendPing(buffer, WriteCallback.NOOP);

    public void onWebSocketPong(ByteBuffer payload)
        // The remote peer echoed back the local nanoTime.
        long start = payload.getLong();

        // Calculate the round-trip time.
        long roundTrip = NanoTime.since(start);
1 The WebSocket endpoint class must implement WebSocketPingPongListener
Closing the Session

When you want to terminate the communication with the remote peer, you close the Session:

public class CloseEndpoint
    public void onText(Session session, String text)
        if ("close".equalsIgnoreCase(text))
            session.close(StatusCode.NORMAL, "bye");

Closing a WebSocket Session carries a status code and a reason message that the remote peer can inspect in the close event handler (see this section).

The reason message is optional, and may be truncated to fit into the WebSocket frame sent to the client. It is best to use short tokens such as "shutdown", or "idle_timeout", etc. or even application specific codes such as "0001" or "00AF" that can be converted by the application into more meaningful messages.

Server Libraries

The Eclipse Jetty Project provides server-side libraries that allow you to configure and start programmatically an HTTP or WebSocket server from a main class, or embed it in your existing application. A typical example is a HTTP server that needs to expose a REST endpoint. Another example is a proxy application that receives HTTP requests, processes them, and then forwards them to third party services, for example using the Jetty client libraries.

While historically Jetty is an HTTP server, it is possible to use the Jetty server-side libraries to write a generic network server that interprets any network protocol (not only HTTP). If you are interested in the low-level details of how the Eclipse Jetty server libraries work, or are interested in writing a custom protocol, look at the Server I/O Architecture.

The Jetty server-side libraries provide:

  • HTTP support for HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, clear-text or encrypted, HTTP/3, for applications that want to embed Jetty as a generic HTTP server or proxy, via the HTTP libraries

  • HTTP/2 low-level support, for applications that want to explicitly handle low-level HTTP/2 sessions, streams and frames, via the HTTP/2 libraries

  • HTTP/3 low-level support, for applications that want to explicitly handle low-level HTTP/3 sessions, streams and frames, via the HTTP/3 libraries

  • WebSocket support, for applications that want to embed a WebSocket server, via the WebSocket libraries

  • FCGI support, to delegate requests to python or similar scripting languages.

Server Compliance Modes

The Jetty server strives to keep up with the latest IETF RFCs for compliance with internet specifications, which are periodically updated.

When possible, Jetty will support backwards compatibility by providing compliance modes that can be configured to allow violations of the current specifications that may have been allowed in obsoleted specifications.

There are compliance modes provided for:

Compliance modes can be configured to allow violations from the RFC requirements, or in some cases to allow additional behaviors that Jetty has implemented in excess of the RFC (for example, to allow ambiguous URIs).

For example, the HTTP RFCs require that request HTTP methods are case sensitive, however Jetty can allow case-insensitive HTTP methods by including the HttpCompliance.Violation.CASE_INSENSITIVE_METHOD in the HttpCompliance set of allowed violations.

HTTP Compliance Modes

In 1995, when Jetty was first implemented, there were no RFC specification of HTTP, only a W3C specification for HTTP/0.9, which has since been obsoleted or augmented by:

In addition to these evolving requirements, some earlier version of Jetty did not completely or strictly implement the RFC at the time (for example, case-insensitive HTTP methods). Therefore, upgrading to a newer Jetty version may cause runtime behavior differences that may break your applications.

The HttpCompliance.Violation enumeration defines the RFC requirements that may be optionally enforced by Jetty, to support legacy deployments. These possible violations are grouped into modes by the HttpCompliance class, which also defines several named modes that support common deployed sets of violations (with the default being HttpCompliance.RFC7230).

For example:

HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();

If you want to customize the violations that you want to allow, you can create your own mode using the HttpCompliance.from(String) method:

HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();

// RFC7230 compliance, but allow Violation.MULTIPLE_CONTENT_LENGTHS.
HttpCompliance customHttpCompliance = HttpCompliance.from("RFC7230,MULTIPLE_CONTENT_LENGTHS");


URI Compliance Modes

Universal Resource Locators (URLs) where initially formalized in 1994 in RFC 1738 and then refined in 1995 with relative URLs by RFC 1808.

In 1998, URLs were generalized to Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) by RFC 2396, which also introduced features such a path parameters.

This was then obsoleted in 2005 by RFC 3986 which removed the definition for path parameters.

Unfortunately by this stage the existence and use of such parameters had already been codified in the Servlet specification. For example, the relative URI /foo/bar;JSESSIONID=a8b38cd02b1c would define the path parameter JSESSIONID for the path segment bar, but the most recent RFC does not specify a formal definition of what this relative URI actually means.

The current situation is that there may be URIs that are entirely valid for RFC 3986, but are ambiguous when handled by the Servlet APIs:

  • A URI with .. and path parameters such as /some/..;/path is not resolved by RFC 3986, since the resolution process only applies to the exact segment .., not to ..;. However, once the path parameters are removed by the Servlet APIs, the resulting /some/../path can easily be resolved to /path, rather than be treated as a path that has ..; as a segment.

  • A URI such as /some/%2e%2e/path is not resolved by RFC 3986, yet when URL-decoded by the Servlet APIs will result in /some/../path which can easily be resolved to /path, rather than be treated as a path that has .. as a segment.

  • A URI with empty segments like /some//../path may be correctly resolved to /some/path (the .. removes the previous empty segment) by the Servlet APIs. However, if the URI raw path is passed to some other APIs (for example, file system APIs) it can be interpreted as /path because the empty segment // is discarded and treated as /, and the .. thus removes the /some segment.

In order to avoid ambiguous URIs, Jetty imposes additional URI requirements in excess of what is required by RFC 3986 compliance.

These additional requirements may optionally be violated and are defined by the UriCompliance.Violation enumeration.

These violations are then grouped into modes by the UriCompliance class, which also defines several named modes that support common deployed sets of violations, with the default being UriCompliance.DEFAULT.

For example:

HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();

If you want to customize the violations that you want to allow, you can create your own mode using the UriCompliance.from(String) method:

HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();

// RFC3986 compliance, but enforce Violation.AMBIGUOUS_PATH_SEPARATOR.
UriCompliance customUriCompliance = UriCompliance.from("RFC3986,-AMBIGUOUS_PATH_SEPARATOR");


The standards for Cookies have varied greatly over time from a non-specified but de-facto standard (implemented by the first browsers), through RFC 2965 and currently to RFC 6265.

The CookieCompliance.Violation enumeration defines the RFC requirements that may be optionally enforced by Jetty when parsing the Cookie HTTP header in requests and when generating the Set-Cookie HTTP header in responses.

These violations are then grouped into modes by the CookieCompliance class, which also defines several named modes that support common deployed sets of violations, with the default being CookieCompliance.RFC6265.

For example:

HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();

If you want to customize the violations that you want to allow, you can create your own mode using the CookieCompliance.from(String) method:

HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();

// RFC6265 compliance, but enforce Violation.RESERVED_NAMES_NOT_DOLLAR_PREFIXED.
CookieCompliance customUriCompliance = CookieCompliance.from("RFC6265,-RESERVED_NAMES_NOT_DOLLAR_PREFIXED");


HTTP Server Libraries

Web application development typically involves writing your web applications, packaging them into a web application archive, the *.war file, and then deploy the *.war file into a standalone Servlet Container that you have previously installed.

The Eclipse Jetty server libraries allow you to write web applications components using either the Jetty APIs (by writing Jetty Handlers) or using the standard Servlet APIs (by writing Servlets and Servlet Filters). These components can then be programmatically assembled together, without the need of creating a *.war file, added to a Jetty Server instance that is then started. This result in your web applications to be available to HTTP clients as if you deployed your *.war files in a standalone Jetty server.

The Maven artifact coordinates are:


An org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server instance is the central component that links together a collection of Connectors and a collection of Handlers, with threads from a ThreadPool doing the work.


The components that accept connections from clients are org.eclipse.jetty.server.Connector implementations.

When a Jetty server interprets the HTTP protocol (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 or HTTP/3), it uses org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler instances to process incoming requests and eventually produce responses.

A Server must be created, configured and started:

// Create and configure a ThreadPool.
QueuedThreadPool threadPool = new QueuedThreadPool();

// Create a Server instance.
Server server = new Server(threadPool);

// Create a ServerConnector to accept connections from clients.
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Add the Connector to the Server

// Set a simple Handler to handle requests/responses.
server.setHandler(new AbstractHandler()
    public void handle(String target, Request jettyRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        // Mark the request as handled so that it
        // will not be processed by other handlers.

// Start the Server so it starts accepting connections from clients.

The example above shows the simplest HTTP/1.1 server; it has no support for HTTP sessions, for HTTP authentication, or for any of the features required by the Servlet specification.

All these features are provided by the Jetty Server Libraries, and server applications only need to put the required components together to provide all the required features.

The Handlers provided by the Jetty Server Libraries allow writing server applications that have functionalities similar to Apache HTTPD or Nginx (for example: URL redirection, URL rewriting, serving static content, reverse proxying, etc.), as well as generating content dynamically by processing incoming requests. Read this section for further details about Handlers.

If you are interested in writing your server application based on the Servlet APIs, jump to this section.

Request Processing

The Jetty HTTP request processing is outlined below in the diagram below. You may want to refer to the Jetty I/O architecture for additional information about the classes mentioned below.

Request handing is slightly different for each protocol; in HTTP/2 Jetty takes into account multiplexing, something that is not present in HTTP/1.1.

However, the diagram below captures the essence of request handling that is common among all protocols that carry HTTP requests.


First, the Jetty I/O layer emits an event that a socket has data to read. This event is converted to a call to AbstractConnection.onFillable(), where the Connection first reads from the EndPoint into a ByteBuffer, and then calls a protocol specific parser to parse the bytes in the ByteBuffer.

The parser emit events that are protocol specific; the HTTP/2 parser, for example, emits events for each HTTP/2 frame that has been parsed, and similarly does the HTTP/3 parser. The parser events are then converted to protocol independent events such as "request start", "request headers", "request content chunk", etc. that in turn are converted into method calls to HttpChannel.

When enough of the HTTP request is arrived, the Connection calls HttpChannel.handle() that calls the Handler chain, that eventually calls the server application code.

HttpChannel Events

The central component processing HTTP requests is HttpChannel. There is a 1-to-1 relationship between an HTTP request/response and an HttpChannel, no matter what is the specific protocol that carries the HTTP request over the network (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3 or FastCGI).

Advanced server applications may be interested in the progress of the processing of an HTTP request/response by HttpChannel. A typical case is to know exactly when the HTTP request/response processing is complete, for example to monitor processing times.

A Handler or a Servlet Filter may not report precisely when an HTTP request/response processing is finished. A server application may write a small enough content that is aggregated by Jetty for efficiency reasons; the write returns immediately, but nothing has been written to the network yet.

HttpChannel notifies HttpChannel.Listeners of the progress of the HTTP request/response handling. Currently, the following events are available:

  • requestBegin

  • beforeDispatch

  • dispatchFailure

  • afterDispatch

  • requestContent

  • requestContentEnd

  • requestTrailers

  • requestEnd

  • responseBegin

  • responseCommit

  • responseContent

  • responseFailure

  • responseEnd

  • complete

Please refer to the HttpChannel.Listener javadocs for the complete list of events.

Server applications can register HttpChannel.Listener by adding them as beans to the Connector:

class TimingHttpChannelListener implements HttpChannel.Listener
    private final ConcurrentMap<Request, Long> times = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public void onRequestBegin(Request request)

    public void onComplete(Request request)
        long begin = times.remove(request);
        long elapsed = NanoTime.since(begin);
        System.getLogger("timing").log(INFO, "Request {0} took {1} ns", request, elapsed);

Server server = new Server();

Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Add the HttpChannel.Listener as bean to the connector.
connector.addBean(new TimingHttpChannelListener());

// Set a simple Handler to handle requests/responses.
server.setHandler(new AbstractHandler()
    public void handle(String target, Request jettyRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)


Request Logging

HTTP requests and responses can be logged to provide data that can be later analyzed with other tools. These tools can provide information such as the most frequently accessed request URIs, the response status codes, the request/response content lengths, geographical information about the clients, etc.

The default request/response log line format is the NCSA Format extended with referrer data and user-agent data.

Typically, the extended NCSA format is the is enough and it’s the standard used and understood by most log parsing tools and monitoring tools.

To customize the request/response log line format see the CustomRequestLog javadocs.

Request logging can be enabled at the server level, or at the web application context level.

The request logging output can be directed to an SLF4J logger named "org.eclipse.jetty.server.RequestLog" at INFO level, and therefore to any logging library implementation of your choice (see also this section about logging).

Server server = new Server();

// Sets the RequestLog to log to an SLF4J logger named "org.eclipse.jetty.server.RequestLog" at INFO level.
server.setRequestLog(new CustomRequestLog(new Slf4jRequestLogWriter(), CustomRequestLog.EXTENDED_NCSA_FORMAT));

Alternatively, the request logging output can be directed to a daily rolling file of your choice, and the file name must contain yyyy_MM_dd so that rolled over files retain their date:

Server server = new Server();

// Use a file name with the pattern 'yyyy_MM_dd' so rolled over files retain their date.
RequestLogWriter logWriter = new RequestLogWriter("/var/log/yyyy_MM_dd.jetty.request.log");
// Retain rolled over files for 2 weeks.
// Log times are in the current time zone.

// Set the RequestLog to log to the given file, rolling over at midnight.
server.setRequestLog(new CustomRequestLog(logWriter, CustomRequestLog.EXTENDED_NCSA_FORMAT));

For maximum flexibility, you can log to multiple RequestLogs using class RequestLog.Collection, for example by logging with different formats or to different outputs.

You can use CustomRequestLog with a custom RequestLog.Writer to direct the request logging output to your custom targets (for example, an RDBMS). You can implement your own RequestLog if you want to have functionalities that are not implemented by CustomRequestLog.

Request logging can also be enabled at the web application context level, using RequestLogHandler (see this section about how to organize Jetty Handlers) to wrap a web application Handler:

Server server = new Server();

// Create a first ServletContextHandler for your main application.
ServletContextHandler mainContext = new ServletContextHandler();

// Create a RequestLogHandler to log requests for your main application.
RequestLogHandler requestLogHandler = new RequestLogHandler();
requestLogHandler.setRequestLog(new CustomRequestLog());
// Wrap the main application with the request log handler.

// Create a second ServletContextHandler for your other application.
// No request logging for this application.
ServletContextHandler otherContext = new ServletContextHandler();

server.setHandler(new HandlerList(requestLogHandler, otherContext));

Server Connectors

A Connector is the component that handles incoming requests from clients, and works in conjunction with ConnectionFactory instances.

The available implementations are:

  • org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector, for TCP/IP sockets.

  • org.eclipse.jetty.unixdomain.server.UnixDomainServerConnector for Unix-Domain sockets (requires Java 16 or later).

Both use a java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel to listen to a socket address and to accept socket connections.

Since ServerConnector wraps a ServerSocketChannel, it can be configured in a similar way, for example the IP port to listen to, the IP address to bind to, etc.:

Server server = new Server();

// The number of acceptor threads.
int acceptors = 1;

// The number of selectors.
int selectors = 1;

// Create a ServerConnector instance.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, acceptors, selectors, new HttpConnectionFactory());

// Configure TCP/IP parameters.

// The port to listen to.
// The address to bind to.

// The TCP accept queue size.


Likewise, UnixDomainServerConnector also wraps a ServerSocketChannel and can be configured with the Unix-Domain path to listen to:

Server server = new Server();

// The number of acceptor threads.
int acceptors = 1;

// The number of selectors.
int selectors = 1;

// Create a ServerConnector instance.
UnixDomainServerConnector connector = new UnixDomainServerConnector(server, acceptors, selectors, new HttpConnectionFactory());

// Configure Unix-Domain parameters.

// The Unix-Domain path to listen to.

// The TCP accept queue size.


You can use Unix-Domain sockets support only when you run your server with Java 16 or later.

The acceptors are threads (typically only one) that compete to accept socket connections. When a connection is accepted, ServerConnector wraps the accepted SocketChannel and passes it to the SelectorManager. Therefore, there is a little moment where the acceptor thread is not accepting new connections because it is busy wrapping the just accepted connection to pass it to the SelectorManager. Connections that are ready to be accepted but are not accepted yet are queued in a bounded queue (at the OS level) whose capacity can be configured with the acceptQueueSize parameter.

If your application must withstand a very high rate of connections opened, configuring more than one acceptor thread may be beneficial: when one acceptor thread accepts one connection, another acceptor thread can take over accepting connections.

The selectors are components that manage a set of connected sockets, implemented by ManagedSelector. Each selector requires one thread and uses the Java NIO mechanism to efficiently handle a set of connected sockets. As a rule of thumb, a single selector can easily manage up to 1000-5000 sockets, although the number may vary greatly depending on the application.

For example, web site applications tend to use sockets for one or more HTTP requests to retrieve resources and then the socket is idle for most of the time. In this case a single selector may be able to manage many sockets because chances are that they will be idle most of the time. On the contrary, web messaging applications tend to send many small messages at a very high frequency so that sockets are rarely idle. In this case a single selector may be able to manage less sockets because chances are that many of them will be active at the same time.

It is possible to configure more than one ServerConnector (each listening on a different port), or more than one UnixDomainServerConnector (each listening on a different path), or ServerConnectors and UnixDomainServerConnectors, for example:

Server server = new Server();

// Create a ServerConnector instance on port 8080.
ServerConnector connector1 = new ServerConnector(server, 1, 1, new HttpConnectionFactory());

// Create another ServerConnector instance on port 9090,
// for example with a different HTTP configuration.
HttpConfiguration httpConfig2 = new HttpConfiguration();
ServerConnector connector2 = new ServerConnector(server, 1, 1, new HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfig2));

Configuring Protocols

For each accepted socket connection, the server Connector asks a ConnectionFactory to create a Connection object that handles the traffic on that socket connection, parsing and generating bytes for a specific protocol (see this section for more details about Connection objects).

A server Connector can be configured with one or more ConnectionFactorys. If no ConnectionFactory is specified then HttpConnectionFactory is implicitly configured.

Clear-Text HTTP/1.1

HttpConnectionFactory creates HttpConnection objects that parse bytes and generate bytes for the HTTP/1.1 protocol.

This is how you configure Jetty to support clear-text HTTP/1.1:

Server server = new Server();

// The HTTP configuration object.
HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
// Configure the HTTP support, for example:

// The ConnectionFactory for HTTP/1.1.
HttpConnectionFactory http11 = new HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfig);

// Create the ServerConnector.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, http11);

Encrypted HTTP/1.1 (https)

Supporting encrypted HTTP/1.1 (that is, requests with the https scheme) is supported by configuring an SslContextFactory that has access to the KeyStore containing the private server key and public server certificate, in this way:

Server server = new Server();

// The HTTP configuration object.
HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
// Add the SecureRequestCustomizer because we are using TLS.
httpConfig.addCustomizer(new SecureRequestCustomizer());

// The ConnectionFactory for HTTP/1.1.
HttpConnectionFactory http11 = new HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfig);

// Configure the SslContextFactory with the keyStore information.
SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();

// The ConnectionFactory for TLS.
SslConnectionFactory tls = new SslConnectionFactory(sslContextFactory, http11.getProtocol());

// The ServerConnector instance.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, tls, http11);


You can customize the SSL/TLS provider as explained in this section.

Clear-Text HTTP/2

It is well known that the HTTP ports are 80 (for clear-text HTTP) and 443 for encrypted HTTP. By using those ports, a client had prior knowledge that the server would speak, respectively, the HTTP/1.x protocol and the TLS protocol (and, after decryption, the HTTP/1.x protocol).

HTTP/2 was designed to be a smooth transition from HTTP/1.1 for users and as such the HTTP ports were not changed. However the HTTP/2 protocol is, on the wire, a binary protocol, completely different from HTTP/1.1. Therefore, with HTTP/2, clients that connect to port 80 (or to a specific Unix-Domain path) may speak either HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2, and the server must figure out which version of the HTTP protocol the client is speaking.

Jetty can support both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 on the same clear-text port by configuring both the HTTP/1.1 and the HTTP/2 ConnectionFactorys:

Server server = new Server();

// The HTTP configuration object.
HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();

// The ConnectionFactory for HTTP/1.1.
HttpConnectionFactory http11 = new HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfig);

// The ConnectionFactory for clear-text HTTP/2.
HTTP2CServerConnectionFactory h2c = new HTTP2CServerConnectionFactory(httpConfig);

// The ServerConnector instance.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, http11, h2c);


Note how the ConnectionFactorys passed to ServerConnector are in order: first HTTP/1.1, then HTTP/2. This is necessary to support both protocols on the same port: Jetty will start parsing the incoming bytes as HTTP/1.1, but then realize that they are HTTP/2 bytes and will therefore upgrade from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2.

This configuration is also typical when Jetty is installed in backend servers behind a load balancer that also takes care of offloading TLS. When Jetty is behind a load balancer, you can always prepend the PROXY protocol as described in this section.

Encrypted HTTP/2

When using encrypted HTTP/2, the unencrypted protocol is negotiated by client and server using an extension to the TLS protocol called ALPN.

Jetty supports ALPN and encrypted HTTP/2 with this configuration:

Server server = new Server();

// The HTTP configuration object.
HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
// Add the SecureRequestCustomizer because we are using TLS.
httpConfig.addCustomizer(new SecureRequestCustomizer());

// The ConnectionFactory for HTTP/1.1.
HttpConnectionFactory http11 = new HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfig);

// The ConnectionFactory for HTTP/2.
HTTP2ServerConnectionFactory h2 = new HTTP2ServerConnectionFactory(httpConfig);

// The ALPN ConnectionFactory.
ALPNServerConnectionFactory alpn = new ALPNServerConnectionFactory();
// The default protocol to use in case there is no negotiation.

// Configure the SslContextFactory with the keyStore information.
SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();

// The ConnectionFactory for TLS.
SslConnectionFactory tls = new SslConnectionFactory(sslContextFactory, alpn.getProtocol());

// The ServerConnector instance.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, tls, alpn, h2, http11);


Note how the ConnectionFactorys passed to ServerConnector are in order: TLS, ALPN, HTTP/2, HTTP/1.1.

Jetty starts parsing TLS bytes so that it can obtain the ALPN extension. With the ALPN extension information, Jetty can negotiate a protocol and pick, among the ConnectionFactorys supported by the ServerConnector, the ConnectionFactory correspondent to the negotiated protocol.

The fact that the HTTP/2 protocol comes before the HTTP/1.1 protocol indicates that HTTP/2 is the preferred protocol for the server.

Note also that the default protocol set in the ALPN ConnectionFactory, which is used in case ALPN is not supported by the client, is HTTP/1.1 — if the client does not support ALPN is probably an old client so HTTP/1.1 is the safest choice.

You can customize the SSL/TLS provider as explained in this section.


HTTP/3 is based on UDP, differently from HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 that are based on TCP.

An HTTP/3 client may initiate a connection (using the QUIC protocol via UDP) on the canonical HTTP secure port 443, but chances are that the connection may not succeed (for example, the server does not listen for UDP on port 443, only listens for TCP).

For this reason, HTTP servers typically listen on the canonical HTTP secure port 443 for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, and advertise the availability HTTP/3 as an HTTP alternate service on a different port (and possibly a different host).

For example, an HTTP/2 response may include the following header:

Alt-Svc: h3=":843"

The presence of this header indicates that protocol h3 is available on the same host (since no host is defined before the port), but on port 843. The HTTP/3 client may now initiate a QUIC connection on port 843 and make HTTP/3 requests.


The code necessary to configure HTTP/2 is described in this section.

To setup HTTP/3, for example on port 843, you need the following code (some of which could be shared with other connectors such as HTTP/2’s):

Server server = new Server();

SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();

HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
httpConfig.addCustomizer(new SecureRequestCustomizer());

// Create and configure the HTTP/3 connector.
HTTP3ServerConnector connector = new HTTP3ServerConnector(server, sslContextFactory, new HTTP3ServerConnectionFactory(httpConfig));

Using Conscrypt as SSL/TLS Provider

If not explicitly configured, the TLS implementation is provided by the JDK you are using at runtime.

OpenJDK’s vendors may replace the default TLS provider with their own, but you can also explicitly configure an alternative TLS provider.

The standard TLS provider from OpenJDK is implemented in Java (no native code), and its performance is not optimal, both in CPU usage and memory usage.

A faster alternative, implemented natively, is Google’s Conscrypt, which is built on BoringSSL, which is Google’s fork of OpenSSL.

As Conscrypt eventually binds to a native library, there is a higher risk that a bug in Conscrypt or in the native library causes a JVM crash, while the Java implementation will not cause a JVM crash.

To use Conscrypt as TLS provider, you must have the Conscrypt jar and the Jetty dependency jetty-alpn-conscrypt-server-11.0.20.jar in the class-path or module-path.

Then, you must configure the JDK with the Conscrypt provider, and configure Jetty to use the Conscrypt provider, in this way:

// Configure the JDK with the Conscrypt provider.
Security.addProvider(new OpenSSLProvider());

SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();
// Configure Jetty's SslContextFactory to use Conscrypt.
Jetty Behind a Load Balancer

It is often the case that Jetty receives connections from a load balancer configured to distribute the load among many Jetty backend servers.

From the Jetty point of view, all the connections arrive from the load balancer, rather than the real clients, but is possible to configure the load balancer to forward the real client IP address and IP port to the backend Jetty server using the PROXY protocol.

The PROXY protocol is widely supported by load balancers such as HAProxy (via its send-proxy directive), Nginx(via its proxy_protocol on directive) and others.

To support this case, Jetty can be configured in this way:

Server server = new Server();

// The HTTP configuration object.
HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
// Configure the HTTP support, for example:

// The ConnectionFactory for HTTP/1.1.
HttpConnectionFactory http11 = new HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfig);

// The ConnectionFactory for the PROXY protocol.
ProxyConnectionFactory proxy = new ProxyConnectionFactory(http11.getProtocol());

// Create the ServerConnector.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, proxy, http11);


Note how the ConnectionFactorys passed to ServerConnector are in order: first PROXY, then HTTP/1.1. Note also how the PROXY ConnectionFactory needs to know its next protocol (in this example, HTTP/1.1).

Each ConnectionFactory is asked to create a Connection object for each accepted TCP connection; the Connection objects will be chained together to handle the bytes, each for its own protocol. Therefore the ProxyConnection will handle the PROXY protocol bytes and HttpConnection will handle the HTTP/1.1 bytes producing a request object and response object that will be processed by Handlers.

The load balancer may be configured to communicate with Jetty backend servers via Unix-Domain sockets (requires Java 16 or later). For example:

Server server = new Server();

// The HTTP configuration object.
HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
// Configure the HTTP support, for example:

// The ConnectionFactory for HTTP/1.1.
HttpConnectionFactory http11 = new HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfig);

// The ConnectionFactory for the PROXY protocol.
ProxyConnectionFactory proxy = new ProxyConnectionFactory(http11.getProtocol());

// Create the ServerConnector.
UnixDomainServerConnector connector = new UnixDomainServerConnector(server, proxy, http11);


Note that the only difference when using Unix-Domain sockets is instantiating UnixDomainServerConnector instead of ServerConnector and configuring the Unix-Domain path instead of the IP port.

Server Handlers

An org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler is the component that processes incoming HTTP requests and eventually produces HTTP responses.

Handlers can be organized in different ways:

  • in a sequence, where Handlers are invoked one after the other

    • HandlerCollection invokes all Handlers one after the other

    • HandlerList invokes Handlerss until one calls Request.setHandled(true) to indicate that the request has been handled and no further Handler should be invoked

  • nested, where one Handler invokes the next, nested, Handler

    • HandlerWrapper implements this behavior

The HandlerCollection behavior (invoking all handlers) is useful when for example the last Handler is a logging Handler that logs the request (that may have been modified by previous handlers).

The HandlerList behavior (invoking handlers up to the first that calls Request.setHandled(true)) is useful when each handler processes a different URIs or a different virtual hosts: Handlers are invoked one after the other until one matches the URI or virtual host.

The nested behavior is useful to enrich the request with additional services such as HTTP session support (SessionHandler), or with specific behaviors dictated by the Servlet specification (ServletHandler).

Handlers can be organized in a tree by composing them together:

// Create a Server instance.
Server server = new Server();

HandlerCollection collection = new HandlerCollection();
// Link the root Handler with the Server.

HandlerList list = new HandlerList();
collection.addHandler(new LoggingHandler());

list.addHandler(new App1Handler());
HandlerWrapper wrapper = new HandlerWrapper();

wrapper.setHandler(new App2Handler());

The corresponding Handler tree structure looks like the following:

├── HandlerList
│   ├── App1Handler
│   └── HandlerWrapper
│       └── App2Handler
└── LoggingHandler

Server applications should rarely write custom Handlers, preferring instead to use existing Handlers provided by the Jetty Server Libraries for managing web application contexts, security, HTTP sessions and Servlet support. Refer to this section for more information about how to use the Handlers provided by the Jetty Server Libraries.

However, in some cases the additional features are not required, or additional constraints on memory footprint, or performance, or just simplicity must be met. In these cases, implementing your own Handler may be a better solution. Refer to this section for more information about how to write your own Handlers.

Jetty Handlers

Web applications are the unit of deployment in an HTTP server or Servlet container such as Jetty.

Two different web applications are typically deployed on different context paths, where a context path is the initial segment of the URI path. For example, web application webappA that implements a web user interface for an e-commerce site may be deployed to context path /shop, while web application webappB that implements a REST API for the e-commerce business may be deployed to /api.

A client making a request to URI /shop/cart is directed by Jetty to webappA, while a request to URI /api/products is directed to webappB.

An alternative way to deploy the two web applications of the example above is to use virtual hosts. A virtual host is a subdomain of the primary domain that shares the same IP address with the primary domain. If the e-commerce business primary domain is, then a virtual host for webappA could be, while a virtual host for webappB could be

Web application webappA can now be deployed to virtual host and context path /, while web application webappB can be deployed to virtual host and context path /. Both applications have the same context path /, but they can be distinguished by the subdomain.

A client making a request to is directed by Jetty to webappA, while a request to is directed to webappB.

Therefore, in general, a web application is deployed to a context which can be seen as the pair (virtual_host, context_path). In the first case the contexts were (, /shop) and (, /api), while in the second case the contexts were (, /) and (, /). Server applications using the Jetty Server Libraries create and configure a context for each web application. Many contexts can be deployed together to enrich the web application offering — for example a catalog context, a shop context, an API context, an administration context, etc.

Web applications can be written using exclusively the Servlet APIs, since developers know well the Servlet API and because they guarantee better portability across Servlet container implementations.

Embedded web applications based on the Servlet APIs are described in this section.

Embedded web applications may also require additional features such as access to Jetty specific APIs, or utility features such as redirection from HTTP to HTTPS, support for gzip content compression, etc. The Jetty Server Libraries provides a number of out-of-the-box Handlers that implement the most common functionalities and are described in this section.


ContextHandler is a Handler that represents a context for a web application. It is a HandlerWrapper that performs some action before and after delegating to the nested Handler.

The simplest use of ContextHandler is the following:

class ShopHandler extends AbstractHandler
    public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        // Implement the shop.

Server server = new Server();
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Create a ContextHandler with contextPath.
ContextHandler context = new ContextHandler();
context.setHandler(new ShopHandler());

// Link the context to the server.


The Handler tree structure looks like the following:

└── ContextHandler /shop
    └── ShopHandler

Server applications may need to deploy to Jetty more than one web application.

Recall from the introduction that Jetty offers HandlerCollection and HandlerList that may contain a sequence of children Handlers. However, both of these have no knowledge of the concept of context and just iterate through the sequence of Handlers.

A better choice for multiple web application is ContextHandlerCollection, that matches a context from either its context path or virtual host, without iterating through the Handlers.

If ContextHandlerCollection does not find a match, it just returns. What happens next depends on the Handler tree structure: other Handlers may be invoked after ContextHandlerCollection, for example DefaultHandler (see this section). Eventually, if Request.setHandled(true) is not called, Jetty returns an HTTP 404 response to the client.

class ShopHandler extends AbstractHandler
    public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        // Implement the shop.

class RESTHandler extends AbstractHandler
    public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        // Implement the REST APIs.

Server server = new Server();
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Create a ContextHandlerCollection to hold contexts.
ContextHandlerCollection contextCollection = new ContextHandlerCollection();
// Link the ContextHandlerCollection to the Server.

// Create the context for the shop web application.
ContextHandler shopContext = new ContextHandler("/shop");
shopContext.setHandler(new ShopHandler());
// Add it to ContextHandlerCollection.


// Create the context for the API web application.
ContextHandler apiContext = new ContextHandler("/api");
apiContext.setHandler(new RESTHandler());
// Web applications can be deployed after the Server is started.
contextCollection.deployHandler(apiContext, Callback.NOOP);

The Handler tree structure looks like the following:

└── ContextHandlerCollection
    ├── ContextHandler /shop
    │   └── ShopHandler
    └── ContextHandler /api
        └── RESTHandler
ResourceHandler — Static Content

Static content such as images or files (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) can be sent by Jetty very efficiently because Jetty can write the content asynchronously, using direct ByteBuffers to minimize data copy, and using a memory cache for faster access to the data to send.

Being able to write content asynchronously means that if the network gets congested (for example, the client reads the content very slowly) and the server stalls the send of the requested data, then Jetty will wait to resume the send without blocking a thread to finish the send.

ResourceHandler supports the following features:

  • Welcome files, for example serving /index.html for request URI /

  • Precompressed resources, serving a precompressed /document.txt.gz for request URI /document.txt

  • Range requests, for requests containing the Range header, which allows clients to pause and resume downloads of large files

  • Directory listing, serving a HTML page with the file list of the requested directory

  • Conditional headers, for requests containing the If-Match, If-None-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since headers.

The number of features supported and the efficiency in sending static content are on the same level as those of common front-end servers used to serve static content such as Nginx or Apache. Therefore, the traditional architecture where Nginx/Apache was the front-end server used only to send static content and Jetty was the back-end server used only to send dynamic content is somehow obsolete as Jetty can perform efficiently both tasks. This leads to simpler systems (less components to configure and manage) and more performance (no need to proxy dynamic requests from front-end servers to back-end servers).

It is common to use Nginx/Apache as load balancers, or as rewrite/redirect servers. We typically recommend HAProxy as load balancer, and Jetty has rewrite/redirect features as well.

This is how you configure a ResourceHandler to create a simple file server:

Server server = new Server();
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Create and configure a ResourceHandler.
ResourceHandler handler = new ResourceHandler();
// Configure the directory where static resources are located.
// Configure directory listing.
// Configure welcome files.
handler.setWelcomeFiles(new String[]{"index.html"});
// Configure whether to accept range requests.

// Link the context to the server.


If you need to serve static resources from multiple directories:

ResourceHandler handler = new ResourceHandler();

// For multiple directories, use ResourceCollection.
ResourceCollection directories = new ResourceCollection();


If the resource is not found, ResourceHandler will not call Request.setHandled(true) so what happens next depends on the Handler tree structure. See also how to use DefaultHandler.


GzipHandler provides supports for automatic decompression of compressed request content and automatic compression of response content.

GzipHandler is a HandlerWrapper that inspects the request and, if the request matches the GzipHandler configuration, just installs the required components to eventually perform decompression of the request content or compression of the response content. The decompression/compression is not performed until the web application reads request content or writes response content.

GzipHandler can be configured at the server level in this way:

Server server = new Server();
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Create and configure GzipHandler.
GzipHandler gzipHandler = new GzipHandler();
// Only compress response content larger than this.
// Do not compress these URI paths.
// Also compress POST responses.
// Do not compress these mime types.

// Link a ContextHandlerCollection to manage contexts.
ContextHandlerCollection contexts = new ContextHandlerCollection();

// Link the GzipHandler to the Server.


The Handler tree structure looks like the following:

└── GzipHandler
    └── ContextHandlerCollection
        ├── ContextHandler 1
        :── ...
        └── ContextHandler N

However, in less common cases, you can configure GzipHandler on a per-context basis, for example because you want to configure GzipHandler with different parameters for each context, or because you want only some contexts to have compression support:

// Create a ContextHandlerCollection to hold contexts.
ContextHandlerCollection contextCollection = new ContextHandlerCollection();
// Link the ContextHandlerCollection to the Server.

// Create the context for the shop web application.
ContextHandler shopContext = new ContextHandler("/shop");
shopContext.setHandler(new ShopHandler());

// You want to gzip the shop web application only.
GzipHandler shopGzipHandler = new GzipHandler();

// Add it to ContextHandlerCollection.

// Create the context for the API web application.
ContextHandler apiContext = new ContextHandler("/api");
apiContext.setHandler(new RESTHandler());

// Add it to ContextHandlerCollection.

The Handler tree structure looks like the following:

└── ContextHandlerCollection
    └── ContextHandlerCollection
        ├── GzipHandler
        │   └── ContextHandler /shop
        │       └── ShopHandler
        └── ContextHandler /api
            └── RESTHandler

RewriteHandler provides support for URL rewriting, very similarly to Apache’s mod_rewrite or Nginx rewrite module.

The Maven artifact coordinates are:


RewriteHandler can be configured with a set of rules; a rule inspects the request and when it matches it performs some change to the request (for example, changes the URI path, adds/removes headers, etc.).

The Jetty Server Libraries provide rules for the most common usages, but you can write your own rules by extending the org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.Rule class.

Please refer to the jetty-rewrite module javadocs for the complete list of available rules.

You typically want to configure RewriteHandler at the server level, although it is possible to configure it on a per-context basis.

Server server = new Server();
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

RewriteHandler rewriteHandler = new RewriteHandler();
// Compacts URI paths with double slashes, e.g. /ctx//path/to//resource.
rewriteHandler.addRule(new CompactPathRule());
// Rewrites */products/* to */p/*.
rewriteHandler.addRule(new RewriteRegexRule("/(.*)/product/(.*)", "/$1/p/$2"));
// Redirects permanently to a different URI.
RedirectRegexRule redirectRule = new RedirectRegexRule("/documentation/(.*)", "$1");

// Link the RewriteHandler to the Server.

// Create a ContextHandlerCollection to hold contexts.
ContextHandlerCollection contextCollection = new ContextHandlerCollection();
// Link the ContextHandlerCollection to the RewriteHandler.


The Handler tree structure looks like the following:

└── RewriteHandler
    └── ContextHandlerCollection
        ├── ContextHandler 1
        :── ...
        └── ContextHandler N

StatisticsHandler gathers and exposes a number of statistic values related to request processing such as:

  • Total number of requests

  • Current number of concurrent requests

  • Minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation of request processing times

  • Number of responses grouped by HTTP code (i.e. how many 2xx responses, how many 3xx responses, etc.)

  • Total response content bytes

Server applications can read these values and use them internally, or expose them via some service, or export them to JMX.

StatisticsHandler can be configured at the server level or at the context level.

Server server = new Server();
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

StatisticsHandler statsHandler = new StatisticsHandler();

// Link the StatisticsHandler to the Server.

// Create a ContextHandlerCollection to hold contexts.
ContextHandlerCollection contextCollection = new ContextHandlerCollection();
// Link the ContextHandlerCollection to the StatisticsHandler.


The Handler tree structure looks like the following:

└── StatisticsHandler
    └── ContextHandlerCollection
        ├── ContextHandler 1
        :── ...
        └── ContextHandler N
SecuredRedirectHandler — Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

SecuredRedirectHandler allows to redirect requests made with the http scheme (and therefore to the clear-text port) to the https scheme (and therefore to the encrypted port).

For example a request to is redirected to

Server applications must configure a HttpConfiguration object with the secure scheme and secure port so that SecuredRedirectHandler can build the redirect URI.

SecuredRedirectHandler is typically configured at the server level, although it can be configured on a per-context basis.

Server server = new Server();

// Configure the HttpConfiguration for the clear-text connector.
int securePort = 8443;
HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();

// The clear-text connector.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, new HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfig));

// Configure the HttpConfiguration for the encrypted connector.
HttpConfiguration httpsConfig = new HttpConfiguration(httpConfig);
// Add the SecureRequestCustomizer because we are using TLS.
httpConfig.addCustomizer(new SecureRequestCustomizer());

// The HttpConnectionFactory for the encrypted connector.
HttpConnectionFactory http11 = new HttpConnectionFactory(httpsConfig);

// Configure the SslContextFactory with the keyStore information.
SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();

// The ConnectionFactory for TLS.
SslConnectionFactory tls = new SslConnectionFactory(sslContextFactory, http11.getProtocol());

// The encrypted connector.
ServerConnector secureConnector = new ServerConnector(server, tls, http11);

SecuredRedirectHandler securedHandler = new SecuredRedirectHandler();

// Link the SecuredRedirectHandler to the Server.

// Create a ContextHandlerCollection to hold contexts.
ContextHandlerCollection contextCollection = new ContextHandlerCollection();
// Link the ContextHandlerCollection to the StatisticsHandler.


DefaultHandler is a terminal Handler that always calls Request.setHandled(true) and performs the following:

  • Serves the favicon.ico Jetty icon when it is requested

  • Sends a HTTP 404 response for any other request

  • The HTTP 404 response content nicely shows a HTML table with all the contexts deployed on the Server instance

DefaultHandler is best used as the last Handler of a HandlerList, for example:

Server server = new Server();
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Create a HandlerList.
HandlerList handlerList = new HandlerList();

// Add as first a ContextHandlerCollection to manage contexts.
ContextHandlerCollection contexts = new ContextHandlerCollection();

// Add as last a DefaultHandler.
DefaultHandler defaultHandler = new DefaultHandler();

// Link the HandlerList to the Server.


The Handler tree structure looks like the following:

└── HandlerList
    ├── ContextHandlerCollection
    │   ├── ContextHandler 1
    │   :── ...
    │   └── ContextHandler N
    └── DefaultHandler

In the example above, ContextHandlerCollection will try to match a request to one of the contexts; if the match fails, HandlerList will call the next Handler which is DefaultHandler that will return a HTTP 404 with an HTML page showing the existing contexts deployed on the Server.

DefaultHandler just sends a nicer HTTP 404 response in case of wrong requests from clients. Jetty will send an HTTP 404 response anyway if DefaultHandler is not used.
Servlet API Handlers

Handlers are easy to write, but often web applications have already been written using the Servlet APIs, using Servlets and Filters.

ServletContextHandler is a ContextHandler that provides support for the Servlet APIs and implements the behaviors required by the Servlet specification.

The Maven artifact coordinates are:

class ShopCartServlet extends HttpServlet
    protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        // Implement the shop cart functionality.

Server server = new Server();
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Create a ServletContextHandler with contextPath.
ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler();

// Add the Servlet implementing the cart functionality to the context.
ServletHolder servletHolder = context.addServlet(ShopCartServlet.class, "/cart/*");
// Configure the Servlet with init-parameters.
servletHolder.setInitParameter("maxItems", "128");

// Add the CrossOriginFilter to protect from CSRF attacks.
FilterHolder filterHolder = context.addFilter(CrossOriginFilter.class, "/*", EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST));
// Configure the filter.

// Link the context to the server.


The Handler and Servlet components tree structure looks like the following:

└── ServletContextHandler /shop
    ├── ShopCartServlet /cart/*
    └── CrossOriginFilter /*

Note how the Servlet components (they are not Handlers) are represented in italic.

Note also how adding a Servlet or a Filter returns a holder object that can be used to specify additional configuration for that particular Servlet or Filter.

When a request arrives to ServletContextHandler the request URI will be matched against the Filters and Servlet mappings and only those that match will process the request, as dictated by the Servlet specification.

ServletContextHandler is a terminal Handler, that is it always calls Request.setHandled(true) when invoked. Server applications must be careful when creating the Handler tree to put ServletContextHandlers as last Handlers in a HandlerList or as children of ContextHandlerCollection.

WebAppContext is a ServletContextHandler that auto configures itself by reading a web.xml Servlet configuration file.

Server applications can specify a *.war file or a directory with the structure of a *.war file to WebAppContext to deploy a standard Servlet web application packaged as a war (as defined by the Servlet specification).

Where server applications using ServletContextHandler must manually invoke methods to add Servlets and Filters, WebAppContext reads WEB-INF/web.xml to add Servlets and Filters, and also enforces a number of restrictions defined by the Servlet specification, in particular related to class loading.

Server server = new Server();
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Create a WebAppContext.
WebAppContext context = new WebAppContext();
// Configure the path of the packaged web application (file or directory).
// Configure the contextPath.

// Link the context to the server.

WebAppContext Class Loading

The Servlet specification requires that a web application class loader must load the web application classes from WEB-INF/classes and WEB_INF/lib. The web application class loader is special because it behaves differently from typical class loaders: where typical class loaders first delegate to their parent class loader and then try to find the class locally, the web application class loader first tries to find the class locally and then delegates to the parent class loader. The typical class loading model, parent-first, is inverted for web application class loaders, as they use a child-first model.

Furthermore, the Servlet specification requires that web applications cannot load or otherwise access the Servlet container implementation classes, also called server classes. In the Jetty case, the Servlet specification class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest is implemented by org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request. Web applications cannot downcast Servlet’s HttpServletRequest to Jetty’s Request to access Jetty specific features — this ensures maximum web application portability across Servlet container implementations.

Lastly, the Servlet specification requires that other classes, also called system classes, such as javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest or JDK classes such as java.lang.String or java.sql.Connection cannot be modified by web applications by putting, for example, modified versions of those classes in WEB-INF/classes so that they are loaded first by the web application class loader (instead of the class-path class loader where they are normally loaded from).

WebAppContext implements this class loader logic using a single class loader, org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader, with filtering capabilities: when it loads a class, it checks whether the class is a system class or a server class and acts according to the Servlet specification.

When WebAppClassLoader is asked to load a class, it first tries to find the class locally (since it must use the inverted child-first model); if the class is found, and it is not a system class, the class is loaded; otherwise the class is not found locally. If the class is not found locally, the parent class loader is asked to load the class; the parent class loader uses the standard parent-first model, so it delegates the class loading to its parent, and so on. If the class is found, and it is not a server class, the class is loaded; otherwise the class is not found and a ClassNotFoundException is thrown.

Unfortunately, the Servlet specification does not define exactly which classes are system classes and which classes are server classes. However, Jetty picks good defaults and allows server applications to customize system classes and server classes in WebAppContext.

DefaultServlet — Static Content for Servlets

If you have a Servlet web application, you may want to use a DefaultServlet instead of ResourceHandler. The features are similar, but DefaultServlet is more commonly used to serve static files for Servlet web applications.

// Create a ServletContextHandler with contextPath.
ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler();

// Add the DefaultServlet to serve static content.
ServletHolder servletHolder = context.addServlet(DefaultServlet.class, "/");
// Configure the DefaultServlet with init-parameters.
servletHolder.setInitParameter("resourceBase", "/path/to/static/resources/");
Implementing Handler

The Handler API consist fundamentally of just one method:

public void handle(String target, Request jettyRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

The target parameter is an identifier for the resource. This is normally the URI that is parsed from an HTTP request. However, a request could be forwarded to either a named resource, in which case target will be the name of the resource, or to a different URI, in which case target will be the new URI.

Applications may wrap the request or response (or both) and forward the wrapped request or response to a different URI (which may be possibly handled by a different Handler). This is the reason why there are two request parameters in the Handler APIs: the first is the unwrapped, original, request that also gives access to Jetty-specific APIs, while the second is the application-wrapped Servlet request.

Hello World Handler

A simple "Hello World" Handler is the following:

class HelloWorldHandler extends AbstractHandler
    public void handle(String target, Request jettyRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
        // Mark the request as handled by this Handler.

        response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

        // Write a Hello World response.
        response.getWriter().print("" +
            "<!DOCTYPE html>" +
            "<html>" +
            "<head>" +
            "  <title>Jetty Hello World Handler</title>" +
            "</head>" +
            "<body>" +
            "  <p>Hello World</p>" +
            "</body>" +
            "</html>" +

Server server = new Server();
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Set the Hello World Handler.
server.setHandler(new HelloWorldHandler());


Such a simple Handler extends from AbstractHandler and can access the request and response main features, such as reading request headers and content, or writing response headers and content.

Filtering Handler

A filtering Handler is a handler that perform some modification to the request or response, and then either forwards the request to another Handler or produces an error response:

class FilterHandler extends HandlerWrapper
    public void handle(String target, Request jettyRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException
        String path = request.getRequestURI();
        if (path.startsWith("/old_path/"))
            // Rewrite old paths to new paths.
            HttpURI uri = jettyRequest.getHttpURI();
            String newPath = "/new_path/" + path.substring("/old_path/".length());
            HttpURI newURI =;
            // Modify the request object.

        // This Handler is not handling the request, so
        // it does not call jettyRequest.setHandled(true).

        // Forward to the next Handler.
        super.handle(target, jettyRequest, request, response);

Server server = new Server();
Connector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

// Link the Handlers.
FilterHandler filter = new FilterHandler();
filter.setHandler(new HelloWorldHandler());


Note how a filtering Handler extends from HandlerWrapper and as such needs another handler to forward the request processing to, and how the two Handlers needs to be linked together to work properly.

Writing HTTP Server Applications

Writing HTTP applications is typically simple, especially when using blocking APIs. However, there are subtle cases where it is worth clarifying what a server application should do to obtain the desired results when run by Jetty.

Sending 1xx Responses

The HTTP/1.1 RFC allows for 1xx informational responses to be sent before a real content response. Unfortunately the servlet specification does not provide a way for these to be sent, so Jetty has had to provide non-standard handling of these headers.

100 Continue

The 100 Continue response should be sent by the server when a client sends a request with an Expect: 100-continue header, as the client will not send the body of the request until the 100 Continue response has been sent.

The intent of this feature is to allow a server to inspect the headers and to tell the client to not send a request body that might be too large or insufficiently private or otherwise unable to be handled.

Jetty achieves this by waiting until the input stream or reader is obtained by the filter/servlet, before sending the 100 Continue response. Thus a filter/servlet may inspect the headers of a request before getting the input stream and send an error response (or redirect etc.) rather than the 100 continues.

class Continue100HttpServlet extends HttpServlet
    protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
        // Inspect the method and headers.
        boolean isPost =;
        boolean expects100 ="Expect"));
        long contentLength = request.getContentLengthLong();

        if (isPost && expects100)
            if (contentLength > 1024 * 1024)
                // Rejects uploads that are too large.
                // Getting the request InputStream indicates that
                // the application wants to read the request content.
                // Jetty will send the 100 Continue response at this
                // point, and the client will send the request content.
                ServletInputStream input = request.getInputStream();

                // Read and process the request input.
            // Process normal requests.
102 Processing

RFC 2518 defined the 102 Processing status code that can be sent:

when the server has a reasonable expectation that the request will take significant time to complete. As guidance, if a method is taking longer than 20 seconds (a reasonable, but arbitrary value) to process the server SHOULD return a 102 Processing response.
— RFC 2518 section 10.1

However, a later update of RFC 2518, RFC 4918, removed the 102 Processing status code for "lack of implementation".

Jetty supports the 102 Processing status code. If a request is received with the Expect: 102-processing header, then a filter/servlet may send a 102 Processing response (without terminating further processing) by calling response.sendError(102).

HTTP/2 Server Library

In the vast majority of cases, server applications should use the generic, high-level, HTTP server library that also provides HTTP/2 support via the HTTP/2 ConnectionFactorys as described in details here.

The low-level HTTP/2 server library has been designed for those applications that need low-level access to HTTP/2 features such as sessions, streams and frames, and this is quite a rare use case.

See also the correspondent HTTP/2 client library.


The Maven artifact coordinates for the HTTP/2 client library are the following:


HTTP/2 is a multiplexed protocol: it allows multiple HTTP/2 requests to be sent on the same TCP connection, or session. Each request/response cycle is represented by a stream. Therefore, a single session manages multiple concurrent streams. A stream has typically a very short life compared to the session: a stream only exists for the duration of the request/response cycle and then disappears.

HTTP/2 Flow Control

The HTTP/2 protocol is flow controlled (see the specification). This means that a sender and a receiver maintain a flow control window that tracks the number of data bytes sent and received, respectively. When a sender sends data bytes, it reduces its flow control window. When a receiver receives data bytes, it also reduces its flow control window, and then passes the received data bytes to the application. The application consumes the data bytes and tells back the receiver that it has consumed the data bytes. The receiver then enlarges the flow control window, and arranges to send a message to the sender with the number of bytes consumed, so that the sender can enlarge its flow control window.

A sender can send data bytes up to its whole flow control window, then it must stop sending until it receives a message from the receiver that the data bytes have been consumed, which enlarges the flow control window, which allows the sender to send more data bytes.

HTTP/2 defines two flow control windows: one for each session, and one for each stream. Let’s see with an example how they interact, assuming that in this example the session flow control window is 120 bytes and the stream flow control window is 100 bytes.

The sender opens a session, and then opens stream_1 on that session, and sends 80 data bytes. At this point the session flow control window is 40 bytes (120 - 80), and stream_1's flow control window is 20 bytes (100 - 80). The sender now opens stream_2 on the same session and sends 40 data bytes. At this point, the session flow control window is 0 bytes (40 - 40), while stream_2's flow control window is 60 (100 - 40). Since now the session flow control window is 0, the sender cannot send more data bytes, neither on stream_1 nor on stream_2 despite both have their stream flow control windows greater than 0.

The receiver consumes stream_2's 40 data bytes and sends a message to the sender with this information. At this point, the session flow control window is 40 (0 40), stream_1's flow control window is still 20 and stream_2's flow control window is 100 (60 40). If the sender opens stream_3 and would like to send 50 data bytes, it would only be able to send 40 because that is the maximum allowed by the session flow control window at this point.

It is therefore very important that applications notify the fact that they have consumed data bytes as soon as possible, so that the implementation (the receiver) can send a message to the sender (in the form of a WINDOW_UPDATE frame) with the information to enlarge the flow control window, therefore reducing the possibility that sender stalls due to the flow control windows being reduced to 0.

How a server application should handle HTTP/2 flow control is discussed in details in this section.

Server Setup

The low-level HTTP/2 support is provided by org.eclipse.jetty.http2.server.RawHTTP2ServerConnectionFactory and org.eclipse.jetty.http2.api.server.ServerSessionListener:

// Create a Server instance.
Server server = new Server();

ServerSessionListener sessionListener = new ServerSessionListener.Adapter();

// Create a ServerConnector with RawHTTP2ServerConnectionFactory.
RawHTTP2ServerConnectionFactory http2 = new RawHTTP2ServerConnectionFactory(sessionListener);

// Configure RawHTTP2ServerConnectionFactory, for example:

// Configure the max number of concurrent requests.
// Enable support for CONNECT.

// Create the ServerConnector.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, http2);

// Add the Connector to the Server

// Start the Server so it starts accepting connections from clients.

Where server applications using the high-level server library deal with HTTP requests and responses in Handlers, server applications using the low-level HTTP/2 server library deal directly with HTTP/2 sessions, streams and frames in a ServerSessionListener implementation.

The ServerSessionListener interface defines a number of methods that are invoked by the implementation upon the occurrence of HTTP/2 events, and that server applications can override to react to those events.

Please refer to the ServerSessionListener javadocs for the complete list of events.

The first event is the accept event and happens when a client opens a new TCP connection to the server and the server accepts the connection. This is the first occasion where server applications have access to the HTTP/2 Session object:

ServerSessionListener sessionListener = new ServerSessionListener.Adapter()
    public void onAccept(Session session)
        SocketAddress remoteAddress = session.getRemoteSocketAddress();
        System.getLogger("http2").log(INFO, "Connection from {0}", remoteAddress);

After connecting to the server, a compliant HTTP/2 client must send the HTTP/2 client preface, and when the server receives it, it generates the preface event on the server. This is where server applications can customize the connection settings by returning a map of settings that the implementation will send to the client:

ServerSessionListener sessionListener = new ServerSessionListener.Adapter()
    public Map<Integer, Integer> onPreface(Session session)
        // Customize the settings, for example:
        Map<Integer, Integer> settings = new HashMap<>();

        // Tell the client that HTTP/2 push is disabled.
        settings.put(SettingsFrame.ENABLE_PUSH, 0);

        return settings;

Receiving a Request

Receiving an HTTP request from the client, and sending a response, creates a stream that encapsulates the exchange of HTTP/2 frames that compose the request and the response.

An HTTP request is made of a HEADERS frame, that carries the request method, the request URI and the request headers, and optional DATA frames that carry the request content.

Receiving the HEADERS frame opens the Stream:

ServerSessionListener sessionListener = new ServerSessionListener.Adapter()
    public Stream.Listener onNewStream(Stream stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        // This is the "new stream" event, so it's guaranteed to be a request.
        MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)frame.getMetaData();

        // Return a Stream.Listener to handle the request events,
        // for example request content events or a request reset.
        return new Stream.Listener.Adapter();

Server applications should return a Stream.Listener implementation from onNewStream(…​) to be notified of events generated by the client, such as DATA frames carrying request content, or a RST_STREAM frame indicating that the client wants to reset the request, or an idle timeout event indicating that the client was supposed to send more frames but it did not.

The example below shows how to receive request content:

ServerSessionListener sessionListener = new ServerSessionListener.Adapter()
    public Stream.Listener onNewStream(Stream stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)frame.getMetaData();
        // Return a Stream.Listener to handle the request events.
        return new Stream.Listener.Adapter()
            public void onData(Stream stream, DataFrame frame, Callback callback)
                // Get the content buffer.
                ByteBuffer buffer = frame.getData();

                // Consume the buffer, here - as an example - just log it.
                System.getLogger("http2").log(INFO, "Consuming buffer {0}", buffer);

                // Tell the implementation that the buffer has been consumed.

                // By returning from the method, implicitly tell the implementation
                // to deliver to this method more DATA frames when they are available.
Returning from the onData(…​) method implicitly demands for more DATA frames (unless the one just delivered was the last). Additional DATA frames may be delivered immediately if they are available or later, asynchronously, when they arrive.

Applications that consume the content buffer within onData(…​) (for example, writing it to a file, or copying the bytes to another storage) should succeed the callback as soon as they have consumed the content buffer. This allows the implementation to reuse the buffer, reducing the memory requirements needed to handle the content buffers.

Alternatively, a client application may store away both the buffer and the callback to consume the buffer bytes later, or pass both the buffer and the callback to another asynchronous API (this is typical in proxy applications).

Completing the Callback is very important not only to allow the implementation to reuse the buffer, but also tells the implementation to enlarge the stream and session flow control windows so that the sender will be able to send more DATA frames without stalling.

Applications can also precisely control when to demand more DATA frames, by implementing the onDataDemanded(…​) method instead of onData(…​):

class Chunk
    private final ByteBuffer buffer;
    private final Callback callback;

    Chunk(ByteBuffer buffer, Callback callback)
        this.buffer = buffer;
        this.callback = callback;

// A queue that consumers poll to consume content asynchronously.
Queue<Chunk> dataQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();

// Implementation of Stream.Listener.onDataDemanded(...)
// in case of asynchronous content consumption and demand.
Stream.Listener listener = new Stream.Listener.Adapter()
    public void onDataDemanded(Stream stream, DataFrame frame, Callback callback)
        // Get the content buffer.
        ByteBuffer buffer = frame.getData();

        // Store buffer to consume it asynchronously, and wrap the callback.
        dataQueue.offer(new Chunk(buffer, Callback.from(() ->
            // When the buffer has been consumed, then:
            // A) succeed the nested callback.
            // B) demand more DATA frames.
        }, callback::failed)));

        // Do not demand more content here, to avoid to overflow the queue.
Applications that implement onDataDemanded(…​) must remember to call Stream.demand(…​). If they don’t, the implementation will not deliver DATA frames and the application will stall threadlessly until an idle timeout fires to close the stream or the session.

Sending a Response

After receiving an HTTP request, a server application must send an HTTP response.

An HTTP response is typically composed of a HEADERS frame containing the HTTP status code and the response headers, and optionally one or more DATA frames containing the response content bytes.

The HTTP/2 protocol also supports response trailers (that is, headers that are sent after the response content) that also are sent using a HEADERS frame.

A server application can send a response in this way:

ServerSessionListener sessionListener = new ServerSessionListener.Adapter()
    public Stream.Listener onNewStream(Stream stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        // Send a response after reading the request.
        MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)frame.getMetaData();
        if (frame.isEndStream())
            respond(stream, request);
            return null;
            return new Stream.Listener.Adapter()
                public void onData(Stream stream, DataFrame frame, Callback callback)
                    // Consume the request content.
                    if (frame.isEndStream())
                        respond(stream, request);

    private void respond(Stream stream, MetaData.Request request)
        // Prepare the response HEADERS frame.

        // The response HTTP status and HTTP headers.
        MetaData.Response response = new MetaData.Response(HttpVersion.HTTP_2, HttpStatus.OK_200, HttpFields.EMPTY);

        if (
            // The response content.
            ByteBuffer resourceBytes = getResourceBytes(request);

            // Send the HEADERS frame with the response status and headers,
            // and a DATA frame with the response content bytes.
            stream.headers(new HeadersFrame(stream.getId(), response, null, false))
                .thenCompose(s -> DataFrame(s.getId(), resourceBytes, true)));
            // Send just the HEADERS frame with the response status and headers.
            stream.headers(new HeadersFrame(stream.getId(), response, null, true));

Resetting a Request

A server application may decide that it does not want to accept the request. For example, it may throttle the client because it sent too many requests in a time window, or the request is invalid (and does not deserve a proper HTTP response), etc.

A request can be reset in this way:

ServerSessionListener sessionListener = new ServerSessionListener.Adapter()
    public Stream.Listener onNewStream(Stream stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        float requestRate = calculateRequestRate();

        if (requestRate > maxRequestRate)
            stream.reset(new ResetFrame(stream.getId(), ErrorCode.REFUSED_STREAM_ERROR.code), Callback.NOOP);
            return null;
            // The request is accepted.
            MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)frame.getMetaData();
            // Return a Stream.Listener to handle the request events.
            return new Stream.Listener.Adapter();

HTTP/2 Push of Resources

A server application may push secondary resources related to a primary resource.

A client may inform the server that it does not accept pushed resources(see this section of the specification) via a SETTINGS frame. Server applications must track SETTINGS frames and verify whether the client supports HTTP/2 push, and only push if the client supports it:

// The favicon bytes.
ByteBuffer faviconBuffer = BufferUtil.toBuffer(Resource.newResource("/path/to/favicon.ico"), true);

ServerSessionListener sessionListener = new ServerSessionListener.Adapter()
    // By default, push is enabled.
    private boolean pushEnabled = true;

    public void onSettings(Session session, SettingsFrame frame)
        // Check whether the client sent an ENABLE_PUSH setting.
        Map<Integer, Integer> settings = frame.getSettings();
        Integer enablePush = settings.get(SettingsFrame.ENABLE_PUSH);
        if (enablePush != null)
            pushEnabled = enablePush == 1;

    public Stream.Listener onNewStream(Stream stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)frame.getMetaData();
        if (pushEnabled && request.getURIString().endsWith("/index.html"))
            // Push the favicon.
            HttpURI pushedURI ="/favicon.ico");
            MetaData.Request pushedRequest = new MetaData.Request("GET", pushedURI, HttpVersion.HTTP_2, HttpFields.EMPTY);
            PushPromiseFrame promiseFrame = new PushPromiseFrame(stream.getId(), 0, pushedRequest);
            stream.push(promiseFrame, new Stream.Listener.Adapter())
                .thenCompose(pushedStream ->
                    // Send the favicon "response".
                    MetaData.Response pushedResponse = new MetaData.Response(HttpVersion.HTTP_2, HttpStatus.OK_200, HttpFields.EMPTY);
                    return pushedStream.headers(new HeadersFrame(pushedStream.getId(), pushedResponse, null, false))
                        .thenCompose(pushed -> DataFrame(pushed.getId(), faviconBuffer, true)));
        // Return a Stream.Listener to handle the request events.
        return new Stream.Listener.Adapter();

HTTP/3 Server Library

In the vast majority of cases, server applications should use the generic, high-level, HTTP server library that also provides HTTP/3 support via the HTTP/3 connector and ConnectionFactorys as described in details here.

The low-level HTTP/3 server library has been designed for those applications that need low-level access to HTTP/3 features such as sessions, streams and frames, and this is quite a rare use case.

See also the correspondent HTTP/3 client library.


The Maven artifact coordinates for the HTTP/3 client library are the following:


HTTP/3 is a multiplexed protocol because it relies on the multiplexing capabilities of QUIC, the protocol based on UDP that transports HTTP/3 frames. Thanks to multiplexing, multiple HTTP/3 requests are sent on the same QUIC connection, or session. Each request/response cycle is represented by a stream. Therefore, a single session manages multiple concurrent streams. A stream has typically a very short life compared to the session: a stream only exists for the duration of the request/response cycle and then disappears.

Server Setup

The low-level HTTP/3 support is provided by org.eclipse.jetty.http3.server.RawHTTP3ServerConnectionFactory and org.eclipse.jetty.http3.api.Session.Server.Listener:

// Create a Server instance.
Server server = new Server();

// HTTP/3 is always secure, so it always need a SslContextFactory.
SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();

// The listener for session events.
Session.Server.Listener sessionListener = new Session.Server.Listener() {};

// Create and configure the RawHTTP3ServerConnectionFactory.
RawHTTP3ServerConnectionFactory http3 = new RawHTTP3ServerConnectionFactory(sessionListener);

// Create and configure the HTTP3ServerConnector.
HTTP3ServerConnector connector = new HTTP3ServerConnector(server, sslContextFactory, http3);
// Configure the max number of requests per QUIC connection.

// Add the Connector to the Server.

// Start the Server so it starts accepting connections from clients.

Where server applications using the high-level server library deal with HTTP requests and responses in Handlers, server applications using the low-level HTTP/3 server library deal directly with HTTP/3 sessions, streams and frames in a Session.Server.Listener implementation.

The Session.Server.Listener interface defines a number of methods that are invoked by the implementation upon the occurrence of HTTP/3 events, and that server applications can override to react to those events.

Please refer to the Session.Server.Listener javadocs for the complete list of events.

The first event is the accept event and happens when a client opens a new QUIC connection to the server and the server accepts the connection. This is the first occasion where server applications have access to the HTTP/3 Session object:

Session.Server.Listener sessionListener = new Session.Server.Listener()
    public void onAccept(Session session)
        SocketAddress remoteAddress = session.getRemoteSocketAddress();
        System.getLogger("http3").log(INFO, "Connection from {0}", remoteAddress);

After the QUIC connection has been established, both client and server send an HTTP/3 SETTINGS frame to exchange their HTTP/3 configuration. This generates the preface event, where applications can customize the HTTP/3 settings by returning a map of settings that the implementation will send to the other peer:

Session.Server.Listener sessionListener = new Session.Server.Listener()
    public Map<Long, Long> onPreface(Session session)
        Map<Long, Long> settings = new HashMap<>();

        // Customize the settings

        return settings;

Receiving a Request

Receiving an HTTP request from the client, and sending a response, creates a stream that encapsulates the exchange of HTTP/3 frames that compose the request and the response.

An HTTP request is made of a HEADERS frame, that carries the request method, the request URI and the request headers, and optional DATA frames that carry the request content.

Receiving the HEADERS frame opens the Stream:

Session.Server.Listener sessionListener = new Session.Server.Listener()
    public Stream.Server.Listener onRequest(Stream.Server stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)frame.getMetaData();

        // Return a Stream.Server.Listener to handle the request events,
        // for example request content events or a request reset.
        return new Stream.Server.Listener() {};

Server applications should return a Stream.Server.Listener implementation from onRequest(…​) to be notified of events generated by the client, such as DATA frames carrying request content, or a reset event indicating that the client wants to reset the request, or an idle timeout event indicating that the client was supposed to send more frames but it did not.

The example below shows how to receive request content:

Session.Server.Listener sessionListener = new Session.Server.Listener()
    public Stream.Server.Listener onRequest(Stream.Server stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)frame.getMetaData();

        // Demand to be called back when data is available.

        // Return a Stream.Server.Listener to handle the request content.
        return new Stream.Server.Listener()
            public void onDataAvailable(Stream.Server stream)
                // Read a chunk of the request content.
                Stream.Data data = stream.readData();

                if (data == null)
                    // No data available now, demand to be called back.
                    // Get the content buffer.
                    ByteBuffer buffer = data.getByteBuffer();

                    // Consume the buffer, here - as an example - just log it.
                    System.getLogger("http3").log(INFO, "Consuming buffer {0}", buffer);

                    // Tell the implementation that the buffer has been consumed.

                    if (!data.isLast())
                        // Demand to be called back.

Sending a Response

After receiving an HTTP request, a server application must send an HTTP response.

An HTTP response is typically composed of a HEADERS frame containing the HTTP status code and the response headers, and optionally one or more DATA frames containing the response content bytes.

The HTTP/3 protocol also supports response trailers (that is, headers that are sent after the response content) that also are sent using a HEADERS frame.

A server application can send a response in this way:

Session.Server.Listener sessionListener = new Session.Server.Listener()
    public Stream.Server.Listener onRequest(Stream.Server stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        // Send a response after reading the request.
        MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)frame.getMetaData();
        if (frame.isLast())
            respond(stream, request);
            return null;
            // Demand to be called back when data is available.
            return new Stream.Server.Listener()
                public void onDataAvailable(Stream.Server stream)
                    Stream.Data data = stream.readData();
                    if (data == null)
                        // Consume the request content.
                        if (data.isLast())
                            respond(stream, request);

    private void respond(Stream.Server stream, MetaData.Request request)
        // Prepare the response HEADERS frame.

        // The response HTTP status and HTTP headers.
        MetaData.Response response = new MetaData.Response(HttpVersion.HTTP_3, HttpStatus.OK_200, HttpFields.EMPTY);

        if (
            // The response content.
            ByteBuffer resourceBytes = getResourceBytes(request);

            // Send the HEADERS frame with the response status and headers,
            // and a DATA frame with the response content bytes.
            stream.respond(new HeadersFrame(response, false))
                .thenCompose(s -> DataFrame(resourceBytes, true)));
            // Send just the HEADERS frame with the response status and headers.
            stream.respond(new HeadersFrame(response, true));

Resetting a Request

A server application may decide that it does not want to accept the request. For example, it may throttle the client because it sent too many requests in a time window, or the request is invalid (and does not deserve a proper HTTP response), etc.

A request can be reset in this way:

Session.Server.Listener sessionListener = new Session.Server.Listener()
    public Stream.Server.Listener onRequest(Stream.Server stream, HeadersFrame frame)
        float requestRate = calculateRequestRate();

        if (requestRate > maxRequestRate)
            stream.reset(HTTP3ErrorCode.REQUEST_REJECTED_ERROR.code(), new RejectedExecutionException());
            return null;
            // The request is accepted.
            MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)frame.getMetaData();
            // Return a Stream.Listener to handle the request events.
            return new Stream.Server.Listener() {};

HTTP Session Management

Sessions are a concept within the Servlet API which allow requests to store and retrieve information across the time a user spends in an application. Jetty provides a number of pluggable options for managing sessions. In this section we’ll look at the architecture of session support in Jetty, review the various pluggable options available and indicate what and how to customize should none of the existing options suit your usecase.

Session Architecture


is responsible for allocation of session ids


is responsible for orchestrating the detection and removal of expired sessions


is responsible for managing the lifecycle of sessions within its associated context


is an L1 cache of in-use Session objects


is a stateful object representing a HttpSession


encapsulates the attributes and metadata associated with a Session


is responsible for creating, storing and reading SessionData


is an L2 cache of SessionData

The session architecture can be represented like so:


The SessionIdManager

There is a maximum of one SessionIdManager per Server instance. Its purpose is to generate fresh, unique session ids and to coordinate the re-use of session ids amongst co-operating contexts.

The SessionIdManager is agnostic with respect to the type of clustering technology chosen.

Jetty provides a default implementation - the DefaultSessionIdManager - which should meet the needs of most users.

If you do not explicitly configure a SessionIdManager, then when the SessionHandler starts, it will use an instance of the DefaultSessionIdManager.
The DefaultSessionIdManager

At startup, if no instance of the HouseKeeper has been explicitly set, the DefaultSessionIdManager will create one.

Also at startup, the workerName is determined. The workerName must be unique per Server, and identifies the server in a cluster. If a workerName has not been explicitly set, then the value is derived as follows:


where JETTY_WORKER_NAME is an environment variable whose value can be an integer or string. If the environment variable is not set, then it defaults to 0, yielding the default workerName of "node0".

The DefaultSessionIdManager uses SecureRandom to generate unique session ids.

The SessionHandler class, which is used by both the ServletContextHandler and the WebAppContext classes, will instantiate a DefaultSessionIdManager on startup if it does not detect one already present for the Server.

Here is an example of explicitly setting up a DefaultSessionIdManager with a workerName of server3 in code:

Server server = new Server();
DefaultSessionIdManager idMgr = new DefaultSessionIdManager(server);
//you must set the workerName unless you set the env viable JETTY_WORKER_NAME

Implementing a Custom SessionIdManager

If the DefaultSessionIdManager does not meet your needs, you can extend it, or implement the SessionIdManager interface directly.

When implementing a SessionIdManager pay particular attention to the following:

  • the getWorkerName() method must return a name that is unique to the Server instance. The workerName becomes important in clustering scenarios because sessions can migrate from node to node: the workerName identifies which node was last managing a Session.

  • the contract of the isIdInUse(String id) method is very specific: a session id may only be reused iff it is already in use by another context. This restriction is important to support cross-context dispatch.

  • you should be very careful to ensure that the newSessionId(HttpServletRequest request, long created) method does not return duplicate or predictable session ids.

The HouseKeeper

There is a maximum of one HouseKeeper per SessionIdManager. Its purpose is to periodically poll the SessionHandlers to clean out expired sessions. This operation is usually referred to as "scavenging" expired sessions. The scavenging interval is configured by the setIntervalSec(long) method. The default value is 600sec, ie 10mins.

The HouseKeeper semi-randomly adds an additional 10% of the configured intervalSec. This is to help prevent sync-ing up of servers in a cluster that are all restarted at once, and slightly stagger their scavenge cycles to ensure any load on the persistent storage mechanism is spread out.

This code example shows how to configure a HouseKeeper, along with a DefaultSessionIdManager:

Server server = new Server();
DefaultSessionIdManager idMgr = new DefaultSessionIdManager(server);

HouseKeeper houseKeeper = new HouseKeeper();
//set the frequency of scavenge cycles

The SessionHandler

Each context can have a single SessionHandler. The purpose of the SessionHandler is to interact with the Request and Response to create, maintain and propagate sessions. It also calls the context-level session listeners at appropriate points in the session lifecycle.


The majority of configuration for the SessionHandler can be done via web.xml <session-config> declarations, or the javax.servlet.SessionCookieConfig api. There are also a few jetty-specific configuration options that we will cover here:


Boolean, default false. This controls whether or not the javax.servlet.http.Response.encodeURL(String) method will include the session id as a path parameter when the URL is destined for a remote node. This can also be configured by:

  • setting the org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.CheckingRemoteSessionIdEncoding context init paramter


Integer, seconds. This is the amount of time after which an unused session may be scavenged. This can also be configured by:

  • defining the <session-config><session-timeout/></session-config> element in web.xml, although take note that this element is specified in minutes but this method uses seconds.

  • calling the javax.servlet.ServletContext.setSessionTimeout(int) method, where the timeout is configured in minutes.


Boolean, default false. If true, the session cookie will not be exposed to client-side scripting code. This can also be configured by:

  • using javax.servlet.SessionCookieConfig.setHttpOnly(boolean) method

  • defining the <session-config><cookie-config><http-only/></cookie-config></session-config> element in web.xml


Integer, seconds, default is -1. This controls resetting the session cookie when SessionCookieConfig.setMaxAge(int) is non-zero. See also setting the max session cookie age with an init parameter. If the amount of time since the session cookie was last set exceeds this time, the session cookie is regenerated to keep the session cookie valid.


HttpCookie.SameSite, default null. The values are HttpCookie.SameSite.NONE, HttpCookie.SameSite.STRICT, HttpCookie.SameSite.LAX.


Boolean, default true. If true and the request is HTTPS, the set session cookie will be marked as secure, meaning the client will only send the session cookie to the server on subsequent requests over HTTPS. This can also be configured by:

  • using the javax.servlet.SessionCookieConfig.setSecure(true) method, in which case the set session cookie will always be marked as secure, even if the request triggering the creation of the cookie was not over HTTPS.


String, default is JSESSIONID. This is the name of the session cookie. It can alternatively be configured by:

  • using javax.servlet.SessionCookieConfig.setName(String) method

  • setting the org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.SessionCookie context init parameter.


String, default is jsessionid. This is the name of the path parameter used to transmit the session id on request URLs, and on encoded URLS in responses. It can alternatively be configured by:

  • setting the org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.SessionIdPathParameterName context init parameter


Set<javax.servlet.SessionTrackingMode>. Default is SessionTrackingMode.COOKIE, SessionTrackingMode.URL. This can also be configured by:

  • using the setSessionTrackingModes(Set<javax.servlet.SessionTrackingMode>) method

  • using the javax.servlet.ServletContext.setSessionTrackingModes<Set<javax.servlet.SessionTrackingMode>) method

  • defining up to three <tracking-mode>s for the <session-config> element in web.xml


Boolean, default true. Determines whether or not the SessionHandler will look for session cookies on requests, and will set session cookies on responses. If false session ids must be transmitted as path params on URLs. This can also be configured by:

  • using the setSessionTrackingModes(Set<javax.servlet.SessionTrackingMode>) method

  • using the javax.servlet.ServletContext.setSessionTrackingModes<Set<javax.servlet.SessionTrackingMode>) method

There are also a few session settings that do not have SessionHandler setters, but can be configured with context init parameters:


This is the maximum number of seconds that the session cookie will be considered to be valid. By default, the cookie has no maximum validity time. See also refreshing the session cookie. The value can also be configured by:

  • calling the SessionCookieConfig.setMaxAge(int) method.


String, default null. This is the domain of the session cookie. This can also be configured by:

  • using the javax.servlet.SessionCookieConfig.setDomain(String) method

  • defining the <session-config><cookie-config><domain/></cookie-config></session-config> element in web.xml


String, default null. This is used when creating a new session cookie. If nothing is configured, the context path is used instead, defaulting to /. This can also be configured by:

  • using the javax.servlet.SessionCookieConfig.setPath(String) method

  • defining the <session-config><cookie-config><path/></cookie-config></session-config> element in web.xml


Some statistics about the sessions for a context can be obtained from the SessionHandler, either by calling the methods directly or via jmx:


This is the total number of sessions that have been created for this context since Jetty started.


The longest period of time a session was valid in this context before being invalidated.


The average period of time a session in this context was valid.


The standard deviation of the session validity times for this context.


The total time that all sessions in this context have remained valid.

You can reset the statistics counters by either calling the following method directly on the the SessionHandler, or using jmx:


Resets the SessionHandler statistics counters.

The SessionCache

There is one SessionCache per SessionHandler, and thus one per context. Its purpose is to provide an L1 cache of Session objects. Having a working set of Session objects in memory allows multiple simultaneous requests for the same session to share the same Session object. A SessionCache uses a SessionDataStore to create, read, store and delete the SessionData associated with the Session.

There are two ways to create a SessionCache for a SessionHandler:

  1. allow the SessionHandler to create one lazily at startup. The SessionHandler looks for a SessionCacheFactory bean on the server to produce the SessionCache instance. It then looks for a SessionDataStoreFactory bean on the server to produce a SessionDataStore instance to use with the SessionCache.

  2. pass a fully configured SessionCache instance to the SessionHandler. You are responsible for configuring both the SessionCache instance and its SessionDataStore

More on SessionDataStores later, in this section we will concentrate on the SessionCache and SessionCacheFactory.

The AbstractSessionCache provides most of the behaviour of SessionCaches. If you are implementing a custom SessionCache we strongly recommend you extend this base class, as the Servlet Specification has many subtleties and extending the base class ensures that your implementation will take account of them.

Some of the important behaviours of SessionCaches are:


By default, sessions remain in a cache until they are expired or invalidated. If you have many or large sessions that are infrequently referenced you can use eviction to reduce the memory consumed by the cache. When a session is evicted, it is removed from the cache but it is not invalidated. If you have configured a SessionDataStore that persists or distributes the session in some way, it will continue to exist, and can be read back in when it needs to be referenced again. The eviction strategies are:


This is the default, sessions remain in the cache until expired or invalidated.


When the last simultaneous request for a session finishes, the session will be evicted from the cache.


If a session has not been referenced for a configurable number of seconds, then it will be evicted from the cache.


This controls whether a session will be persisted to the SessionDataStore if it is being evicted due to the EVICT_ON_INACTIVITY policy. Usually sessions are written to the SessionDataStore whenever the last simultaneous request exits the session. However, as SessionDataStores can be configured to skip some writes, this option ensures that the session will be written out.


Usually a session will be written through to the configured SessionDataStore when the last request for it finishes. In the case of a freshly created session, this means that it will not be persisted until the request is fully finished. If your application uses context forwarding or including, the newly created session id will not be available in the subsequent contexts. You can enable this feature to ensure that a freshly created session is immediately persisted after creation: in this way the session id will be available for use in other contexts accessed during the same request.


If a session becomes corrupted in the persistent store, it cannot be re-loaded into the SessionCache. This can cause noisy log output during scavenge cycles, when the same corrupted session fails to load over and over again. To prevent his, enable this feature and the SessionCache will ensure that if a session fails to be loaded, it will be deleted.


Some applications want to ensure that all cached sessions are removed when the server shuts down. This option will ensure that all cached sessions are invalidated. The AbstractSessionCache does not implement this behaviour, a subclass must implement the SessionCache.shutdown() method.


This forces a "dirty" session to be written to the SessionDataStore just before a response is returned to the client, rather than waiting until the request is finished. A "dirty" session is one whose attributes have changed, or it has been freshly created. Using this option ensures that all subsequent requests - either to the same or a different node - will see the latest changes to the session.

Jetty provides two SessionCache implementations: the DefaultSessionCache and the NullSessionCache.

The DefaultSessionCache

The DefaultSessionCache retains Session objects in memory in a ConcurrentHashMap. It is suitable for non-clustered and clustered deployments. For clustered deployments, a sticky load balancer is strongly recommended, otherwise you risk indeterminate session state as the session bounces around multiple nodes.

It implements the SessionCache.shutdown() method.

It also provides some statistics on sessions, which are convenient to access either directly in code or remotely via jmx:

current sessions

The DefaultSessionCache.getSessionsCurrent() reports the number of sessions in the cache at the time of the method call.

max sessions

The DefaultSessionCache.getSessionsMax() reports the highest number of sessions in the cache at the time of the method call.

total sessions

The DefaultSessionCache.getSessionsTotal() reports the cumulative total of the number of sessions in the cache at the time of the method call.


The DefaultSessionCache.resetStats() zeros out the statistics counters.

If you create a DefaultSessionFactory and register it as Server bean, a SessionHandler will be able to lazily create a DefaultSessionCache. The DefaultSessionCacheFactory has all of the same configuration setters as a DefaultSessionCache. Alternatively, if you only have a single SessionHandler, or you need to configure a DefaultSessionCache differently for every SessionHandler, then you could dispense with the DefaultSessionCacheFactory and simply instantiate, configure and pass in the DefaultSessionCache yourself.

 Server server = new Server();

 DefaultSessionCacheFactory cacheFactory = new DefaultSessionCacheFactory();
 //EVICT_ON_INACTIVE: evict a session after 60sec inactivity
 //Only useful with the EVICT_ON_INACTIVE policy

 //Add the factory as a bean to the server, now whenever a 
 //SessionHandler starts it will consult the bean to create a new DefaultSessionCache
If you don’t configure any SessionCache or SessionCacheFactory, the SessionHandler will automatically create a DefaultSessionCache.
The NullSessionCache

The NullSessionCache does not actually cache any objects: each request uses a fresh Session object. It is suitable for clustered deployments without a sticky load balancer and non-clustered deployments when purely minimal support for sessions is needed.

As no sessions are actually cached, of course functions like invalidateOnShutdown and all of the eviction strategies have no meaning for the NullSessionCache.

There is a NullSessionCacheFactory which you can instantiate, configure and set as a Server bean to enable the SessionHandler to automatically create new NullCaches as needed. All of the same configuration options are available on the NullSessionCacheFactory as the NullSessionCache itself. Alternatively, if you only have a single SessionHandler, or you need to configure a NullSessionCache differently for every SessionHandler, then you could dispense with the NullSessionCacheFactory and simply instantiate, configure and pass in the NullSessionCache yourself.

Server server = new Server();
NullSessionCacheFactory cacheFactory = new NullSessionCacheFactory();

//Add the factory as a bean to the server, now whenever a 
//SessionHandler starts it will consult the bean to create a new NullSessionCache
Implementing a Custom SessionCache

As previously mentioned, we highly recommend that you extend the AbstractSessionCache.

Heterogeneous Caching

Using one of the SessionCacheFactorys will ensure that every time a SessionHandler starts it will create a new instance of the corresponding type of SessionCache.

But, what if you deploy multiple webapps, and for one of them, you don’t want to use sessions? Or alternatively, you don’t want to use sessions, but you have one webapp that now needs them? In that case, you can configure the SessionCacheFactory appropriate to the majority, and then specifically create the right type of SessionCache for the others. Here’s an example where we configure the DefaultSessionCacheFactory to handle most webapps, but then specifically use a NullSessionCache for another:

Server server = new Server();

DefaultSessionCacheFactory cacheFactory = new DefaultSessionCacheFactory();

//Add the factory as a bean to the server, now whenever a 
//SessionHandler starts it will consult the bean to create a new DefaultSessionCache

ContextHandlerCollection contexts = new ContextHandlerCollection();

//Add a webapp that will use a DefaultSessionCache via the DefaultSessionCacheFactory
WebAppContext app1 = new WebAppContext();

//Add a webapp that uses an explicit NullSessionCache instead
WebAppContext app2 = new WebAppContext();
NullSessionCache nullSessionCache = new NullSessionCache(app2.getSessionHandler());
//If we pass an existing SessionCache instance to the SessionHandler, it must be
//fully configured: this means we must also provide SessionDataStore
nullSessionCache.setSessionDataStore(new NullSessionDataStore());

The SessionDataStore

A SessionDataStore mediates the storage, retrieval and deletion of SessionData. There is one SessionDataStore per SessionCache. The server libraries provide a number of alternative SessionDataStore implementations.


The AbstractSessionDataStore provides most of the behaviour common to SessionDataStores:


Supporting passivation means that session data is serialized. Some persistence mechanisms serialize, such as JDBC, GCloud Datastore etc. Others store an object in shared memory, e.g. Infinispan and thus don’t serialize session data. Whether or not a persistence technology entails passivation controls whether or not HttpSessionActivationListeners will be called. When implementing a custom SessionDataStore you need to decide whether or not passivation will be supported.


This is an interval defined in seconds. It is used to reduce the frequency with which SessionData is written. Normally, whenever the last concurrent request leaves a Session, the SessionData for that Session is always persisted, even if the only thing that changed is the lastAccessTime. If the savePeriod is non-zero, the SessionData will not be persisted if no session attributes changed, unless the time since the last save exceeds the savePeriod. Setting a non-zero value can reduce the load on the persistence mechanism, but in a clustered environment runs the risk that other nodes will see the session as expired because it has not been persisted sufficiently recently.


The gracePeriod is an interval defined in seconds. It is an attempt to deal with the non-transactional nature of sessions with regard to finding sessions that have expired. In a clustered configuration - even with a sticky load balancer - it is always possible that a session is "live" on a node but not yet updated in the persistent store. This means that it can be hard to determine at any given moment whether a clustered session has truly expired. Thus, we use the gracePeriod to provide a bit of leeway around the moment of expiry during scavenge:

  • on every scavenge cycle an AbstractSessionDataStore searches for sessions that belong to the context that expired at least one gracePeriod ago

  • infrequently the AbstractSessionDataStore searches for and summarily deletes sessions - from any context - that expired at least 10 gracePeriods ago

The trivial NullSessionDataStore - which does not persist sessions - is the default used by the SessionHandler.

The FileSessionDataStore

The FileSessionDataStore supports persistent storage of session data in a filesystem.

Persisting sessions to the local file system should never be used in a clustered environment.

One file represents one session in one context.

File names follow this pattern:



This is the expiry time in milliseconds since the epoch.


This is the context path with any special characters, including /, replaced by the underscore character. For example, a context path of /catalog would become _catalog. A context path of simply / becomes just _.


This is the first virtual host associated with the context and has the form of 4 digits separated by . characters. If there are no virtual hosts associated with a context, then is used:


This is the unique id of the session.

Putting all of the above together as an example, a session with an id of node0ek3vx7x2y1e7pmi3z00uqj1k0 for the context with path /test with no virtual hosts and an expiry of 1599558193150 would have a file name of:



You can configure either a FileSessionDataStore individually, or a FileSessionDataStoreFactory if you want multiple SessionHandlers to use FileSessionDataStores that are identically configured. The configuration methods are:


This is a File that defines the location for storage of session files. If the directory does not exist at startup, it will be created. If you use the same storeDir for multiple SessionHandlers, then the sessions for all of those contexts are stored in the same directory. This is not a problem, as the name of the file is unique because it contains the context information. You must supply a value for this, otherwise startup of the FileSessionDataStore will fail.


Boolean, default false. If set to true, unreadable files will be deleted. This is useful to prevent repeated logging of the same error when the scavenger periodically (re-)attempts to load the corrupted information for a session in order to expire it.


This is an interval defined in seconds. It is used to reduce the frequency with which SessionData is written. Normally, whenever the last concurrent request leaves a Session, the SessionData for that Session is always persisted, even if the only thing that changed is the lastAccessTime. If the savePeriod is non-zero, the SessionData will not be persisted if no session attributes changed, unless the time since the last save exceeds the savePeriod. Setting a non-zero value can reduce the load on the persistence mechanism, but in a clustered environment runs the risk that other nodes will see the session as expired because it has not been persisted sufficiently recently.


The gracePeriod is an interval defined in seconds. It is an attempt to deal with the non-transactional nature of sessions with regard to finding sessions that have expired. In a clustered configuration - even with a sticky load balancer - it is always possible that a session is "live" on a node but not yet updated in the persistent store. This means that it can be hard to determine at any given moment whether a clustered session has truly expired. Thus, we use the gracePeriod to provide a bit of leeway around the moment of expiry during scavenge:

  • on every scavenge cycle an AbstractSessionDataStore searches for sessions that belong to the context that expired at least one gracePeriod ago

  • infrequently the AbstractSessionDataStore searches for and summarily deletes sessions - from any context - that expired at least 10 gracePeriods ago

Let’s look at an example of configuring a FileSessionDataStoreFactory:

Server server = new Server();

//First lets configure a DefaultSessionCacheFactory
DefaultSessionCacheFactory cacheFactory = new DefaultSessionCacheFactory();

//Add the factory as a bean to the server, now whenever a 
//SessionHandler starts it will consult the bean to create a new DefaultSessionCache

//Now, lets configure a FileSessionDataStoreFactory
FileSessionDataStoreFactory storeFactory = new FileSessionDataStoreFactory();
storeFactory.setStoreDir(new File("/tmp/sessions"));

//Add the factory as a bean on the server, now whenever a
//SessionHandler starts, it will consult the bean to create a new FileSessionDataStore
//for use by the DefaultSessionCache

Here’s an alternate example, configuring a FileSessionDataStore directly:

//create a context
WebAppContext app1 = new WebAppContext();

//First, we create a DefaultSessionCache
DefaultSessionCache cache = new DefaultSessionCache(app1.getSessionHandler());

//Now, we configure a FileSessionDataStore
FileSessionDataStore store = new FileSessionDataStore();
store.setStoreDir(new File("/tmp/sessions"));

//Tell the cache to use the store

//Tell the contex to use the cache/store combination
The JDBCSessionDataStore

The JDBCSessionDataStore supports persistent storage of session data in a relational database. To do that, it requires a DatabaseAdaptor that handles the differences between databases (eg Oracle, Postgres etc), and a SessionTableSchema that allows for the customization of table and column names.


SessionData is stored in a table with one row per session. This is the table, with the table name, column names and type keywords at their default settings:

sessionId contextPath virtualHost lastNode accessTime lastAccessTime createTime cookieTime lastSavedTime expiryTime maxInterval map

120 varchar

60 varchar

60 varchar

60 varchar









The name of the table and all columns can be configured using the SessionTableSchema class described below. Many databases use different keywords for the long, blob and varchar types, so you can explicitly configure these if jetty cannot determine what they should be at runtime based on the metadata available from a db connection using the DatabaseAdaptor class described below.


The JDBCSessionDataStore and corresponding JDBCSessionDataStoreFactory supports the following configuration:


This is an interval defined in seconds. It is used to reduce the frequency with which SessionData is written. Normally, whenever the last concurrent request leaves a Session, the SessionData for that Session is always persisted, even if the only thing that changed is the lastAccessTime. If the savePeriod is non-zero, the SessionData will not be persisted if no session attributes changed, unless the time since the last save exceeds the savePeriod. Setting a non-zero value can reduce the load on the persistence mechanism, but in a clustered environment runs the risk that other nodes will see the session as expired because it has not been persisted sufficiently recently.


The gracePeriod is an interval defined in seconds. It is an attempt to deal with the non-transactional nature of sessions with regard to finding sessions that have expired. In a clustered configuration - even with a sticky load balancer - it is always possible that a session is "live" on a node but not yet updated in the persistent store. This means that it can be hard to determine at any given moment whether a clustered session has truly expired. Thus, we use the gracePeriod to provide a bit of leeway around the moment of expiry during scavenge:

  • on every scavenge cycle an AbstractSessionDataStore searches for sessions that belong to the context that expired at least one gracePeriod ago

  • infrequently the AbstractSessionDataStore searches for and summarily deletes sessions - from any context - that expired at least 10 gracePeriods ago


The DatabaseAdaptor can connect to a database either via a javax.sql.Datasource or a java.sql.Driver. Additionally, a database-specific keyword can be configured for the blob, varchar and long types. Note that the DatabaseAdaptor tries to automatically detect the type of the database from the first connection and select the appropriate type keywords, however you may need to explicitly configure them if you’re not using Postgres or Oracle.


This can either be a Datasource instance or the jndi name of a Datasource to look up.

DatabaseAdaptor datasourceAdaptor = new DatabaseAdaptor();

This is the name or instance of a jdbc Driver class and a connection url.

DatabaseAdaptor driverAdaptor = new DatabaseAdaptor();
driverAdaptor.setDriverInfo("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "jdbc:mysql://");

Default blob or bytea for Postgres.


Default bigint or number(20) for Oracle.


Default varchar.


The exact meaning of these two are dependent on your database vendor, but can broadly be described as further scoping for the session table name. See and These extra scoping names can come into play at startup time when Jetty determines if the session table already exists, or otherwise creates it on-the-fly. If you have employed either of these concepts when you pre-created the session table, or you want to ensure that Jetty uses them when it auto-creates the session table, then you have two options: either set them explicitly, or let Jetty infer them from a database connection. If you leave them unset, then no scoping will be done. If you use the special value INFERRED, Jetty will determine them from a database connection.


Default JettySessions. This is the name of the table in which session data is stored.


Default accessTime. This is the name of the column that stores the time - in ms since the epoch - at which a session was last accessed


Default contextPath. This is the name of the column that stores the contextPath of a session.


Default cookieTime. This is the name of the column that stores the time - in ms since the epoch - that the cookie was last set for a session.


Default createTime. This is the name of the column that stores the time - in ms since the epoch - at which a session was created.


Default expiryTime. This is name of the column that stores - in ms since the epoch - the time at which a session will expire.


Default lastAccessTime. This is the name of the column that stores the time - in ms since the epoch - that a session was previously accessed.


Default lastSavedTime. This is the name of the column that stores the time - in ms since the epoch - at which a session was last written.


Default sessionId. This is the name of the column that stores the id of a session.


Default lastNode. This is the name of the column that stores the workerName of the last node to write a session.


Default virtualHost. This is the name of the column that stores the first virtual host of the context of a session.


Default maxInterval. This is the name of the column that stores the interval - in ms - during which a session can be idle before being considered expired.


Default map. This is the name of the column that stores the serialized attributes of a session.

The MongoSessionDataStore

The MongoSessionDataStore supports persistence of SessionData in a nosql database.

The best description for the document model for session information is found in the javadoc for the MongoSessionDataStore. In overview, it can be represented thus:


The database contains a document collection for the sessions. Each document represents a session id, and contains one nested document per context in which that session id is used. For example, the session id abcd12345 might be used by two contexts, one with path /contextA and one with path /contextB. In that case, the outermost document would refer to abcd12345 and it would have a nested document for /contextA containing the session attributes for that context, and another nested document for /contextB containing the session attributes for that context. Remember, according to the Servlet Specification, a session id can be shared by many contexts, but the attributes must be unique per context.

The outermost document contains these fields:


The session id.


The time (in ms since the epoch) at which the session was first created in any context.


The time (in ms) for which an idle session is regarded as valid. As maxIdle times can be different for Sessions from different contexts, this is the shortest maxIdle time.


The time (in ms since the epoch) at which the session will expire. As the expiry time can be different for Sessions from different contexts, this is the shortest expiry time.

Each nested context-specific document contains:


The session attributes as a serialized map.


The time (in ms since the epoch) at which the session in this context was saved.


The time (in ms since the epoch) at which the session in this context was previously accessed.


The time (in ms since the epoch) at which this session was most recently accessed.


The workerName of the last server that saved the session data.


An object that is updated every time a session is written out for a context.


You can configure either a MongoSessionDataStore individually, or a MongoSessionDataStoreFactory if you want multiple SessionHandlers to use MongoSessionDataStores that are identically configured. The configuration methods for the MongoSessionDataStoreFactory are:


This is an interval defined in seconds. It is used to reduce the frequency with which SessionData is written. Normally, whenever the last concurrent request leaves a Session, the SessionData for that Session is always persisted, even if the only thing that changed is the lastAccessTime. If the savePeriod is non-zero, the SessionData will not be persisted if no session attributes changed, unless the time since the last save exceeds the savePeriod. Setting a non-zero value can reduce the load on the persistence mechanism, but in a clustered environment runs the risk that other nodes will see the session as expired because it has not been persisted sufficiently recently.


The gracePeriod is an interval defined in seconds. It is an attempt to deal with the non-transactional nature of sessions with regard to finding sessions that have expired. In a clustered configuration - even with a sticky load balancer - it is always possible that a session is "live" on a node but not yet updated in the persistent store. This means that it can be hard to determine at any given moment whether a clustered session has truly expired. Thus, we use the gracePeriod to provide a bit of leeway around the moment of expiry during scavenge:

  • on every scavenge cycle an AbstractSessionDataStore searches for sessions that belong to the context that expired at least one gracePeriod ago

  • infrequently the AbstractSessionDataStore searches for and summarily deletes sessions - from any context - that expired at least 10 gracePeriods ago


This is the name of the database.


The name of the document collection.

There are two alternative ways to specify the connection to mongodb:


This is a mongodb url, eg mongodb://localhost


This is the hostname and port number of the mongodb instance to contact.

Let’s look at an example of configuring a MongoSessionDataStoreFactory:

Server server = new Server();

MongoSessionDataStoreFactory mongoSessionDataStoreFactory = new MongoSessionDataStoreFactory();

// Either set the connectionString
// or alternatively set the host and port.
The CachingSessionDataStore

The CachingSessionDataStore is a special type of SessionDataStore that checks an L2 cache for SessionData before checking a delegate SessionDataStore. This can improve the performance of slow stores.

The L2 cache is an instance of a SessionDataMap. Jetty provides one implementation of this L2 cache based on memcached, MemcachedSessionDataMap.


Here’s an example of how to programmatically configure CachingSessionDataStores, using a FileSessionDataStore as a delegate, and memcached as the L2 cache:

Server server = new Server();

//Make a factory for memcached L2 caches for SessionData
MemcachedSessionDataMapFactory mapFactory = new MemcachedSessionDataMapFactory();
mapFactory.setExpirySec(0); //items in memcached don't expire
mapFactory.setHeartbeats(true); //tell memcached to use heartbeats
mapFactory.setAddresses(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 11211)); //use a local memcached instance
mapFactory.setWeights(new int[] {100}); //set the weighting

//Make a FileSessionDataStoreFactory for creating FileSessionDataStores
//to persist the session data
FileSessionDataStoreFactory storeFactory = new FileSessionDataStoreFactory();
storeFactory.setStoreDir(new File("/tmp/sessions"));

//Make a factory that plugs the L2 cache into the SessionDataStore
CachingSessionDataStoreFactory cachingSessionDataStoreFactory = new CachingSessionDataStoreFactory();

//Register it as a bean so that all SessionHandlers will use it
//to make FileSessionDataStores that use memcached as an L2 SessionData cache.

WebSocket Server

Jetty provides two API implementations of the WebSocket protocol:

Using the standard jakarta.websocket APIs allows your applications to depend only on standard APIs, and your applications may be deployed in any compliant WebSocket Container that supports Jakarta WebSocket 2.0.

The standard APIs provide these features that are not present in the Jetty WebSocket APIs:

  • Encoders and Decoders for automatic conversion of text or binary messages to objects.

On the other hand, the Jetty WebSocket APIs are more efficient and offer greater and more fine-grained control, and provide these features that are not present in the standard APIs:

  • Suspend/resume to control backpressure.

  • Remote socket address (IP address and port) information.

  • WebSocket upgrade handling via Filter or Servlet.

  • Advanced URI matching with Servlet WebSocket upgrade.

  • Configuration of the network buffer capacity.

If your application needs specific features that are not provided by the standard APIs, the Jetty WebSocket APIs may provide such features — and if they do not, you may ask for these features by submitting an issue to the Jetty Project without waiting for the standard process to approve them.

Standard APIs Implementation

When you write a WebSocket application using the standard jakarta.websocket APIs, your code typically need to depend on just the APIs to compile your application. However, at runtime you need to have an implementation of the standard APIs in your class-path (or module-path).

The standard jakarta.websocket APIs are provided by the following Maven artifact:


However, the artifact above lacks a proper JPMS module-info.class file, and therefore it is a little more difficult to use if you want to use of JPMS for your application.

If you want to use JPMS for your application, you can use this Maven artifact instead:


This artifact is nothing more than the jakarta.websocket:jakarta.websocket-api:2.0.0 artifact repackaged with a proper module-info.class file.

At runtime, you also need an implementation of the standard jakarta.websocket APIs.

Jetty’s implementation of the standard jakarta.websocket APIs is provided by the following Maven artifact (and its transitive dependencies):


The jakarta.websocket-api artifact and the websocket-jakarta-server artifact (and its transitive dependencies) should be present in the server class-path (or module-path), and never in the web application’s /WEB-INF/lib directory.

To configure correctly your WebSocket application based on the standard jakarta.websocket APIs, you need two steps:

  1. Make sure that Jetty sets up an instance of jakarta.websocket.server.ServerContainer.

  2. Configure the WebSocket endpoints that implement your application logic, either by annotating their classes with the standard jakarta.websocket annotations, or by using the ServerContainer APIs to register them in your code.

Setting Up ServerContainer

Jetty sets up a ServerContainer instance using JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.

When you deploy web applications using WebAppContext, then JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer is automatically discovered and initialized by Jetty when the web application starts, so that it sets up the ServerContainer. In this way, you do not need to write any additional code:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a WebAppContext with the given context path.
WebAppContext handler = new WebAppContext("/path/to/webapp", "/ctx");

// Starting the Server will start the WebAppContext.

On the other hand, when you deploy web applications using ServletContextHandler, you have to write the code to ensure that the JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer is initialized, so that it sets up the ServerContainer:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a ServletContextHandler with the given context path.
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/ctx");

// Ensure that JavaxWebSocketServletContainerInitializer is initialized,
// to setup the ServerContainer for this web application context.
JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(handler, null);

// Starting the Server will start the ServletContextHandler.

Calling JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(...) must be done before the ServletContextHandler is started, and configures the jakarta.websocket implementation for that web application context.

Configuring Endpoints

Once you have setup the ServerContainer, you can configure your WebSocket endpoints.

The WebSocket endpoints classes may be either annotated with the standard jakarta.websocket annotations, extend the jakarta.websocket.Endpoint abstract class, or implement the jakarta.websocket.server.ServerApplicationConfig interface.

When you deploy web applications using WebAppContext, then annotated WebSocket endpoint classes are automatically discovered and registered. In this way, you do not need to write any additional code; you just need to ensure that your WebSocket endpoint classes are present in the web application’s /WEB-INF/classes directory, or in a *.jar file in /WEB-INF/lib.

On the other hand, when you deploy web applications using WebAppContext but you need to perform more advanced configuration of the ServerContainer or of the WebSocket endpoints, or when you deploy web applications using ServletContextHandler, you need to access the ServerContainer APIs.

The ServerContainer instance is stored as a ServletContext attribute, so it can be retrieved when the ServletContext is initialized, either from a ServletContextListener or from a HttpServlet:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a ServletContextHandler with the given context path.
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/ctx");

// Ensure that JavaxWebSocketServletContainerInitializer is initialized,
// to setup the ServerContainer for this web application context.
JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(handler, null);

// Add a WebSocket-initializer Servlet to register WebSocket endpoints.
handler.addServlet(MyJavaxWebSocketInitializerServlet.class, "/*");

// Starting the Server will start the ServletContextHandler.
public class MyJavaxWebSocketInitializerServlet extends HttpServlet
    public void init() throws ServletException
            // Retrieve the ServerContainer from the ServletContext attributes.
            ServerContainer container = (ServerContainer)getServletContext().getAttribute(ServerContainer.class.getName());

            // Configure the ServerContainer.
            container.setDefaultMaxTextMessageBufferSize(128 * 1024);

            // Simple registration of your WebSocket endpoints.

            // Advanced registration of your WebSocket endpoints.
                ServerEndpointConfig.Builder.create(MyJavaxWebSocketEndPoint.class, "/ws")
        catch (DeploymentException x)
            throw new ServletException(x);

When you deploy web applications using ServletContextHandler, you can also use this variant to set up the ServerContainer and configure the WebSocket endpoints in one step:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a ServletContextHandler with the given context path.
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/ctx");

// Setup the ServerContainer and the WebSocket endpoints for this web application context.
JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(handler, (servletContext, container) ->
    // Configure the ServerContainer.
    container.setDefaultMaxTextMessageBufferSize(128 * 1024);

    // Simple registration of your WebSocket endpoints.

    // Advanced registration of your WebSocket endpoints.
        ServerEndpointConfig.Builder.create(MyJavaxWebSocketEndPoint.class, "/ws")

// Starting the Server will start the ServletContextHandler.

When the ServletContextHandler is started, the Configurator lambda (the second parameter passed to JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(...)) is invoked and allows you to explicitly configure the WebSocket endpoints using the standard APIs provided by ServerContainer.

Upgrade to WebSocket

Under the hood, JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer installs the org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servlet.WebSocketUpgradeFilter, which is the component that intercepts HTTP requests to upgrade to WebSocket, and performs the upgrade from the HTTP protocol to the WebSocket protocol.

The WebSocketUpgradeFilter is installed under the filter name corresponding to its class name (that is, the string "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servlet.WebSocketUpgradeFilter") and with a filter mapping of /*.

Refer to the advanced WebSocketUpgradeFilter configuration section for more information.

With the default configuration, every HTTP request flows first through the WebSocketUpgradeFilter.

If the HTTP request is a valid upgrade to WebSocket, then WebSocketUpgradeFilter tries to find a matching WebSocket endpoint for the request URI path; if the match is found, WebSocketUpgradeFilter performs the upgrade and does not invoke any other Filter or Servlet. From this point on, the communication happens with the WebSocket protocol, and HTTP components such as Filters and Servlets are not relevant anymore.

If the HTTP request is not an upgrade to WebSocket, or WebSocketUpgradeFilter did not find a matching WebSocket endpoint for the request URI path, then the request is passed to the Filter chain of your web application, and eventually the request arrives to a Servlet to be processed (otherwise a 404 Not Found response is returned to client).

Jetty APIs Implementation

When you write a WebSocket application using the Jetty WebSocket APIs, your code typically need to depend on just the Jetty WebSocket APIs to compile your application. However, at runtime you need to have the implementation of the Jetty WebSocket APIs in your class-path (or module-path).

Jetty’s WebSocket APIs are provided by the following Maven artifact:


Jetty’s implementation of the Jetty WebSocket APIs is provided by the following Maven artifact (and its transitive dependencies):


The websocket-jetty-api artifact and the websocket-jetty-server artifact (and its transitive dependencies) should be present in the server class-path (or module-path), and never in the web application’s /WEB-INF/lib directory.

To configure correctly your WebSocket application based on the Jetty WebSocket APIs, you need two steps:

  1. Make sure that Jetty sets up an instance of JettyWebSocketServerContainer.

  2. Use the JettyWebSocketServerContainer APIs in your applications to register your WebSocket endpoints that implement your application logic.

You can read more about the Jetty WebSocket architecture, which is common to both client-side and server-side, to get familiar with the terminology used in the following sections.

Setting up JettyWebSocketServerContainer

Jetty sets up a JettyWebSocketServerContainer instance using JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.

When you deploy web applications using WebAppContext, then JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer is automatically discovered and initialized by Jetty when the web application starts, so that it sets up the JettyWebSocketServerContainer. In this way, you do not need to write any additional code:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a WebAppContext with the given context path.
WebAppContext handler = new WebAppContext("/path/to/webapp", "/ctx");

// Starting the Server will start the WebAppContext.

On the other hand, when you deploy web applications using ServletContextHandler, you have to write the code to ensure that the JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer is initialized, so that it sets up the JettyWebSocketServerContainer:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a ServletContextHandler with the given context path.
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/ctx");

// Ensure that JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer is initialized,
// to setup the JettyWebSocketServerContainer for this web application context.
JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(handler, null);

// Starting the Server will start the ServletContextHandler.

Calling JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(...) must be done before the ServletContextHandler is started, and configures the Jetty WebSocket implementation for that web application context.

Configuring Endpoints

Once you have setup the JettyWebSocketServerContainer, you can configure your WebSocket endpoints.

Differently from the configuration of standard WebSocket endpoints, WebSocket endpoint classes may be annotated with Jetty WebSocket API annotations, or extend the org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.WebSocketListener interface, but they are not automatically discovered, not even when deploying web applications using WebAppContext.

When using the Jetty WebSocket APIs, WebSocket endpoints must always be explicitly configured.

There are two ways of configuring WebSocket endpoints when using the Jetty WebSocket APIs:

Using JettyWebSocketServerContainer

To register WebSocket endpoints using the Jetty WebSocket APIs you need to access the JettyWebSocketServerContainer APIs.

The JettyWebSocketServerContainer instance is stored in the ServletContext, so it can be retrieved when the ServletContext is initialized, either from a ServletContextListener or from a HttpServlet:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a ServletContextHandler with the given context path.
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/ctx");

// Ensure that JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer is initialized,
// to setup the JettyWebSocketServerContainer for this web application context.
JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(handler, null);

// Add a WebSocket-initializer Servlet to register WebSocket endpoints.
handler.addServlet(MyJettyWebSocketInitializerServlet.class, "/*");

// Starting the Server will start the ServletContextHandler.
public class MyJettyWebSocketInitializerServlet extends HttpServlet
    public void init() throws ServletException
        // Retrieve the JettyWebSocketServerContainer.
        JettyWebSocketServerContainer container = JettyWebSocketServerContainer.getContainer(getServletContext());

        // Configure the JettyWebSocketServerContainer.
        container.setMaxTextMessageSize(128 * 1024);

        // Simple registration of your WebSocket endpoints.
        container.addMapping("/ws/myURI", MyJettyWebSocketEndPoint.class);

        // Advanced registration of your WebSocket endpoints.
        container.addMapping("/ws/myOtherURI", (upgradeRequest, upgradeResponse) ->
            new MyOtherJettyWebSocketEndPoint()

You can also use this variant to set up the JettyWebSocketServerContainer and configure the WebSocket endpoints in one step:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a ServletContextHandler with the given context path.
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/ctx");

// Setup the JettyWebSocketServerContainer and the WebSocket endpoints for this web application context.
JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(handler, (servletContext, container) ->
    // Configure the ServerContainer.
    container.setMaxTextMessageSize(128 * 1024);

    // Add your WebSocket endpoint(s) to the JettyWebSocketServerContainer.
    container.addMapping("/ws/myURI", MyJettyWebSocketEndPoint.class);

    // Use JettyWebSocketCreator to have more control on the WebSocket endpoint creation.
    container.addMapping("/ws/myOtherURI", (upgradeRequest, upgradeResponse) ->
        // Possibly inspect the upgrade request and modify the upgrade response.

        // Create the new WebSocket endpoint.
        return new MyOtherJettyWebSocketEndPoint();

// Starting the Server will start the ServletContextHandler.

In the call to JettyWebSocketServerContainer.addMapping(...), you can specify a path spec (the first parameter) that can be configured as specified in this section.

When the ServletContextHandler is started, the Configurator lambda (the second parameter passed to JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(...)) is invoked and allows you to explicitly configure the WebSocket endpoints using the Jetty WebSocket APIs provided by JettyWebSocketServerContainer.

Under the hood, the call to JettyWebSocketServerContainer.addMapping(...) installs the org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servlet.WebSocketUpgradeFilter, which is the component that intercepts HTTP requests to upgrade to WebSocket, described in this section. For more information about the configuration of WebSocketUpgradeFilter see also this section.

One last alternative to register your WebSocket endpoints is to use a programmatic WebSocket upgrade via JettyWebSocketServerContainer.upgrade(...), which allows you to use a standard HttpServlet subclass (rather than a JettyWebSocketServlet as explained in this section) to perform a direct WebSocket upgrade when your application logic demands so:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a ServletContextHandler with the given context path.
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/ctx");

// Ensure that JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer is initialized,
// to setup the JettyWebSocketServerContainer for this web application context.
JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(handler, null);

// Starting the Server will start the ServletContextHandler.
public class ProgrammaticWebSocketUpgradeServlet extends HttpServlet
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
        if (requiresWebSocketUpgrade(request))
            // Retrieve the JettyWebSocketServerContainer.
            JettyWebSocketServerContainer container = JettyWebSocketServerContainer.getContainer(getServletContext());

            // Use a JettyWebSocketCreator to inspect the upgrade request,
            // possibly modify the upgrade response, and create the WebSocket endpoint.
            JettyWebSocketCreator creator = (upgradeRequest, upgradeResponse) -> new MyJettyWebSocketEndPoint();

            // Perform the direct WebSocket upgrade.
            container.upgrade(creator, request, response);
            // Normal handling of the HTTP request/response.

When using JettyWebSocketServerContainer.upgrade(...), the WebSocketUpgradeFilter is not installed, since the WebSocket upgrade is performed programmatically.

Using JettyWebSocketServlet

An alternative way to register WebSocket endpoints using the Jetty WebSocket APIs is to use a JettyWebSocketServlet subclass (or even many different JettyWebSocketServlet subclasses).

This method has the advantage that it does not install the WebSocketUpgradeFilter under the hood, because the WebSocket upgrade is handled directly by your JettyWebSocketServlet subclass. This may also have a performance benefit for non-WebSocket HTTP requests (as they will not pass through the WebSocketUpgradeFilter).

Your JettyWebSocketServlet subclass may be declared and configured either in code or in web.xml. Declaring your JettyWebSocketServlet subclass explicitly in code or in web.xml also simplifies the declaration and configuration of other web components such as other Servlets and/or Filters (for example, it is easier to configure the CrossOriginFilter, see also this section for more information).

For example, your JettyWebSocketServlet subclass may be declared in code in this way:

// Create a Server with a ServerConnector listening on port 8080.
Server server = new Server(8080);

// Create a ServletContextHandler with the given context path.
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/ctx");

// Setup the JettyWebSocketServerContainer to initialize WebSocket components.
JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(handler, null);

// Add your WebSocketServlet subclass to the ServletContextHandler.
handler.addServlet(MyJettyWebSocketServlet.class, "/ws/*");

// Starting the Server will start the ServletContextHandler.
public class MyJettyWebSocketServlet extends JettyWebSocketServlet
    protected void configure(JettyWebSocketServletFactory factory)
        // At most 1 MiB text messages.

        // Add the WebSocket endpoint.
        factory.addMapping("/ws/someURI", (upgradeRequest, upgradeResponse) ->
            // Possibly inspect the upgrade request and modify the upgrade response.

            // Create the new WebSocket endpoint.
            return new MyJettyWebSocketEndPoint();

Note how in the call to JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(...) the second parameter is null, because WebSocket endpoints are not created here, but instead by one (or more) JettyWebSocketServlet subclasses. Yet the call is necessary to create other WebSocket implementation components that are necessary also when using JettyWebSocketServlet subclasses.

An HTTP upgrade request to WebSocket that matches your JettyWebSocketServlet subclass path mapping (specified above via ServletContextHandler.addServlet(...)) arrives at the Servlet and is inspected to verify whether it is a valid upgrade to WebSocket.

If the HTTP request is a valid upgrade to WebSocket, JettyWebSocketServlet calls configure(JettyWebSocketServletFactory factory) that you have overridden in your subclass, so that your application can instantiate and return the WebSocket endpoint. After having obtained the WebSocket endpoint, JettyWebSocketServlet performs the WebSocket upgrade. From this point on, the communication happens with the WebSocket protocol, and HTTP components such as Filters and Servlets are not relevant anymore.

If the HTTP request is not an upgrade to WebSocket, JettyWebSocketServlet delegates the processing to the superclass, jakarta.servlet.HttpServlet, which in turn invokes methods such as doGet(...) or doPost(...) depending on the HTTP method. If your JettyWebSocketServlet subclass did not override the doXYZ(...) method corresponding to the HTTP request, a 405 Method Not Allowed response is returned to the client, as per the standard HttpServlet class implementation.

It is possible to use both JettyWebSocketServerContainer and JettyWebSocketServlet.

However, it is typically best to avoid mixing the use of JettyWebSocketServerContainer with the use of JettyWebSocketServlet, so that all your WebSocket endpoints are initialized by the same code in one place only.

Using JettyWebSocketServerContainer.addMapping(...) will install the WebSocketUpgradeFilter under the hood, which by default will intercepts all HTTP requests to upgrade to WebSocket. However, as explained in this section, if WebSocketUpgradeFilter does not find a matching WebSocket endpoint for the request URI path, then the HTTP request is passed to the Filter chain of your web application and may arrive to your JettyWebSocketServlet subclass, where it would be processed and possibly result in a WebSocket upgrade.

Custom PathSpec Mappings

The JettyWebSocketServerContainer.addMapping(...) API maps a path spec to a JettyWebSocketCreator instance (typically a lambda expression). The path spec is matched against the WebSocket upgrade request URI to select the correspondent JettyWebSocketCreator to invoke.

The path spec can have these forms:

  • Servlet syntax, specified with servlet|<path spec>, where the servlet| prefix can be omitted if the path spec begins with / or *. (for example, /ws, /ws/chat or *.ws).

  • Regex syntax, specified with regex|<path spec>, where the regex| prefix can be omitted if the path spec begins with ^ (for example, ^/ws/[0-9]+).

  • URI template syntax, specified with uri-template|<path spec> (for example uri-template|/ws/chat/{room}).

Within the JettyWebSocketCreator, it is possible to access the path spec and, for example in case of URI templates, extract additional information in the following way:

ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/ctx");

// Configure the JettyWebSocketServerContainer.
JettyWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.configure(handler, (servletContext, container) ->
    container.addMapping("/ws/chat/{room}", (upgradeRequest, upgradeResponse) ->
        // Retrieve the URI template.
        UriTemplatePathSpec pathSpec = (UriTemplatePathSpec)upgradeRequest.getServletAttribute(PathSpec.class.getName());

        // Match the URI template.
        Map<String, String> params = pathSpec.getPathParams(upgradeRequest.getRequestPath());
        String room = params.get("room");

        // Create the new WebSocket endpoint with the URI template information.
        return new MyWebSocketRoomEndPoint(room);

Advanced WebSocketUpgradeFilter Configuration

The WebSocketUpgradeFilter that handles the HTTP requests that upgrade to WebSocket is installed in these cases:

  • Either by the JakartaWebSocketServletContainerInitializer, as described in this section.

  • Or by a call to JettyWebSocketServerContainer.addMapping(...), as described in this section.

Typically, the WebSocketUpgradeFilter is not present in the web.xml configuration, and therefore the mechanisms above create a new WebSocketUpgradeFilter and install it before any other Filter declared in web.xml, under the default name of "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servlet.WebSocketUpgradeFilter" and with path mapping /*.

However, if the WebSocketUpgradeFilter is already present in web.xml under the default name, then the ServletContainerInitializers will use that declared in web.xml instead of creating a new one.

This allows you to customize:

  • The filter order; for example, by configuring the CrossOriginFilter (or other filters) for increased security or authentication before the WebSocketUpgradeFilter.

  • The WebSocketUpgradeFilter configuration via init-params, that affects all Session instances created by this filter.

  • The WebSocketUpgradeFilter path mapping. Rather than the default mapping of /*, you can map the WebSocketUpgradeFilter to a more specific path such as /ws/*.

  • The possibility to have multiple WebSocketUpgradeFilters, mapped to different paths, each with its own configuration.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""
  <display-name>My WebSocket WebApp</display-name>

  <!-- The CrossOriginFilter *must* be the first --> (1)

  <!-- Configure the default WebSocketUpgradeFilter --> (2)
    <!-- The filter name must be the default WebSocketUpgradeFilter name -->
    <filter-name>org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servlet.WebSocketUpgradeFilter</filter-name> (3)
    <!-- Configure at most 1 MiB text messages -->
    <init-param> (4)
    <!-- Use a more specific path mapping for WebSocket requests -->
    <url-pattern>/ws/*</url-pattern> (5)

1 The CrossOriginFilter is the first to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.
2 The configuration for the default WebSocketUpgradeFilter.
3 Note the use of the default WebSocketUpgradeFilter name.
4 Specific configuration for WebSocketUpgradeFilter parameters.
5 Use a more specific path mapping for WebSocketUpgradeFilter.

Note that using a more specific path mapping for WebSocket requests is also beneficial to the performance of normal HTTP requests: they do not go through the WebSocketUpgradeFilter (as they will not match its path mapping), saving the cost of analyzing them to see whether they are WebSocket upgrade requests or not.

Server I/O Architecture

The Jetty server libraries provide the basic components and APIs to implement a network server.

They build on the common Jetty I/O Architecture and provide server specific concepts.

The Jetty server libraries provide I/O support for TCP/IP sockets (for both IPv4 and IPv6) and, when using Java 16 or later, for Unix-Domain sockets.

Support for Unix-Domain sockets is interesting when Jetty is deployed behind a proxy or a load-balancer: it is possible to configure the proxy or load balancer to communicate with Jetty via Unix-Domain sockets, rather than via the loopback network interface.

The central I/O server-side component are org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector, that handles the TCP/IP socket traffic, and org.eclipse.jetty.unixdomain.server.UnixDomainServerConnector, that handles the Unix-Domain socket traffic.

ServerConnector and UnixDomainServerConnector are very similar, and while in the following sections ServerConnector is used, the same concepts apply to UnixDomainServerConnector, unless otherwise noted.

A ServerConnector manages a list of ConnectionFactorys, that indicate what protocols the connector is able to speak.

Creating Connections with ConnectionFactory

Recall from the Connection section of the Jetty I/O architecture that Connection instances are responsible for parsing bytes read from a socket and generating bytes to write to that socket.

On the server-side, a ConnectionFactory creates Connection instances that know how to parse and generate bytes for the specific protocol they support — it can be either HTTP/1.1, or TLS, or FastCGI, or the PROXY protocol.

For example, this is how clear-text HTTP/1.1 is configured for TCP/IP sockets:

// Create the HTTP/1.1 ConnectionFactory.
HttpConnectionFactory http = new HttpConnectionFactory();

Server server = new Server();

// Create the connector with the ConnectionFactory.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, http);


With this configuration, the ServerConnector will listen on port 8080.

Similarly, this is how clear-text HTTP/1.1 is configured for Unix-Domain sockets:

// Create the HTTP/1.1 ConnectionFactory.
HttpConnectionFactory http = new HttpConnectionFactory();

Server server = new Server();

// Create the connector with the ConnectionFactory.
UnixDomainServerConnector connector = new UnixDomainServerConnector(server, http);


With this configuration, the UnixDomainServerConnector will listen on file /tmp/jetty.sock.

ServerConnector and UnixDomainServerConnector only differ by how they are configured — for ServerConnector you specify the IP port it listens to, for UnixDomainServerConnector you specify the Unix-Domain path it listens to.

Both configure ConnectionFactorys in exactly the same way.

When a new socket connection is established, ServerConnector delegates to the ConnectionFactory the creation of the Connection instance for that socket connection, that is linked to the corresponding EndPoint:


For every socket connection there will be an EndPoint + Connection pair.

Wrapping a ConnectionFactory

A ConnectionFactory may wrap another ConnectionFactory; for example, the TLS protocol provides encryption for any other protocol. Therefore, to support encrypted HTTP/1.1 (also known as https), you need to configure the ServerConnector with two ConnectionFactorys — one for the TLS protocol and one for the HTTP/1.1 protocol, like in the example below:

// Create the HTTP/1.1 ConnectionFactory.
HttpConnectionFactory http = new HttpConnectionFactory();

// Create and configure the TLS context factory.
SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();

// Create the TLS ConnectionFactory,
// setting HTTP/1.1 as the wrapped protocol.
SslConnectionFactory tls = new SslConnectionFactory(sslContextFactory, http.getProtocol());

Server server = new Server();

// Create the connector with both ConnectionFactories.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, tls, http);


With this configuration, the ServerConnector will listen on port 8443. When a new socket connection is established, the first ConnectionFactory configured in ServerConnector is invoked to create a Connection. In the example above, SslConnectionFactory creates a SslConnection and then asks to its wrapped ConnectionFactory (in the example, HttpConnectionFactory) to create the wrapped Connection (an HttpConnection) and will then link the two Connections together, in this way:


Bytes read by the SocketChannelEndPoint will be interpreted as TLS bytes by the SslConnection, then decrypted and made available to the DecryptedEndPoint (a component part of SslConnection), which will then provide them to HttpConnection.

The application writes bytes through the HttpConnection to the DecryptedEndPoint, which will encrypt them through the SslConnection and write the encrypted bytes to the SocketChannelEndPoint.

Choosing ConnectionFactory via Bytes Detection

Typically, a network port is associated with a specific protocol. For example, port 80 is associated with clear-text HTTP, while port 443 is associated with encrypted HTTP (that is, the TLS protocol wrapping the HTTP protocol, also known as https).

In certain cases, applications need to listen to the same port for two or more protocols, or for different but incompatible versions of the same protocol, which can only be distinguished by reading the initial bytes and figuring out to what protocol they belong to.

The Jetty server libraries support this case by placing a DetectorConnectionFactory in front of other ConnectionFactorys. DetectorConnectionFactory accepts a list of ConnectionFactorys that implement ConnectionFactory.Detecting, which will be called to see if one of them recognizes the initial bytes.

In the example below you can see how to support both clear-text and encrypted HTTP/1.1 (i.e. both http and https) on the same network port:

// Create the HTTP/1.1 ConnectionFactory.
HttpConnectionFactory http = new HttpConnectionFactory();

// Create and configure the TLS context factory.
SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();

// Create the TLS ConnectionFactory,
// setting HTTP/1.1 as the wrapped protocol.
SslConnectionFactory tls = new SslConnectionFactory(sslContextFactory, http.getProtocol());

Server server = new Server();

// Create the detector ConnectionFactory to
// detect whether the initial bytes are TLS.
DetectorConnectionFactory tlsDetector = new DetectorConnectionFactory(tls); (1)

// Create the connector with both ConnectionFactories.
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, tlsDetector, http); (2)

1 Creates the DetectorConnectionFactory with the SslConnectionFactory as the only detecting ConnectionFactory. With this configuration, the detector will delegate to SslConnectionFactory to recognize the initial bytes, which will detect whether the bytes are TLS protocol bytes.
2 Creates the ServerConnector with DetectorConnectionFactory as the first ConnectionFactory, and HttpConnectionFactory as the next ConnectionFactory to invoke if the detection fails.

In the example above ServerConnector will listen on port 8181. When a new socket connection is established, DetectorConnectionFactory is invoked to create a Connection, because it is the first ConnectionFactory specified in the ServerConnector list. DetectorConnectionFactory reads the initial bytes and asks to its detecting ConnectionFactorys if they recognize the bytes. In the example above, the detecting ConnectionFactory is SslConnectionFactory which will therefore detect whether the initial bytes are TLS bytes. If one of the detecting ConnectionFactorys recognizes the bytes, it creates a Connection; otherwise DetectorConnectionFactory will try the next ConnectionFactory after itself in the ServerConnector list. In the example above, the next ConnectionFactory after DetectorConnectionFactory is HttpConnectionFactory.

The final result is that when new socket connection is established, the initial bytes are examined: if they are TLS bytes, a SslConnectionFactory will create a SslConnection that wraps an HttpConnection as explained here, therefore supporting https; otherwise they are not TLS bytes and an HttpConnection is created, therefore supporting http.

Writing a Custom ConnectionFactory

This section explains how to use the Jetty server-side libraries to write a generic network server able to parse and generate any protocol..

Let’s suppose that we want to write a custom protocol that is based on JSON but has the same semantic as HTTP; let’s call this custom protocol JSONHTTP, so that a request would look like this:

  "type": "request",
  "method": "GET",
  "version": "HTTP/1.1",
  "uri": "http://localhost/path",
  "fields": {
    "content-type": "text/plain;charset=ASCII"
  "content": "HELLO"

In order to implement this custom protocol, we need to:

  • implement a JSONHTTPConnectionFactory

  • implement a JSONHTTPConnection

  • parse bytes and generate bytes in the JSONHTTP format

  • design an easy to use API that applications use to process requests and respond

First, the JSONHTTPConnectionFactory:

public class JSONHTTPConnectionFactory extends AbstractConnectionFactory
    public JSONHTTPConnectionFactory()

    public Connection newConnection(Connector connector, EndPoint endPoint)
        JSONHTTPConnection connection = new JSONHTTPConnection(endPoint, connector.getExecutor());
        // Call configure() to apply configurations common to all connections.
        return configure(connection, connector, endPoint);

Note how JSONHTTPConnectionFactory extends AbstractConnectionFactory to inherit facilities common to all ConnectionFactory implementations.

Second, the JSONHTTPConnection. Recall from the echo Connection example that you need to override onOpen() to call fillInterested() so that the Jetty I/O system will notify your Connection implementation when there are bytes to read by calling onFillable(). Furthermore, because the Jetty libraries are non-blocking and asynchronous, you need to use IteratingCallback to implement onFillable():

public class JSONHTTPConnection extends AbstractConnection
    // The asynchronous JSON parser.
    private final AsyncJSON parser = new AsyncJSON.Factory().newAsyncJSON();
    private final IteratingCallback callback = new JSONHTTPIteratingCallback();

    public JSONHTTPConnection(EndPoint endPoint, Executor executor)
        super(endPoint, executor);

    public void onOpen()

        // Declare interest in being called back when
        // there are bytes to read from the network.

    public void onFillable()

    private class JSONHTTPIteratingCallback extends IteratingCallback
        private ByteBuffer buffer;

        protected Action process() throws Throwable
            if (buffer == null)
                buffer = BufferUtil.allocate(getInputBufferSize(), true);

            while (true)
                int filled = getEndPoint().fill(buffer);
                if (filled > 0)
                    boolean parsed = parser.parse(buffer);
                    if (parsed)
                        Map<String, Object> request = parser.complete();

                        // Allow applications to process the request.
                        invokeApplication(request, this);

                        // Signal that the iteration should resume when
                        // the application completed the request processing.
                        return Action.SCHEDULED;
                        // Did not receive enough JSON bytes,
                        // loop around to try to read more.
                else if (filled == 0)
                    // We don't need the buffer anymore, so
                    // don't keep it around while we are idle.
                    buffer = null;

                    // No more bytes to read, declare
                    // again interest for fill events.

                    // Signal that the iteration is now IDLE.
                    return Action.IDLE;
                    // The other peer closed the connection,
                    // the iteration completed successfully.
                    return Action.SUCCEEDED;

        protected void onCompleteSuccess()

        protected void onCompleteFailure(Throwable cause)

Again, note how JSONHTTPConnection extends AbstractConnection to inherit facilities that you would otherwise need to re-implement from scratch.

When JSONHTTPConnection receives a full JSON object it calls invokeApplication(…​) to allow the application to process the incoming request and produce a response.

At this point you need to design a non-blocking asynchronous API that takes a Callback parameter so that applications can signal to the implementation when the request processing is complete (either successfully or with a failure).

A simple example of this API design could be the following:

  • Wrap the JSON Map into a JSONHTTPRequest parameter so that applications may use more specific HTTP APIs such as JSONHTTPRequest.getMethod() rather than a generic Map.get("method")

  • Provide an equivalent JSONHTTPResponse parameter so that applications may use more specific APIs such as JSONHTTPResponse.setStatus(int) rather than a generic Map.put("status", 200)

  • Provide a Callback (or a CompletableFuture) parameter so that applications may indicate when the request processing is complete

This results in the following API:

class JSONHTTPRequest
    // Request APIs

class JSONHTTPResponse
    // Response APIs

interface JSONHTTPService
    void service(JSONHTTPRequest request, JSONHTTPResponse response, Callback callback);

The important part of this simple API example is the Callback parameter that makes the API non-blocking and asynchronous.

Maven and Jetty

Using Maven

Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project’s build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.

It is an ideal tool to build a web application project, and such projects can use the jetty-maven-plugin to easily run the web application and save time in development. You can also use Maven to build, test and run a project which embeds Jetty.

Use of Maven and the jetty-maven-plugin is not required. Using Maven for Jetty implementations is a popular choice, but users encouraged to manage their projects in whatever way suits their needs. Other popular tools include Ant and Gradle.

First we’ll have a look at a very simple HelloWorld java application that embeds Jetty, then a simple webapp which makes use of the jetty-maven-plugin to speed up the development cycle.

Using Embedded Jetty with Maven

To understand the basic operations of building and running against Jetty, first review:

Maven uses convention over configuration, so it is best to use the project structure Maven recommends. You can use archetypes to quickly setup Maven projects, but we will set up the structure manually for this simple tutorial example:

> mkdir JettyMavenHelloWorld
> cd JettyMavenHelloWorld
> mkdir -p src/main/java/org/example
Creating the HelloWorld Class

Use an editor to create the file src/main/java/org/example/ with the following contents:

package org.example;

import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler;

public class HelloWorld extends AbstractHandler
    public void handle(String target,
                       Request baseRequest,
                       HttpServletRequest request,
                       HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException
        response.getWriter().println("<h1>Hello World</h1>");

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        Server server = new Server(8080);
        server.setHandler(new HelloWorld());

Creating the POM Descriptor

The pom.xml file declares the project name and its dependencies. Use an editor to create the file pom.xml in the JettyMavenHelloWorld directory with the following contents:

<project xmlns=""

  <name>Jetty HelloWorld</name>

      <!-- Adapt this to a version found on


Building and Running Embedded HelloWorld

You can now compile and execute the HelloWorld class by using these commands:

> mvn clean compile exec:java

You can point your browser to http://localhost:8080 to see the Hello World page. You can observe what Maven is doing for you behind the scenes by using the mvn dependency:tree command, which reveals the transitive dependency resolved and downloaded as:

> mvn dependency:tree
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Jetty HelloWorld 0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:tree (default-cli) @ hello-world ---
[INFO] org.example:hello-world:jar:0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] \- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:jar:9.3.9.v20160517:compile
[INFO]    +- jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api:jar:3.1.0:compile
[INFO]    +- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:jar:9.3.9.v20160517:compile
[INFO]    |  \- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:jar:9.3.9.v20160517:compile
[INFO]    \- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:jar:9.3.9.v20160517:compile
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 4.145 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-08-01T13:46:42-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 15M/209M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Developing a Standard WebApp with Jetty and Maven

The previous section demonstrated how to use Maven with an application that embeds Jetty. Now we will examine instead how to develop a standard webapp with Maven and Jetty. First create the Maven structure (you can use the maven webapp archetype instead if you prefer):

> mkdir JettyMavenHelloWarApp
> cd JettyMavenHelloWebApp
> mkdir -p src/main/java/org/example
> mkdir -p src/main/webapp/WEB-INF
Creating a Servlet

Use an editor to create the file src/main/java/org/example/ with the following contents:

package org.example;

import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
        response.getWriter().println("<h1>Hello Servlet</h1>");
        response.getWriter().println("session=" + request.getSession(true).getId());

You need to declare this servlet in the deployment descriptor, so create the file src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml and add the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Creating the POM Descriptor

The pom.xml file declares the project name and its dependencies. Use an editor to create the file pom.xml with the following contents in the JettyMavenHelloWarApp directory, noting particularly the declaration of the jetty-maven-plugin:

<project xmlns=""

  <name>Jetty HelloWorld WebApp</name>




Building and Running the Web Application

Now you can both build and run the web application without needing to assemble it into a war by using the jetty-maven-plugin via the command:

> mvn jetty:run

You can see the static and dynamic content at http://localhost:8080/hello

There are a great deal of configuration options available for the jetty-maven-plugin to help you build and run your webapp. The full reference is at Configuring the Jetty Maven Plugin.

Building a WAR file

You can create a Web Application Archive (WAR) file from the project with the command:

> mvn package

The resulting war file is in the target directory and may be deployed on any standard servlet server, including Jetty.

Using the Jetty Maven Plugin

The Jetty Maven plugin is useful for rapid development and testing. It can optionally periodically scan your project for changes and automatically redeploy the webapp if any are found. This makes the development cycle more productive by eliminating the build and deploy steps: you use your IDE to make changes to the project, and the running web container automatically picks them up, allowing you to test them straight away.

The plugin has been substantially re-architected in jetty-10 to:

  • have less goals

  • make deployment modes (embedded, forked or to a jetty distribution) apply uniformly across all goals

  • simplify configuration options

  • make the purpose and operation of each goal clearer

  • rearchitect with composition rather than inheritance to make future extensions easier

There are now only 4 goals to run a webapp in jetty:

Plus two utility goals:

jetty:run and jetty:start are alike in that they both run an unassembled webapp in jetty,however jetty:run is designed to be used at the command line, whereas jetty:start is specifically designed to be bound to execution phases in the build lifecycle. jetty:run will pause maven while jetty is running, echoing all output to the console, and then stop maven when jetty exits. jetty:start will not pause maven, will write all its output to a file, and will not stop maven when jetty exits.

jetty:run-war and jetty:start-war are similar in that they both run an assembled war file in jetty. However, jetty:run-war is designed to be run at the command line, whereas jetty:start-war is specifically designed to be bound to execution phases in the build lifecycle. jetty:run-war will pause maven while jetty is running, echoing all output to the console, and then stop maven when jetty exits. jetty:start-war will not not pause maven, will write all its output to a file, and will not stop maven when jetty exits.

While the Jetty Maven Plugin can be very useful for development we do not recommend its use in a production capacity. In order for the plugin to work it needs to leverage many internal Maven apis and Maven itself it not a production deployment tool. We recommend either the traditional distribution deployment approach or using embedded Jetty.

Get Up and Running

First, add jetty-maven-plugin to your pom.xml definition:


Then, from the same directory as your root pom.xml, type:

mvn jetty:run

This starts Jetty and serves up your project on http://localhost:8080/.

Jetty will continue to run until you stop it. By default, it will not automatically restart your webapp. Set a non-zero <scan> value to have jetty scan your webapp for changes and automatically redeploy, or set <scan> to 0 to cause manual redeployment by hitting the Enter key.

You can terminate the plugin with a Ctrl+c in the terminal window where it is running.

The classpath of the running Jetty instance and its deployed webapp are managed by Maven, and may not be exactly what you expect. For example: a webapp’s dependent jars might be referenced via the local repository, or other projects in the reactor, not the WEB-INF/lib directory.

Supported Goals

The goals prefixed with "run" are designed to be used at the command line. They first run a maven build on your project to ensure at least the classes are all built. They then start jetty and pause the maven build process until jetty is manually terminated, at which time the build will also be terminated. Jetty can scan various files in your project for changes and redeploy the webapp as necessary, or you can choose to manually trigger a redeploy if you prefer. All output from jetty is echoed to the console.

The goals prefixed with "start" are designed to be used with build lifecycle bindings in the pom, and not at the command line. No part of your project will be rebuilt by invoking these goals - you should ensure that your bind the execution to a build phase where all necessary parts of your project have been built. Maven will start and terminate jetty at the appropriate points in the build lifecycle, continuing with the build. Jetty will not scan any files in your project for changes, and your webapp will not be redeployed either automatically or manually. Output from jetty is directed to a file in the target directory.

To see a list of all goals supported by the Jetty Maven plugin, do:

mvn jetty:help

To see the detailed list of parameters that can be configured for a particular goal, in addition to its description, do:

mvn jetty:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal= <goal name>

Deployment Modes

All of the "run" and "start" goals can deploy your webapp either into the running maven process, or forked into a new child process, or forked into a jetty distribution on disk.

This is controlled by setting the deployMode configuration parameter in the pom, but can also be set by defining the maven property 'jetty.deployMode'.


deployMode of EMBED. This is the "classic" jetty maven plugin deployment mode, running in-process with maven. This is the default mode.

These extra configuration parameters are available:


Optional. Note that to configure a https connector, you will need to use xml configuration files instead, setting the jettyXmls parameter. This parameter can only be used to configure a standard http connector. If not specified, Jetty will create a ServerConnector instance listening on port 8080. You can change this default port number by using the system property jetty.http.port on the command line, for example, mvn -Djetty.http.port=9999 jetty:run. Alternatively, you can use this configuration element to set up the information for the ServerConnector. The following are the valid configuration sub-elements:


The port number for the connector to listen on. By default it is 8080.


The particular interface for the connector to listen on. By default, all interfaces.


The name of the connector, which is useful for configuring contexts to respond only on particular connectors.


Maximum idle time for a connection. You could instead configure the connectors in a standard jetty xml config file and put its location into the jettyXml parameter. Note that since Jetty 9.0 it is no longer possible to configure a https connector directly in the pom.xml: you need to use jetty xml config files to do it.


Optional. A list of implementations. Note that there is no default realm. If you use a realm in your web.xml you can specify a corresponding realm here. You could instead configure the login services in a jetty xml file and add its location to the jettyXml parameter. See Configuring Security.


Optional. An implementation of the org.eclipse.jetty.server.RequestLog request log interface. An implementation that respects the NCSA format is available as org.eclipse.jetty.server.NCSARequestLog. There are three other ways to configure the RequestLog:

  • In a jetty xml config file, as specified in the jettyXml parameter.

  • In a context xml config file, as specified in the contextXml parameter.

  • In the webApp element.

See Configuring Request Logs for more information.


Optional as of Jetty 9.3.1. This would configure an instance of org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server for the plugin to use, however it is usually not necessary to configure this, as the plugin will automatically configure one for you. In particular, if you use the jettyXmls element, then you generally don’t want to define this element, as you are probably using the jettyXmls file/s to configure up a Server with a special constructor argument, such as a custom threadpool. If you define both a server element and use a jettyXmls element which points to a config file that has a line like <Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server"> then the the xml configuration will override what you configure for the server in the pom.xml.


Default value is false. If true, the dependencies with <scope>provided</scope> are placed onto the container classpath. Be aware that this is not the webapp classpath, as provided indicates that these dependencies would normally be expected to be provided by the container. You should very rarely ever need to use this. See Container Classpath vs WebApp Classpath.


deployMode of FORK. This is similar to the old "jetty:run-forked" goal - a separate process is forked to run your webapp embedded into jetty. These extra configuration parameters are available:


Optional. Map of key/value pairs to pass as environment to the forked JVM.


Optional. A space separated string representing arbitrary arguments to pass to the forked JVM.


Optional. Defaults to target/fork-web.xml. This is the location of a quickstart web xml file that will be generated during the forking of the jetty process. You should not need to set this parameter, but it is available if you wish to control the name and location of that file.


Default value is false. If true, the dependencies with <scope>provided</scope> are placed onto the container classpath. Be aware that this is NOT the webapp classpath, as "provided" indicates that these dependencies would normally be expected to be provided by the container. You should very rarely ever need to use this. See Container Classpath vs WebApp Classpath.

In a jetty distribution

deployMode of EXTERNAL. This is similar to the old "jetty:run-distro" goal - your webapp is deployed into a dynamically downloaded, unpacked and configured jetty distribution. A separate process is forked to run it. These extra configuration parameters are available:


Optional. The location of an existing jetty base directory to use to deploy the webapp. The existing base will be copied to the target/ directory before the webapp is deployed. If there is no existing jetty base, a fresh one will be made in target/jetty-base.


Optional. The location of an existing unpacked jetty distribution. If one does not exist, a fresh jetty distribution will be downloaded from maven and installed to the target directory.


Optional. A space separated string representing extra arguments to the synthesized jetty command line. Values for these arguments can be found in the section titled "Options" in the output of java -jar $jetty.home/start.jar --help.


Optional. A space separated string representing arguments that should be passed to the jvm of the child process running the distro.


Optional. An array of names of additional jetty modules that the jetty child process will activate. Use this to change the container classpath instead of useProvidedScope. These modules are enabled by default: server,http,webapp,deploy.

Common Configuration

The following configuration parameters are common to all of the "run-" and "start-" goals:


One of EMBED, FORK or EXTERNAL. Default EMBED. Can also be configured by setting the Maven property jetty.deployMode. This parameter determines whether the webapp will run in jetty in-process with Maven, forked into a new process, or deployed into a jetty distribution. See Deployment Modes.


Optional. A comma separated list of locations of jetty xml files to apply in addition to any plugin configuration parameters. You might use it if you have other webapps, handlers, specific types of connectors etc., to deploy, or if you have other Jetty objects that you cannot configure from the plugin.


Default is false. If true, the execution of the plugin exits. Same as setting the SystemProperty -Djetty.skip on the command line. This is most useful when configuring Jetty for execution during integration testing and you want to skip the tests.


Optional. A list of Jetty plugin goal names that will cause the plugin to print an informative message and exit. Useful if you want to prevent users from executing goals that you know cannot work with your project.


Optional. Defaults to war. This is a list of maven <packaging> types that can work with the jetty plugin. Usually, only war projects are suitable, however, you may configure other types. The plugin will refuse to start if the <packaging> type in the pom is not in list of supportedPackagings.


Optional. Allows you to configure System properties for the execution of the plugin. For more information, see Setting System Properties.


Optional. A file containing System properties to set for the execution of the plugin. By default, settings that you make here do not override any system properties already set on the command line, by the JVM, or in the POM via systemProperties. Read Setting System Properties for how to force overrides.


Optional. A map of property name, value pairs. Allows you to configure standard jetty properties.

Container Classpath vs WebApp Classpath

The Servlet Specification makes a strong distinction between the classpath for a webapp, and the classpath of the container. When running in maven, the plugin’s classpath is equivalent to the container classpath. It will make a classpath for the webapp to be deployed comprised of <dependencies> specified in the pom.

If your production environment places specific jars onto the container’s classpath, the equivalent way to do this with maven is to define these as <dependencies> for the plugin itself, not the project. See configuring maven plugins. This is suitable if you are using either EMBED or FORK mode. If you are using EXTERNAL mode, then you should configure the modules parameter with the names of the jetty modules that place these jars onto the container classpath.

Note that in EMBED or FORK mode, you could also influence the container classpath by setting the useProvidedScope parameter to true: this will place any dependencies with <scope>provided<scope> onto the plugin’s classpath. Use this very cautiously: as the plugin already automatically places most jetty jars onto the classpath, you could wind up with duplicate jars.


The run goal deploys a webapp that is not first built into a WAR. A virtual webapp is constructed from the project’s sources and its dependencies. It looks for the constituent parts of a webapp in the maven default project locations, although you can override these in the plugin configuration. For example, by default it looks for:

  • resources in ${project.basedir}/src/main/webapp

  • classes in ${}

  • web.xml in ${project.basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/

The plugin first runs a maven parallel build to ensure that the classes are built and up-to-date before deployment. If you change the source of a class and your IDE automatically compiles it in the background, the plugin picks up the changed class (note you need to configure a non-zero scan interval for automatic redeployment).

If the plugin is invoked in a multi-module build, any dependencies that are also in the maven reactor are used from their compiled classes. Prior to jetty-9.4.7 any dependencies needed to be built first.

Once invoked, you can configure the plugin to run continuously, scanning for changes in the project and automatically performing a hot redeploy when necessary. Any changes you make are immediately reflected in the running instance of Jetty, letting you quickly jump from coding to testing, rather than going through the cycle of: code, compile, reassemble, redeploy, test.

The maven build will be paused until jetty exits, at which time maven will also exit.

Stopping jetty is accomplished by typing cntrl-c at the command line.

Output from jetty will be logged to the console.

Here is an example, which turns on scanning for changes every ten seconds, and sets the webapp context path to /test:


This is an instance of org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.MavenWebAppContext, which is an extension to the class org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext. You can use any of the setter methods on this object to configure your webapp. Here are a few of the most useful ones:


The context path for your webapp. By default, this is set to /. If using a custom value for this parameter, you should include the leading /, example /mycontext.


The path to the web.xml file for your webapp. By default, the plugin will look in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml.


The path to a webdefault.xml file that will be applied to your webapp before the web.xml. If you don’t supply one, Jetty uses a default file baked into the jetty-webapp.jar.


The path to a web.xml file that Jetty applies after reading your web.xml. You can use this to replace or add configuration.


Optional. Location of a jetty-env.xml file, which allows you to make JNDI bindings that satisfy env-entry, resource-env-ref, and resource-ref linkages in the web.xml that are scoped only to the webapp and not shared with other webapps that you might be deploying at the same time (for example, by using a jettyXml file).


The path to a dir that Jetty can use to expand or copy jars and jsp compiles when your webapp is running. The default is ${}/tmp.


The path from which Jetty serves static resources. Defaults to src/main/webapp. If this location does not exist (because, for example, your project does not use static content), then the plugin will synthesize a virtual static resource location of target/webapp-synth.


Use instead of baseResource if you have multiple directories from which you want to serve static content. This is an array of directory locations, either as urls or file paths.


Defaults to "true". Controls whether any overlaid wars are added before or after the original base resource(s) of the webapp. See the section on overlaid wars for more information.


Defaults to ./jetty-jakarta-servlet-api-[/]\.jar$|.jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-[/]\.jar|.taglibs-standard-impl-.\.jar. This is a pattern that is applied to the names of the jars on the container’s classpath (ie the classpath of the plugin, not that of the webapp) that should be scanned for fragments, tlds, annotations etc. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.ContainerIncludeJarPattern that is documented here. You can define extra patterns of jars that will be included in the scan.


Defaults to matching all of the dependency jars for the webapp (ie the equivalent of WEB-INF/lib). You can make this pattern more restrictive to only match certain jars by using this setter. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.WebInfIncludeJarPattern that is documented here.


The path to a context xml file that is applied to your webapp AFTER the webApp element.


Location of your compiled classes for the webapp. You should rarely need to set this parameter. Instead, you should set <build><outputDirectory> in your pom.xml.


Location of the compiled test classes for your webapp. By default this is ${}.


If true, the classes from testClassesDirectory and dependencies of scope "test" are placed first on the classpath. By default this is false.


The pause in seconds between sweeps of the webapp to check for changes and automatically hot redeploy if any are detected. By default this is -1, which disables hot redeployment scanning. A value of 0 means no hot redeployment is done, and that you must use the Enter key to manually force a redeploy. Any positive integer will enable hot redeployment, using the number as the sweep interval in seconds.


Optional. List of extra directories with glob-style include/excludes patterns (see javadoc for FileSystem.getPathMatcher) to specify other files to periodically scan for changes.


Optional. Include and exclude patterns that can be applied to the classesDirectory for the purposes of scanning, it does not affect the classpath. If a file or directory is excluded by the patterns then a change in that file (or subtree in the case of a directory) is ignored and will not cause the webapp to redeploy. Patterns are specified as a relative path using a glob-like syntax as described in the javadoc for FileSystem.getPathMatcher.


Optional. Include and exclude patterns that can be applied to the testClassesDirectory for the purposes of scanning, it does not affect the classpath. If a file or directory is excluded by the patterns then a change in that file (or subtree in the case of a directory) is ignored and will not cause the webapp to redeploy. Patterns are specified as a relative path using a glob-like syntax as described in the javadoc for FileSystem.getPathMatcher.

See Deployment Modes for other configuration parameters available when using the run goal in EMBED, FORK or EXTERNAL modes.

Here’s an example of a pom configuration for the plugin with the run goal:


If, for whatever reason, you cannot run on an unassembled webapp, the goal run-war works on assembled webapps.


When invoked at the command line this goal first executes a maven build of your project to the package phase.

By default it then deploys the resultant war to jetty, but you can use this goal instead to deploy any war file by simply setting the <webApp><war> configuration parameter to its location.

If you set a non-zero scan, Jetty watches your pom.xml and the WAR file; if either changes, it redeploys the war.

The maven build is held up until jetty exits, which is achieved by typing cntrl-c at the command line.

All jetty output is directed to the console.


Configuration parameters are:


The location of the built WAR file. This defaults to ${}/${}.war. You can set it to the location of any pre-built war file.


The context path for your webapp. By default, this is set to /. If using a custom value for this parameter, you should include the leading /, example /mycontext.


The path to a webdefault.xml file that will be applied to your webapp before the web.xml. If you don’t supply one, Jetty uses a default file baked into the jetty-webapp.jar.


The path to a web.xml file that Jetty applies after reading your web.xml. You can use this to replace or add configuration.


Defaults to ./jetty-jakarta-servlet-api-[/]\.jar$|.jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-[/]\.jar|.taglibs-standard-impl-.\.jar. This is a pattern that is applied to the names of the jars on the container’s classpath (ie the classpath of the plugin, not that of the webapp) that should be scanned for fragments, tlds, annotations etc. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.ContainerIncludeJarPattern that is documented here. You can define extra patterns of jars that will be included in the scan.


Defaults to matching all of the dependency jars for the webapp (ie the equivalent of WEB-INF/lib). You can make this pattern more restrictive to only match certain jars by using this setter. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.WebInfIncludeJarPattern that is documented here.


The path to a dir that Jetty can use to expand or copy jars and jsp compiles when your webapp is running. The default is ${}/tmp.


The path to a context xml file that is applied to your webapp AFTER the webApp element.


The pause in seconds between sweeps of the webapp to check for changes and automatically hot redeploy if any are detected. By default this is -1, which disables hot redeployment scanning. A value of 0 means no hot redeployment is done, and that you must use the Enter key to manually force a redeploy. Any positive integer will enable hot redeployment, using the number as the sweep interval in seconds.


Optional. List of directories with ant-style include/excludes patterns to specify other files to periodically scan for changes.

See Deployment Modes for other configuration parameters available when using the run-war goal in EMBED, FORK or EXTERNAL modes.


This is similar to the jetty:run goal, however it is not designed to be run from the command line and does not first execute the build up until the test-compile phase to ensure that all necessary classes and files of the webapp have been generated. It will not scan your project for changes and restart your webapp. It does not pause maven until jetty is stopped.

Instead, it is designed to be used with build phase bindings in your pom. For example to you can have maven start your webapp at the beginning of your tests and stop at the end.

If the plugin is invoked as part of a multi-module build, any dependencies that are also in the maven reactor are used from their compiled classes. Prior to jetty-9.4.7 any dependencies needed to be built first.

Here’s an example of using the pre-integration-test and post-integration-test Maven build phases to trigger the execution and termination of Jetty:


This goal will generate output from jetty into the target/jetty-start.out file.


These configuration parameters are available:


This is an instance of org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.MavenWebAppContext, which is an extension to the class org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext. You can use any of the setter methods on this object to configure your webapp. Here are a few of the most useful ones:


The context path for your webapp. By default, this is set to /. If using a custom value for this parameter, you should include the leading /, example /mycontext.


The path to the web.xml file for your webapp. The default is src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml.


The path to a webdefault.xml file that will be applied to your webapp before the web.xml. If you don’t supply one, Jetty uses a default file baked into the jetty-webapp.jar.


The path to a web.xml file that Jetty applies after reading your web.xml. You can use this to replace or add configuration.


Optional. Location of a jetty-env.xml file, which allows you to make JNDI bindings that satisfy env-entry, resource-env-ref, and resource-ref linkages in the web.xml that are scoped only to the webapp and not shared with other webapps that you might be deploying at the same time (for example, by using a jettyXml file).


The path to a dir that Jetty can use to expand or copy jars and jsp compiles when your webapp is running. The default is ${}/tmp.


The path from which Jetty serves static resources. Defaults to src/main/webapp.


Use instead of baseResource if you have multiple directories from which you want to serve static content. This is an array of directory names.


Defaults to "true". Controls whether any overlaid wars are added before or after the original base resource(s) of the webapp. See the section on overlaid wars for more information.


Defaults to ./jetty-jakarta-servlet-api-[/]\.jar$|.jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-[/]\.jar|.taglibs-standard-impl-.\.jar. This is a pattern that is applied to the names of the jars on the container’s classpath (ie the classpath of the plugin, not that of the webapp) that should be scanned for fragments, tlds, annotations etc. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.ContainerIncludeJarPattern that is documented here. You can define extra patterns of jars that will be included in the scan.


Defaults to matching all of the dependency jars for the webapp (ie the equivalent of WEB-INF/lib). You can make this pattern more restrictive to only match certain jars by using this setter. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.WebInfIncludeJarPattern that is documented here.


The path to a context xml file that is applied to your webapp AFTER the webApp element.


Location of your compiled classes for the webapp. You should rarely need to set this parameter. Instead, you should set build outputDirectory in your pom.xml.


Location of the compiled test classes for your webapp. By default this is ${}.


If true, the classes from testClassesDirectory and dependencies of scope "test" are placed first on the classpath. By default this is false.


Optional. Port to listen on for stop commands. Useful to use in conjunction with the stop and start goals.


Optional. Used in conjunction with stopPort for stopping jetty. Useful to use in conjunction with the stop and start goals.

These additional configuration parameters are available when running in FORK or EXTERNAL mode:


Default is 10. This is maximum number of times the parent process checks to see if the forked jetty process has started correctly


Default is 200. This is the time in milliseconds between checks on the startup of the forked jetty process.


Similarly to the jetty:start goal, jetty:start-war is designed to be bound to build lifecycle phases in your pom.

It will not scan your project for changes and restart your webapp. It does not pause maven until jetty is stopped.

By default, if your pom is for a webapp project, it will deploy the war file for the project to jetty. However, like the jetty:run-war project, you can nominate any war file to deploy by defining its location in the <webApp><war> parameter.

If the plugin is invoked as part of a multi-module build, any dependencies that are also in the maven reactor are used from their compiled classes. Prior to jetty-9.4.7 any dependencies needed to be built first.

This goal will generate output from jetty into the target/jetty-start-war.out file.


These configuration parameters are available:


The location of the built WAR file. This defaults to ${}/${}.war. You can set it to the location of any pre-built war file.


The context path for your webapp. By default, this is set to /. If using a custom value for this parameter, you should include the leading /, example /mycontext.


The path to a webdefault.xml file that will be applied to your webapp before the web.xml. If you don’t supply one, Jetty uses a default file baked into the jetty-webapp.jar.


The path to a web.xml file that Jetty applies after reading your web.xml. You can use this to replace or add configuration.


Defaults to ./jetty-jakarta-servlet-api-[/]\.jar$|.jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-[/]\.jar|.taglibs-standard-impl-.\.jar. This is a pattern that is applied to the names of the jars on the container’s classpath (ie the classpath of the plugin, not that of the webapp) that should be scanned for fragments, tlds, annotations etc. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.ContainerIncludeJarPattern that is documented here. You can define extra patterns of jars that will be included in the scan.


Defaults to matching all of the dependency jars for the webapp (ie the equivalent of WEB-INF/lib). You can make this pattern more restrictive to only match certain jars by using this setter. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.WebInfIncludeJarPattern that is documented here.


The path to a dir that Jetty can use to expand or copy jars and jsp compiles when your webapp is running. The default is ${}/tmp.


The path to a context xml file that is applied to your webapp AFTER the webApp element.


Optional. Port to listen on for stop commands. Useful to use in conjunction with the stop.


Optional. Used in conjunction with stopPort for stopping jetty. Useful to use in conjunction with the stop.

These additional configuration parameters are available when running in FORK or EXTERNAL mode:


Default is 10. This is maximum number of times the parent process checks to see if the forked jetty process has started correctly


Default is 200. This is the time in milliseconds between checks on the startup of the forked jetty process.


The stop goal stops a FORK or EXTERNAL mode running instance of Jetty. To use it, you need to configure the plugin with a special port number and key. That same port number and key will also be used by the other goals that start jetty.


A port number for Jetty to listen on to receive a stop command to cause it to shutdown.


A string value sent to the stopPort to validate the stop command.


The maximum time in seconds that the plugin will wait for confirmation that Jetty has stopped. If false or not specified, the plugin does not wait for confirmation but exits after issuing the stop command.

Here’s a configuration example:


Then, while Jetty is running (in another window), type:

mvn jetty:stop

The stopPort must be free on the machine you are running on. If this is not the case, you will get an "Address already in use" error message after the "Started ServerConnector …​" message.


This goal calculates a synthetic web.xml (the "effective web.xml") according to the rules of the Servlet Specification taking into account all sources of discoverable configuration of web components in your application: descriptors (webdefault.xml, web.xml, web-fragment.xml`s, `web-override.xml) and discovered annotations (@WebServlet, @WebFilter, @WebListener). No programmatic declarations of servlets, filters and listeners can be taken into account.

You can calculate the effective web.xml for any pre-built war file by setting the <webApp><war> parameter, or you can calculate it for the unassembled webapp by setting all of the usual <webApp> parameters as for jetty:run.

Other useful information about your webapp that is produced as part of the analysis is also stored as context parameters in the effective-web.xml. The effective-web.xml can be used in conjunction with the Quickstart feature to quickly start your webapp (note that Quickstart is not appropriate for the mvn jetty goals).

The effective web.xml from these combined sources is generated into a file, which by default is target/effective-web.xml, but can be changed by setting the effectiveWebXml configuration parameter.


The full path name of a file into which you would like the effective web xml generated.


The location of the built WAR file. This defaults to ${}/${}.war. You can set it to the location of any pre-built war file. Or you can leave it blank and set up the other webApp parameters as per jetty:run, as well as the webAppSourceDirectory, classes and testClasses parameters.


The context path for your webapp. By default, this is set to /. If using a custom value for this parameter, you should include the leading /, example /mycontext.


The path to a webdefault.xml file that will be applied to your webapp before the web.xml. If you don’t supply one, Jetty uses a default file baked into the jetty-webapp.jar.


The path to a web.xml file that Jetty applies after reading your web.xml. You can use this to replace or add configuration.


Defaults to ./jetty-jakarta-servlet-api-[/]\.jar$|.jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-[/]\.jar|.taglibs-standard-impl-.\.jar. This is a pattern that is applied to the names of the jars on the container’s classpath (ie the classpath of the plugin, not that of the webapp) that should be scanned for fragments, tlds, annotations etc. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.ContainerIncludeJarPattern that is documented here. You can define extra patterns of jars that will be included in the scan.


Defaults to matching all of the dependency jars for the webapp (ie the equivalent of WEB-INF/lib). You can make this pattern more restrictive to only match certain jars by using this setter. This is analogous to the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.WebInfIncludeJarPattern that is documented here.


The path to a dir that Jetty can use to expand or copy jars and jsp compiles when your webapp is running. The default is ${}/tmp.


The path to a context xml file that is applied to your webapp AFTER the webApp element.

You can also generate the origin of each element into the effective web.xml file. The origin is either a descriptor eg web.xml,web-fragment.xml,override-web.xml file, or an annotation eg @WebServlet. Some examples of elements with origin attribute information are:

<listener origin="DefaultsDescriptor(file:///path/to/distro/etc/webdefault.xml):21">
<listener origin="WebDescriptor(file:///path/to/base/webapps/test-spec/WEB-INF/web.xml):22">
<servlet-class origin="FragmentDescriptor(jar:file:///path/to/base/webapps/test-spec/WEB-INF/lib/test-web-fragment.jar!/META-INF/web-fragment.xml):23">
<servlet-class origin="@WebServlet(com.acme.test.TestServlet):24">

To generate origin information, use the following configuration parameters on the webApp element:


The name of the attribute that will contain the origin. By default it is origin.


False by default. If true, will force the generation of the originAttribute onto each element.

Using Overlaid wars

If your webapp depends on other war files, the jetty:run and jetty:start goals are able to merge resources from all of them. It can do so based on the settings of the maven-war-plugin, or if your project does not use the maven-war-plugin to handle the overlays, it can fall back to a simple algorithm to determine the ordering of resources.

With maven-war-plugin

The maven-war-plugin has a rich set of capabilities for merging resources. The jetty:run and jetty:start goals are able to interpret most of them and apply them during execution of your unassembled webapp. This is probably best seen by looking at a concrete example.

Suppose your webapp depends on the following wars:







They are configured for the maven-war-plugin:


Then executing jetty:run would yield the following ordering of resources: com.acme.X.war : com.acme.Y.war: ${project.basedir}/src/main/webapp. Note that the current project’s resources are placed last in the ordering due to the empty <overlay/> element in the maven-war-plugin. You can either use that, or specify the <baseAppFirst>false</baseAppFirst> parameter to the jetty-maven-plugin.

Moreover, due to the exclusions specified above, a request for the resource ` bar.jsp` would only be satisfied from com.acme.Y.war. Similarly as baz.jsp is excluded, a request for it would result in a 404 error.

Without maven-war-plugin

The algorithm is fairly simple, is based on the ordering of declaration of the dependent wars, and does not support exclusions. The configuration parameter <baseAppFirst> (see for example jetty:run for more information) can be used to control whether your webapp’s resources are placed first or last on the resource path at runtime.

For example, suppose our webapp depends on these two wars:


Suppose the webapps contain:





Then our webapp has available these additional resources:

/foo.jsp (X)
/bar.jsp (X)
/baz.jsp (Y)
/WEB-INF/web.xml (X)
/WEB-INF/special.xml (Y)

Configuring Security Settings

You can configure LoginServices in the plugin. Here’s an example of setting up the HashLoginService for a webapp:

      <loginService implementation="">
        <name>Test Realm</name>

Using Multiple Webapp Root Directories

If you have external resources that you want to incorporate in the execution of a webapp, but which are not assembled into war files, you can’t use the overlaid wars method described above, but you can tell Jetty the directories in which these external resources are located. At runtime, when Jetty receives a request for a resource, it searches all the locations to retrieve the resource. It’s a lot like the overlaid war situation, but without the war.

Here is a configuration example:


Running More than One Webapp

With jetty:run

You can use either a jetty.xml file to configure extra (pre-compiled) webapps that you want to deploy, or you can use the <contextHandlers> configuration element to do so. If you want to deploy webapp A, and webapps B and C in the same Jetty instance:

Putting the configuration in webapp A’s pom.xml:

      <contextHandler implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.MavenWebAppContext">
      <contextHandler implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.MavenWebAppContext">

If the ContextHandler you are deploying is a webapp, it is essential that you use an org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.MavenWebAppContext instance rather than a standard org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext instance. Only the former will allow the webapp to function correctly in the maven environment.

Alternatively, add a jetty.xml file to webapp A. Copy the jetty.xml file from the Jetty distribution, and then add WebAppContexts for the other 2 webapps:

<Ref refid="Contexts">
  <Call name="addHandler">
      <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.MavenWebAppContext">
        <Set name="contextPath">/B</Set>
        <Set name="war">../../B.war</Set>
      <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.MavenWebAppContext">
        <Set name="contextPath">/C</Set>
        <Set name="war">../../C.war</Set>

Then configure the location of this jetty.xml file into webapp A’s jetty plugin:


For either of these solutions, the other webapps must already have been built, and they are not automatically monitored for changes. You can refer either to the packed WAR file of the pre-built webapps or to their expanded equivalents.

Setting System Properties

You can specify property name/value pairs that Jetty sets as System properties for the execution of the plugin. This feature is useful to tidy up the command line and save a lot of typing.

However, sometimes it is not possible to use this feature to set System properties - sometimes the software component using the System property is already initialized by the time that maven runs (in which case you will need to provide the System property on the command line), or by the time that Jetty runs. In the latter case, you can use the maven properties plugin to define the system properties instead. Here’s an example that configures the logback logging system as the Jetty logger:


If a System property is already set (for example, from the command line or by the JVM itself), then by default these configured properties DO NOT override them. However, they can override system properties set from a file instead, see specifying system properties in a file.

Specifying System Properties in the POM

Here’s an example of how to specify System properties in the POM:

Specifying System Properties in a File

You can also specify your System properties in a file. System properties you specify in this way do not override System properties that set on the command line, by the JVM, or directly in the POM via systemProperties.

Suppose we have a file called mysys.props which contains the following:


This can be configured on the plugin like so:


You can instead specify the file by setting the System property jetty.systemPropertiesFile on the command line.

Jetty Jspc Maven Plugin

This plugin will help you pre-compile your jsps and works in conjunction with the Maven war plugin to put them inside an assembled war.


Here’s the basic setup required to put the jspc plugin into your build:


The configurable parameters are as follows:


Default value: $\{project.basedir}/target/webfrag.xml

File into which to generate the servlet declarations. Will be merged with an existing web.xml.


Default value: $\{project.basedir}/src/main/webapp

Root of resources directory where jsps, tags etc are located.


Default value: $\{project.basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml

The web.xml file to use to merge with the generated fragments.


Default value: \/.jsp, \/.jspx

The comma separated list of patterns for file extensions to be processed.


Default value: \/.svn\/

The comma separated list of patterns for file extensions to be skipped.


Default value: $\{}

Location of classes for the webapp.


Default value: $\{}

Location to put the generated classes for the jsps.


Default value: none

A marker string in the src web.xml file which indicates where to merge in the generated web.xml fragment. Note that the marker string will NOT be preserved during the insertion. Can be left blank, in which case the generated fragment is inserted just before the line containing </web-app>.


Default value: false

If true, jars of dependencies marked with <scope>provided</scope> will be placed on the compilation classpath.


Default value: true

Whether or not to merge the generated fragment file with the source web.xml. The merged file will go into the same directory as the webXmlFragment.


Default value: false

If true, the generated .java files are not deleted at the end of processing.


Default value: true

Determines if dirs on the classpath should be scanned as well as jars. If true, this allows scanning for tlds of dependent projects that are in the reactor as unassembled jars.


Default value: true

Determines if the manifest of JAR files found on the classpath should be scanned.


Introduced in Jetty 9.3.6. Java version of jsp source files. Defaults to 1.7.


Introduced in Jetty 9.3.6. Java version of class files generated from jsps. Defaults to 1.7.


Default value: .taglibs[/]\.jar|.jstl-impl[/]\.jar$

Patterns of jars on the 'system' (ie container) path that contain tlds. Use | to separate each pattern.


Default value: the org.apache.jasper.JspC instance being configured.

The JspC class actually performs the pre-compilation. All setters on the JspC class are available. You can download the javadoc here.

Taking all the default settings, here’s how to configure the war plugin to use the generated web.xml that includes all of the jsp servlet declarations:


Precompiling only for Production Build

As compiling jsps is usually done during preparation for a production release and not usually done during development, it is more convenient to put the plugin setup inside a <profile> which which can be deliberately invoked during prep for production.

For example, the following profile will only be invoked if the flag -Dprod is present on the run line:

          <!-- put your configuration in here -->
          <!-- put your configuration in here -->

The following invocation would cause your code to be compiled, the jsps to be compiled, the <servlet> and <servlet-mapping>s inserted in the web.xml and your webapp assembled into a war:

$ mvn -Dprod package

Precompiling Jsps with Overlaid Wars

Precompiling jsps with an overlaid war requires a bit more configuration. This is because you need to separate the steps of unpacking the overlaid war and then repacking the final target war so the jetty-jspc-maven-plugin has the opportunity to access the overlaid resources.

In the example we’ll show, we will use an overlaid war. The overlaid war will provide the web.xml file but the jsps will be in src/main/webapp (i.e. part of the project that uses the overlay). We will unpack the overlaid war file, compile the jsps and merge their servlet definitions into the extracted web.xml, then pack everything into a war.

Here’s an example configuration of the war plugin that separate those phases into an unpack phase, and then a packing phase:

            <overlay />

Now you also need to configure the jetty-jspc-maven-plugin so that it can use the web.xml that was extracted by the war unpacking and merge in the generated definitions of the servlets. This is in target/foo/WEB-INF/web.xml. Using the default settings, the web.xml merged with the jsp servlet definitions will be put into target/web.xml.


Appendix A: Jetty Architecture

Jetty Component Architecture

Applications that use the Jetty libraries (both client and server) create objects from Jetty classes and compose them together to obtain the desired functionalities.

A client application creates a ClientConnector instance, a HttpClientTransport instance and an HttpClient instance and compose them to have a working HTTP client that uses to call third party services.

A server application creates a ThreadPool instance, a Server instance, a ServerConnector instance, a Handler instance and compose them together to expose an HTTP service.

Internally, the Jetty libraries create even more instances of other components that also are composed together with the main ones created by applications.

The end result is that an application based on the Jetty libraries is a tree of components. In server application the root of the component tree is a Server instance, while in client applications the root of the component tree is an HttpClient instance.

Having all the Jetty components in a tree is beneficial in a number of use cases. It makes possible to register the components in the tree as JMX MBeans so that a JMX console can look at the internal state of the components. It also makes possible to dump the component tree (and therefore each component’s internal state) to a log file or to the console for troubleshooting purposes.

Jetty Component Lifecycle

Jetty components typically have a life cycle: they can be started and stopped. The Jetty components that have a life cycle implement the org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle interface.

Jetty components that contain other components implement the org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Container interface and typically extend the org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle class. ContainerLifeCycle can contain these type of components, also called beans:

  • managed beans, LifeCycle instances whose life cycle is tied to the life cycle of their container

  • unmanaged beans, LifeCycle instances whose life cycle is not tied to the life cycle of their container

  • POJO (Plain Old Java Object) beans, instances that do not implement LifeCycle

ContainerLifeCycle uses the following logic to determine if a bean should be managed, unmanaged or POJO:

  • the bean implements LifeCycle

    • the bean is not started, add it as managed

    • the bean is started, add it as unmanaged

  • the bean does not implement LifeCycle, add it as POJO

When a ContainerLifeCycle is started, it also starts recursively all its managed beans (if they implement LifeCycle); unmanaged beans are not started during the ContainerLifeCycle start cycle. Likewise, stopping a ContainerLifeCycle stops recursively and in reverse order all its managed beans; unmanaged beans are not stopped during the ContainerLifeCycle stop cycle.

Components can also be started and stopped individually, therefore activating or deactivating the functionalities that they offer.

Applications should first compose components in the desired structure, and then start the root component:

class Monitor extends AbstractLifeCycle

class Root extends ContainerLifeCycle
    // Monitor is an internal component.
    private final Monitor monitor = new Monitor();

    public Root()
        // The Monitor life cycle is managed by Root.

class Service extends ContainerLifeCycle
    // An instance of the Java scheduler service.
    private ScheduledExecutorService scheduler;

    protected void doStart() throws Exception
        // Java's schedulers cannot be restarted, so they must
        // be created anew every time their container is started.
        scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
        // Even if Java scheduler does not implement
        // LifeCycle, make it part of the component tree.
        // Start all the children beans.

    protected void doStop() throws Exception
        // Perform the opposite operations that were
        // performed in doStart(), in reverse order.

// Create a Root instance.
Root root = new Root();

// Create a Service instance.
Service service = new Service();

// Link the components.

// Start the root component to
// start the whole component tree.

The component tree is the following:

├── Monitor (MANAGED)
└── Service (MANAGED)
    └── ScheduledExecutorService (POJO)

When the Root instance is created, also the Monitor instance is created and added as bean, so Monitor is the first bean of Root. Monitor is a managed bean, because it has been explicitly added to Root via ContainerLifeCycle.addManaged(…​).

Then, the application creates a Service instance and adds it to Root via ContainerLifeCycle.addBean(…​), so Service is the second bean of Root. Service is a managed bean too, because it is a LifeCycle and at the time it was added to Root is was not started.

The ScheduledExecutorService within Service does not implement LifeCycle so it is added as a POJO to Service.

It is possible to stop and re-start any component in a tree, for example:

class Root extends ContainerLifeCycle

class Service extends ContainerLifeCycle
    // An instance of the Java scheduler service.
    private ScheduledExecutorService scheduler;

    protected void doStart() throws Exception
        // Java's schedulers cannot be restarted, so they must
        // be created anew every time their container is started.
        scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
        // Even if Java scheduler does not implement
        // LifeCycle, make it part of the component tree.
        // Start all the children beans.

    protected void doStop() throws Exception
        // Perform the opposite operations that were
        // performed in doStart(), in reverse order.

Root root = new Root();
Service service = new Service();

// Start the Root component.

// Stop temporarily Service without stopping the Root.

// Restart Service.

Service can be stopped independently of Root, and re-started. Starting and stopping a non-root component does not alter the structure of the component tree, just the state of the subtree starting from the component that has been stopped and re-started.

Container provides an API to find beans in the component tree:

class Root extends ContainerLifeCycle

class Service extends ContainerLifeCycle
    private ScheduledExecutorService scheduler;

    protected void doStart() throws Exception
        scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();

    protected void doStop() throws Exception

Root root = new Root();
Service service = new Service();

// Start the Root component.

// Find all the direct children of root.
Collection<Object> children = root.getBeans();
// children contains only service

// Find all descendants of root that are instance of a particular class.
Collection<ScheduledExecutorService> schedulers = root.getContainedBeans(ScheduledExecutorService.class);
// schedulers contains the service scheduler.

You can add your own beans to the component tree at application startup time, and later find them from your application code to access their services.

The component tree should be used for long-lived or medium-lived components such as thread pools, web application contexts, etc.

It is not recommended adding to, and removing from, the component tree short-lived objects such as HTTP requests or TCP connections, for performance reasons.

If you need component tree features such as automatic export to JMX or dump capabilities for short-lived objects, consider having a long-lived container in the component tree instead. You can make the long-lived container efficient at adding/removing the short-lived components using a data structure that is not part of the component tree, and make the long-lived container handle the JMX and dump features for the short-lived components.

Jetty Component Listeners

A component that extends AbstractLifeCycle inherits the possibility to add/remove event listeners for various events emitted by components.

A component that implements java.util.EventListener that is added to a ContainerLifeCycle is also registered as an event listener.

The following sections describe in details the various listeners available in the Jetty component architecture.


A LifeCycle.Listener emits events for life cycle events such as starting, stopping and failures:

Server server = new Server();

// Add an event listener of type LifeCycle.Listener.
server.addEventListener(new LifeCycle.Listener()
    public void lifeCycleStarted(LifeCycle lifeCycle)
        System.getLogger("server").log(INFO, "Server {0} has been started", lifeCycle);

    public void lifeCycleFailure(LifeCycle lifeCycle, Throwable failure)
        System.getLogger("server").log(INFO, "Server {0} failed to start", lifeCycle, failure);

    public void lifeCycleStopped(LifeCycle lifeCycle)
        System.getLogger("server").log(INFO, "Server {0} has been stopped", lifeCycle);

For example, a life cycle listener attached to a Server instance could be used to create (for the started event) and delete (for the stopped event) a file containing the process ID of the JVM that runs the Server.


A component that implements Container is a container for other components and ContainerLifeCycle is the typical implementation.

A Container emits events when a component (also called bean) is added to or removed from the container:

Server server = new Server();

// Add an event listener of type LifeCycle.Listener.
server.addEventListener(new Container.Listener()
    public void beanAdded(Container parent, Object child)
        System.getLogger("server").log(INFO, "Added bean {1} to {0}", parent, child);

    public void beanRemoved(Container parent, Object child)
        System.getLogger("server").log(INFO, "Removed bean {1} from {0}", parent, child);

A Container.Listener added as a bean will also be registered as a listener:

class Parent extends ContainerLifeCycle

class Child

// The older child takes care of its siblings.
class OlderChild extends Child implements Container.Listener
    private Set<Object> siblings = new HashSet<>();

    public void beanAdded(Container parent, Object child)

    public void beanRemoved(Container parent, Object child)

Parent parent = new Parent();

Child older = new OlderChild();
// The older child is a child bean _and_ a listener.

Child younger = new Child();
// Adding a younger child will notify the older child.

A Container.InheritedListener is a listener that will be added to all descendants that are also Containers.

Listeners of this type may be added to the component tree root only, but will be notified of every descendant component that is added to or removed from the component tree (not only first level children).

The primary use of Container.InheritedListener within the Jetty Libraries is MBeanContainer from the Jetty JMX support.

MBeanContainer listens for every component added to the tree, converts it to an MBean and registers it to the MBeanServer; for every component removed from the tree, it unregisters the corresponding MBean from the MBeanServer.

Jetty Threading Architecture

Writing a performant client or server is difficult, because it should:

  • Scale well with the number of processors.

  • Be efficient at using processor caches to avoid parallel slowdown.

  • Support multiple network protocols that may have very different requirements; for example, multiplexed protocols such as HTTP/2 introduce new challenges that are not present in non-multiplexed protocols such as HTTP/1.1.

  • Support different application threading models; for example, if a Jetty server invokes server-side application code that is allowed to call blocking APIs, then the Jetty server should not be affected by how long the blocking API call takes, and should be able to process other connections or other requests in a timely fashion.

Execution Strategies

The Jetty threading architecture can be modeled with a producer/consumer pattern, where produced tasks needs to be consumed efficiently.

For example, Jetty produces (among others) these tasks:

  • A task that wraps a NIO selection event, see the Jetty I/O architecture.

  • A task that wraps the invocation of application code that may block (for example, the invocation of a Servlet to handle an HTTP request).

A task is typically a Runnable object that may implement org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Invocable to indicate the behavior of the task (in particular, whether the task may block or not).

Once a task has been produced, it may be consumed using these modes:


In the Produce-Consume mode, the producer thread loops to produce a task that is run directly by the Producer Thread.


If the task is a NIO selection event, then this mode is the thread-per-selector mode which is very CPU core cache efficient, but suffers from the head-of-line blocking: if one of the tasks blocks or runs slowly, then subsequent tasks cannot be produced (and therefore cannot be consumed either) and will pay in latency the cost of running previous, possibly unrelated, tasks.

This mode should only be used if the produced task is known to never block, or if the system tolerates well (or does not care about) head-of-line blocking.


In the Produce-Execute-Consume mode, the Producer Thread loops to produce tasks that are submitted to a java.util.concurrent.Executor to be run by Worker Threads different from the Producer Thread.


The Executor implementation typically adds the task to a queue, and dequeues the task when there is a worker thread available to run it.

This mode solves the head-of-line blocking discussed in the Produce-Consume section, but suffers from other issues:

  • It is not CPU core cache efficient, as the data available to the producer thread will need to be accessed by another thread that likely is going to run on a CPU core that will not have that data in its caches.

  • If the tasks take time to be run, the Executor queue may grow indefinitely.

  • A small latency is added to every task: the time it waits in the Executor queue.


In the Execute-Produce-Consume mode, the producer thread Thread 1 loops to produce a task, then submits one internal task to an Executor to take over production on thread Thread 2, and then runs the task in Thread 1, and so on.


This mode may operate like Produce-Consume when the take over production task run, for example, by thread Thread 3 takes time to be executed (for example, in a busy server): then thread Thread 2 will produce one task and run it, then produce another task and run it, etc. — Thread 2 behaves exactly like the Produce-Consume mode. By the time thread Thread 3 takes over task production from Thread 2, all the work might already be done.

This mode may also operate similarly to Produce-Execute-Consume when the take over production task always finds a free CPU core immediately (for example, in a mostly idle server): thread Thread 1 will produce a task, yield production to Thread 2 while Thread 1 is running the task; Thread 2 will produce a task, yield production to Thread 3 while Thread 2 is running the task, etc.

Differently from Produce-Execute-Consume, here production happens on different threads, but the advantage is that the task is run by the same thread that produced it (which is CPU core cache efficient).

Adaptive Execution Strategy

The modes of task consumption discussed above are captured by the org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ExecutionStrategy interface, with an additional implementation that also takes into account the behavior of the task when the task implements Invocable.

For example, a task that declares itself as non-blocking can be consumed using the Produce-Consume mode, since there is no risk to stop production because the task will not block.

Conversely, a task that declares itself as blocking will stop production, and therefore must be consumed using either the Produce-Execute-Consume mode or the Execute-Produce-Consume mode. Deciding between these two modes depends on whether there is a free thread immediately available to take over production, and this is captured by the org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.TryExecutor interface.

An implementation of TryExecutor can be asked whether a thread can be immediately and exclusively allocated to run a task, as opposed to a normal Executor that can only queue the task in the expectation that there will be a thread available in the near future to run the task.

The concept of task consumption modes, coupled with Invocable tasks that expose their own behavior, coupled with a TryExecutor that guarantees whether production can be immediately taken over are captured by the default Jetty execution strategy, named org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.AdaptiveExecutionStrategy.

AdaptiveExecutionStrategy was previously named EatWhatYouKill, named after a hunting proverb in the sense that one should produce (kill) only what it consumes (eats).

Thread Pool

Jetty’s threading architecture requires a more sophisticated thread pool than what offered by Java’s java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService.

Jetty’s default thread pool implementation is QueuedThreadPool.

QueuedThreadPool integrates with the Jetty component model, implements Executor, provides a TryExecutor implementation (discussed in the adaptive execution strategy section), and supports virtual threads (introduced as a preview feature in Java 19 and Java 20, and as an official feature since Java 21).

QueuedThreadPool can be configured with a maxThreads value.

However, some of the Jetty components (such as the selectors) permanently steal threads for their internal use, or rather QueuedThreadPool leases some threads to these components. These threads are reported by QueuedThreadPool.leasedThreads and are not available to run application code.

QueuedThreadPool can be configured with a reservedThreads value. This value represents the maximum number of threads that can be reserved and used by the TryExecutor implementation. A negative value for QueuedThreadPool.reservedThreads means that the actual value will be heuristically derived from the number of CPU cores and QueuedThreadPool.maxThreads. A value of zero for QueuedThreadPool.reservedThreads means that reserved threads are disabled, and therefore the Execute-Produce-Consume mode is never used — the Produce-Execute-Consume mode is always used instead.

QueuedThreadPool always maintains the number of threads between QueuedThreadPool.minThreads and QueuedThreadPool.maxThreads; during load spikes the number of thread grows to meet the load demand, and when the load on the system diminishes or the system goes idle, the number of threads shrinks.

Shrinking QueuedThreadPool is important in particular in containerized environments, where typically you want to return the memory occupied by the threads to the operative system. The shrinking of the QueuedThreadPool is controlled by two parameters: QueuedThreadPool.idleTimeout and QueuedThreadPool.maxEvictCount.

QueuedThreadPool.idleTimeout indicates how long a thread should stay around when it is idle, waiting for tasks to execute. The longer the threads stay around, the more ready they are in case of new load spikes on the system; however, they consume resources: a Java platform thread typically allocates 1 MiB of native memory.

QueuedThreadPool.maxEvictCount controls how many idle threads are evicted for one QueuedThreadPool.idleTimeout period. The larger this value is, the quicker the threads are evicted when the QueuedThreadPool is idle or has less load, and their resources returned to the operative system; however, large values may result in too much thread thrashing: the QueuedThreadPool shrinks too fast and must re-create a lot of threads in case of a new load spike on the system.

A good balance between QueuedThreadPool.idleTimeout and QueuedThreadPool.maxEvictCount depends on the load profile of your system, and it is often tuned via trial and error.

Virtual Threads

Virtual threads have been introduced in Java 19 and Java 20 as a preview feature, and have become an official feature since Java 21.

In Java versions where virtual threads are a preview feature, remember to add --enable-preview to the JVM command line options to use virtual threads.

QueuedThreadPool can be configured to use virtual threads by specifying the virtual threads Executor:

QueuedThreadPool threadPool = new QueuedThreadPool();

Jetty cannot enforce that the Executor passed to setVirtualThreadsExecutor(Executor) uses virtual threads, so make sure to specify a virtual threads Executor and not a normal Executor that uses platform threads.

AdaptiveExecutionStrategy makes use of this setting when it determines that a task should be run with the Produce-Execute-Consume mode: rather than submitting the task to QueuedThreadPool to be run in a platform thread, it submits the task to the virtual threads Executor.

Enabling virtual threads in QueuedThreadPool will default the number of reserved threads to zero, unless the number of reserved threads is explicitly configured to a positive value.

Defaulting the number of reserved threads to zero ensures that the Produce-Execute-Consume mode is always used, which means that virtual threads will always be used for blocking tasks.

Jetty I/O Architecture

Jetty libraries (both client and server) use Java NIO to handle I/O, so that at its core Jetty I/O is completely non-blocking.

Jetty I/O: SelectorManager

The core class of Jetty I/O is SelectorManager.

SelectorManager manages internally a configurable number of ManagedSelectors. Each ManagedSelector wraps an instance of java.nio.channels.Selector that in turn manages a number of java.nio.channels.SocketChannel instances.

TODO: add image

SocketChannel instances can be created by clients when connecting to a server and by a server when accepting connections from clients. In both cases the SocketChannel instance is passed to SelectorManager (which passes it to ManagedSelector and eventually to java.nio.channels.Selector) to be registered for use within Jetty.

It is possible for an application to create the SocketChannel instances outside Jetty, even perform some initial network traffic also outside Jetty (for example for authentication purposes), and then pass the SocketChannel instance to SelectorManager for use within Jetty.

This example shows how a client can connect to a server:

public void connect(SelectorManager selectorManager, Map<String, Object> context) throws IOException
    String host = "host";
    int port = 8080;

    // Create an unconnected SocketChannel.
    SocketChannel socketChannel =;

    // Connect and register to Jetty.
    if (socketChannel.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port)))
        selectorManager.accept(socketChannel, context);
        selectorManager.connect(socketChannel, context);

This example shows how a server accepts a client connection:

public void accept(ServerSocketChannel acceptor, SelectorManager selectorManager) throws IOException
    // Wait until a client connects.
    SocketChannel socketChannel = acceptor.accept();

    // Accept and register to Jetty.
    Object attachment = null;
    selectorManager.accept(socketChannel, attachment);

Jetty I/O: EndPoint and Connection

SocketChannels that are passed to SelectorManager are wrapped into two related components: an EndPoint and a Connection.

EndPoint is the Jetty abstraction for a SocketChannel or a DatagramChannel: you can read bytes from an EndPoint, you can write bytes to an EndPoint , you can close an EndPoint, etc.

Connection is the Jetty abstraction that is responsible to read bytes from the EndPoint and to deserialize the read bytes into objects. For example, an HTTP/1.1 server-side Connection implementation is responsible to deserialize HTTP/1.1 request bytes into an HTTP request object. Conversely, an HTTP/1.1 client-side Connection implementation is responsible to deserialize HTTP/1.1 response bytes into an HTTP response object.

Connection is the abstraction that implements the reading side of a specific protocol such as HTTP/1.1, or HTTP/2, or HTTP/3, or WebSocket: it is able to read incoming communication in that protocol.

The writing side for a specific protocol may be implemented in the Connection but may also be implemented in other components, although eventually the bytes to be written will be written through the EndPoint.

While there are primarily only two implementations of EndPoint,SocketChannelEndPoint for TCP and DatagramChannelEndPoint for UDP (used both on the client-side and on the server-side), there are many implementations of Connection, typically two for each protocol (one for the client-side and one for the server-side).

The EndPoint and Connection pairs can be chained, for example in case of encrypted communication using the TLS protocol. There is an EndPoint and Connection TLS pair where the EndPoint reads the encrypted bytes from the socket and the Connection decrypts them; next in the chain there is an EndPoint and Connection pair where the EndPoint "reads" decrypted bytes (provided by the previous Connection) and the Connection deserializes them into specific protocol objects (for example HTTP/2 frame objects).

Certain protocols, such as WebSocket, start the communication with the server using one protocol (for example, HTTP/1.1), but then change the communication to use another protocol (for example, WebSocket). EndPoint supports changing the Connection object on-the-fly via EndPoint.upgrade(Connection). This allows to use the HTTP/1.1 Connection during the initial communication and later to replace it with a WebSocket Connection.

SelectorManager is an abstract class because while it knows how to create concrete EndPoint instances, it does not know how to create protocol specific Connection instances.

Creating Connection instances is performed on the server-side by ConnectionFactorys and on the client-side by ClientConnectionFactorys.

On the server-side, the component that aggregates a SelectorManager with a set of ConnectionFactorys is ServerConnector for TCP sockets, QuicServerConnector for QUIC sockets, and UnixDomainServerConnector for Unix-Domain sockets (see the server-side architecture section for more information).

On the client-side, the components that aggregates a SelectorManager with a set of ClientConnectionFactorys are HttpClientTransport subclasses (see the client-side architecture section for more information).

Jetty I/O: EndPoint

The Jetty I/O library use Java NIO to handle I/O, so that I/O is non-blocking.

At the Java NIO level, in order to be notified when a SocketChannel or DatagramChannel has data to be read, the SelectionKey.OP_READ flag must be set.

In the Jetty I/O library, you can call EndPoint.fillInterested(Callback) to declare interest in the "read" (also called "fill") event, and the Callback parameter is the object that is notified when such an event occurs.

At the Java NIO level, a SocketChannel or DatagramChannel is always writable, unless it becomes congested. In order to be notified when a channel uncongests and it is therefore writable again, the SelectionKey.OP_WRITE flag must be set.

In the Jetty I/O library, you can call EndPoint.write(Callback, ByteBuffer…​) to write the ByteBuffers and the Callback parameter is the object that is notified when the whole write is finished (i.e. all ByteBuffers have been fully written, even if they are delayed by congestion/uncongestion).

The EndPoint APIs abstract out the Java NIO details by providing non-blocking APIs based on Callback objects for I/O operations. The EndPoint APIs are typically called by Connection implementations, see this section.

Jetty I/O: Connection

Connection is the abstraction that deserializes incoming bytes into objects, for example an HTTP request object or a WebSocket frame object, that can be used by more abstract layers.

Connection instances have two lifecycle methods:

  • Connection.onOpen(), invoked when the Connection is associated with the EndPoint

  • Connection.onClose(Throwable), invoked when the Connection is disassociated from the EndPoint, where the Throwable parameter indicates whether the disassociation was normal (when the parameter is null) or was due to an error (when the parameter is not null)

When a Connection is first created, it is not registered for any Java NIO event. It is therefore typical to implement onOpen() to call EndPoint.fillInterested(Callback) so that the Connection declares interest for read events and it is invoked (via the Callback) when the read event happens.

Abstract class AbstractConnection partially implements Connection and provides simpler APIs. The example below shows a typical implementation that extends AbstractConnection:

// Extend AbstractConnection to inherit basic implementation.
class MyConnection extends AbstractConnection
    public MyConnection(EndPoint endPoint, Executor executor)
        super(endPoint, executor);

    public void onOpen()

        // Declare interest for fill events.

    public void onFillable()
        // Called when a fill event happens.

Jetty I/O: TCP Network Echo

With the concepts above it is now possible to write a simple, fully non-blocking, Connection implementation that simply echoes the bytes that it reads back to the other peer.

A naive, but wrong, implementation may be the following:

class WrongEchoConnection extends AbstractConnection implements Callback
    public WrongEchoConnection(EndPoint endPoint, Executor executor)
        super(endPoint, executor);

    public void onOpen()

        // Declare interest for fill events.

    public void onFillable()
            ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtil.allocate(1024);
            int filled = getEndPoint().fill(buffer);
            if (filled > 0)
                // Filled some bytes, echo them back.
                getEndPoint().write(this, buffer);
            else if (filled == 0)
                // No more bytes to fill, declare
                // again interest for fill events.
                // The other peer closed the
                // connection, close it back.
        catch (Exception x)

    public void succeeded()
        // The write is complete, fill again.

    public void failed(Throwable x)
The implementation above is wrong and leads to StackOverflowError.

The problem with this implementation is that if the writes always complete synchronously (i.e. without being delayed by TCP congestion), you end up with this sequence of calls:


which leads to StackOverflowError.

This is a typical side effect of asynchronous programming using non-blocking APIs, and happens in the Jetty I/O library as well.

The callback is invoked synchronously for efficiency reasons. Submitting the invocation of the callback to an Executor to be invoked in a different thread would cause a context switch and make simple writes extremely inefficient.

This side effect of asynchronous programming leading to StackOverflowError is so common that the Jetty libraries have a generic solution for it: a specialized Callback implementation named org.eclipse.jetty.util.IteratingCallback that turns recursion into iteration, therefore avoiding the StackOverflowError.

IteratingCallback is a Callback implementation that should be passed to non-blocking APIs such as EndPoint.write(Callback, ByteBuffer…​) when they are performed in a loop.

IteratingCallback works by starting the loop with IteratingCallback.iterate(). In turn, this calls IteratingCallback.process(), an abstract method that must be implemented with the code that should be executed for each loop.

Method process() must return:

  • Action.SCHEDULED, to indicate whether the loop has performed a non-blocking, possibly asynchronous, operation

  • Action.IDLE, to indicate that the loop should temporarily be suspended to be resumed later

  • Action.SUCCEEDED to indicate that the loop exited successfully

Any exception thrown within process() exits the loops with a failure.

Now that you know how IteratingCallback works, a correct implementation for the echo Connection is the following:

class EchoConnection extends AbstractConnection
    private final IteratingCallback callback = new EchoIteratingCallback();

    public EchoConnection(EndPoint endp, Executor executor)
        super(endp, executor);

    public void onOpen()

        // Declare interest for fill events.

    public void onFillable()
        // Start the iteration loop that reads and echoes back.

    class EchoIteratingCallback extends IteratingCallback
        private ByteBuffer buffer;

        protected Action process() throws Throwable
            // Obtain a buffer if we don't already have one.
            if (buffer == null)
                buffer = BufferUtil.allocate(1024);

            int filled = getEndPoint().fill(buffer);
            if (filled > 0)
                // We have filled some bytes, echo them back.
                getEndPoint().write(this, buffer);

                // Signal that the iteration should resume
                // when the write() operation is completed.
                return Action.SCHEDULED;
            else if (filled == 0)
                // We don't need the buffer anymore, so
                // don't keep it around while we are idle.
                buffer = null;

                // No more bytes to read, declare
                // again interest for fill events.

                // Signal that the iteration is now IDLE.
                return Action.IDLE;
                // The other peer closed the connection,
                // the iteration completed successfully.
                return Action.SUCCEEDED;

        protected void onCompleteSuccess()
            // The iteration completed successfully.

        protected void onCompleteFailure(Throwable cause)
            // The iteration completed with a failure.

        public InvocationType getInvocationType()
            return InvocationType.NON_BLOCKING;

When onFillable() is called, for example the first time that bytes are available from the network, the iteration is started. Starting the iteration calls process(), where a buffer is allocated and filled with bytes read from the network via EndPoint.fill(ByteBuffer); the buffer is subsequently written back via EndPoint.write(Callback, ByteBuffer…​) — note that the callback passed to EndPoint.write() is this, i.e. the IteratingCallback itself; finally Action.SCHEDULED is returned, returning from the process() method.

At this point, the call to EndPoint.write(Callback, ByteBuffer…​) may have completed synchronously; IteratingCallback would know that and call process() again; within process(), the buffer has already been allocated so it will be reused, saving further allocations; the buffer will be filled and possibly written again; Action.SCHEDULED is returned again, returning again from the process() method.

At this point, the call to EndPoint.write(Callback, ByteBuffer…​) may have not completed synchronously, so IteratingCallback will not call process() again; the processing thread is free to return to the Jetty I/O system where it may be put back into the thread pool. If this was the only active network connection, the system would now be idle, with no threads blocked, waiting that the write() completes. This thread-less wait is one of the most important features that make non-blocking asynchronous servers more scalable: they use less resources.

Eventually, the Jetty I/O system will notify that the write() completed; this notifies the IteratingCallback that can now resume the loop and call process() again.

When process() is called, it is possible that zero bytes are read from the network; in this case, you want to deallocate the buffer since the other peer may never send more bytes for the Connection to read, or it may send them after a long pause — in both cases we do not want to retain the memory allocated by the buffer; next, you want to call fillInterested() to declare again interest for read events, and return Action.IDLE since there is nothing to write back and therefore the loop may be suspended. When more bytes are again available to be read from the network, onFillable() will be called again and that will start the iteration again.

Another possibility is that during process() the read returns -1 indicating that the other peer has closed the connection; this means that there will not be more bytes to read and the loop can be exited, so you return Action.SUCCEEDED; IteratingCallback will then call onCompleteSuccess() where you can close the EndPoint.

The last case is that during process() an exception is thrown, for example by EndPoint.fill(ByteBuffer) or, in more advanced implementations, by code that parses the bytes that have been read and finds them unacceptable; any exception thrown within process() will be caught by IteratingCallback that will exit the loop with a failure and call onCompleteFailure(Throwable) with the exception that has been thrown, where you can close the EndPoint, passing the exception that is the reason for closing prematurely the EndPoint.

Asynchronous programming is hard.

Rely on the Jetty classes to implement Connection to avoid mistakes that will be difficult to diagnose and reproduce.

Jetty Listeners

The Jetty architecture is based on components, typically organized in a component tree. These components have an internal state that varies with the component life cycle (that is, whether the component is started or stopped), as well as with the component use at runtime. The typical example is a thread pool, whose internal state — such as the number of pooled threads or the job queue size — changes as the thread pool is used by the running client or server.

In many cases, the component state change produces an event that is broadcast to listeners. Applications can register listeners to these components to be notified of the events they produce.

This section lists the listeners available in the Jetty components, but the events and listener APIs are discussed in the component specific sections.

Jetty JMX Support

The Java Management Extensions (JMX) APIs are standard API for managing and monitoring resources such as applications, devices, services, and the Java Virtual Machine itself.

The JMX API includes remote access, so a remote management console such as Java Mission Control can interact with a running application for these purposes.

Jetty architecture is based on components organized in a tree. Every time a component is added to or removed from the component tree, an event is emitted, and Container.Listener implementations can listen to those events and perform additional actions.

org.eclipse.jetty.jmx.MBeanContainer listens to those events and registers/unregisters the Jetty components as MBeans into the platform MBeanServer.

The Jetty components are annotated with Jetty JMX annotations so that they can provide specific JMX metadata such as attributes and operations that should be exposed via JMX.

Therefore, when a component is added to the component tree, MBeanContainer is notified, it creates the MBean from the component POJO and registers it to the MBeanServer. Similarly, when a component is removed from the tree, MBeanContainer is notified, and unregisters the MBean from the MBeanServer.

The Maven coordinates for the Jetty JMX support are:


Enabling JMX Support

Enabling JMX support is always recommended because it provides valuable information about the system, both for monitoring purposes and for troubleshooting purposes in case of problems.

To enable JMX support on the server:

Server server = new Server();

// Create an MBeanContainer with the platform MBeanServer.
MBeanContainer mbeanContainer = new MBeanContainer(ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer());

// Add MBeanContainer to the root component.

Similarly on the client:

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

// Create an MBeanContainer with the platform MBeanServer.
MBeanContainer mbeanContainer = new MBeanContainer(ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer());

// Add MBeanContainer to the root component.

The MBeans exported to the platform MBeanServer can only be accessed locally (from the same machine), not from remote machines.

This means that this configuration is enough for development, where you have easy access (with graphical user interface) to the machine where Jetty runs, but it is typically not enough when the machine where Jetty runs is remote, or only accessible via SSH or otherwise without graphical user interface support. In these cases, you have to enable JMX Remote Access.

Enabling JMX Remote Access

There are two ways of enabling remote connectivity so that JMC can connect to the remote JVM to visualize MBeans.

  • Use the system property on the command line. Unfortunately, this solution does not work well with firewalls and is not flexible.

  • Use Jetty’s ConnectorServer class.

org.eclipse.jetty.jmx.ConnectorServer will use by default RMI to allow connection from remote clients, and it is a wrapper around the standard JDK class JMXConnectorServer, which is the class that provides remote access to JMX clients.

Connecting to the remote JVM is a two step process:

  • First, the client will connect to the RMI registry to download the RMI stub for the JMXConnectorServer; this RMI stub contains the IP address and port to connect to the RMI server, i.e. the remote JMXConnectorServer.

  • Second, the client uses the RMI stub to connect to the RMI server (i.e. the remote JMXConnectorServer) typically on an address and port that may be different from the RMI registry address and port.

The host and port configuration for the RMI registry and the RMI server is specified by a JMXServiceURL. The string format of an RMI JMXServiceURL is:


Default values are:

rmi_server_host = localhost
rmi_server_port = 1099
rmi_registry_host = localhost
rmi_registry_port = 1099

With the default configuration, only clients that are local to the server machine can connect to the RMI registry and RMI server - this is done for security reasons. With this configuration it would still be possible to access the MBeans from remote using a SSH tunnel.

By specifying an appropriate JMXServiceURL, you can fine tune the network interfaces the RMI registry and the RMI server bind to, and the ports that the RMI registry and the RMI server listen to. The RMI server and RMI registry hosts and ports can be the same (as in the default configuration) because RMI is able to multiplex traffic arriving to a port to multiple RMI objects.

If you need to allow JMX remote access through a firewall, you must open both the RMI registry and the RMI server ports.

JMXServiceURL common examples:

  rmi_server_host = local host address
  rmi_server_port = randomly chosen
  rmi_registry_host = local host address
  rmi_registry_port = 1099

  rmi_server_host = any address
  rmi_server_port = 1099
  rmi_registry_host = any address
  rmi_registry_port = 1099

  rmi_server_host = loopback address
  rmi_server_port = 1100
  rmi_registry_host = loopback address
  rmi_registry_port = 1099

When ConnectorServer is started, its RMI stub is exported to the RMI registry. The RMI stub contains the IP address and port to connect to the RMI object, but the IP address is typically the machine host name, not the host specified in the JMXServiceURL.

To control the IP address stored in the RMI stub you need to set the system property java.rmi.server.hostname with the desired value. This is especially important when binding the RMI server host to the loopback address for security reasons. See also JMX Remote Access via SSH Tunnel.

To allow JMX remote access, create and configure a ConnectorServer:

Server server = new Server();

// Setup Jetty JMX.
MBeanContainer mbeanContainer = new MBeanContainer(ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer());

// Setup ConnectorServer.

// Bind the RMI server to the wildcard address and port 1999.
// Bind the RMI registry to the wildcard address and port 1099.
JMXServiceURL jmxURL = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", null, 1999, "/jndi/rmi:///jmxrmi");
ConnectorServer jmxServer = new ConnectorServer(jmxURL, "org.eclipse.jetty.jmx:name=rmiconnectorserver");

// Add ConnectorServer as a bean, so it is started
// with the Server and also exported as MBean.

JMX Remote Access Authorization

The standard JMXConnectorServer provides several options to authorize access, for example via JAAS or via configuration files. For a complete guide to controlling authentication and authorization in JMX, see the official JMX documentation.

In the sections below we detail one way to setup JMX authentication and authorization, using configuration files for users, passwords and roles:

Server server = new Server();

// Setup Jetty JMX.
MBeanContainer mbeanContainer = new MBeanContainer(ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer());

// Setup ConnectorServer.
JMXServiceURL jmxURL = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", null, 1099, "/jndi/rmi:///jmxrmi");
Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>();
env.put("", "/path/to/users.access");
env.put("", "/path/to/users.password");
ConnectorServer jmxServer = new ConnectorServer(jmxURL, env, "org.eclipse.jetty.jmx:name=rmiconnectorserver");


The users.access file format is defined in the $JAVA_HOME/conf/management/jmxremote.access file. A simplified version is the following:

user1 readonly
user2 readwrite

The users.password file format is defined in the $JAVA_HOME/conf/management/jmxremote.password.template file. A simplified version is the following:

user1 password1
user2 password2
The users.access and users.password files are not standard *.properties files — the user must be separated from the role or password by a space character.
Securing JMX Remote Access with TLS

The JMX communication via RMI happens by default in clear-text.

It is possible to configure the ConnectorServer with a SslContextFactory so that the JMX communication via RMI is encrypted:

Server server = new Server();

// Setup Jetty JMX.
MBeanContainer mbeanContainer = new MBeanContainer(ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer());

// Setup SslContextFactory.
SslContextFactory.Server sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();

// Setup ConnectorServer with SslContextFactory.
JMXServiceURL jmxURL = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", null, 1099, "/jndi/rmi:///jmxrmi");
ConnectorServer jmxServer = new ConnectorServer(jmxURL, null, "org.eclipse.jetty.jmx:name=rmiconnectorserver", sslContextFactory);


It is possible to use the same SslContextFactory.Server used to configure the Jetty ServerConnector that supports TLS also for the JMX communication via RMI.

The keystore must contain a valid certificate signed by a Certification Authority.

The RMI mechanic is the usual one: the RMI client (typically a monitoring console) will connect first to the RMI registry (using TLS), download the RMI server stub that contains the address and port of the RMI server to connect to, then connect to the RMI server (using TLS).

This also mean that if the RMI registry and the RMI server are on different hosts, the RMI client must have available the cryptographic material to validate both hosts.

Having certificates signed by a Certification Authority simplifies by a lot the configuration needed to get the JMX communication over TLS working properly.

If that is not the case (for example the certificate is self-signed), then you need to specify the required system properties that allow RMI (especially when acting as an RMI client) to retrieve the cryptographic material necessary to establish the TLS connection.

For example, trying to connect using the JDK standard JMXConnector with both the RMI server and the RMI registry via TLS to with a self-signed certificate:

// System properties necessary for an RMI client to trust a self-signed certificate.
System.setProperty("", "/path/to/trustStore");
System.setProperty("", "secret");

JMXServiceURL jmxURL = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://");

Map<String, Object> clientEnv = new HashMap<>();
// Required to connect to the RMI registry via TLS.
clientEnv.put(ConnectorServer.RMI_REGISTRY_CLIENT_SOCKET_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE, new SslRMIClientSocketFactory());

try (JMXConnector client = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxURL, clientEnv))
    Set<ObjectName> names = client.getMBeanServerConnection().queryNames(null, null);

Similarly, to launch JMC:

$ jmc -vmargs
These system properties are required when launching the ConnectorServer too, on the server, because it acts as an RMI client with respect to the RMI registry.
JMX Remote Access with Port Forwarding via SSH Tunnel

You can access JMX MBeans on a remote machine when the RMI ports are not open, for example because of firewall policies, but you have SSH access to the machine using local port forwarding via an SSH tunnel.

In this case you want to configure the ConnectorServer with a JMXServiceURL that binds the RMI server and the RMI registry to the loopback interface only: service:jmx:rmi://localhost:1099/jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi.

Then you setup the local port forwarding with the SSH tunnel:

$ ssh -L 1099:localhost:1099 <user>@<machine_host>

Now you can use JConsole or JMC to connect to localhost:1099 on your local computer. The traffic will be forwarded to machine_host and when there, SSH will forward the traffic to localhost:1099, which is exactly where the ConnectorServer listens.

When you configure ConnectorServer in this way, you must set the system property -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost, on the server. This is required because when the RMI server is exported, its address and port are stored in the RMI stub. You want the address in the RMI stub to be localhost so that when the RMI stub is downloaded to the remote client, the RMI communication will go through the SSH tunnel.

Jetty JMX Annotations

The Jetty JMX support, and in particular MBeanContainer, is notified every time a bean is added to the component tree.

The bean is scanned for Jetty JMX annotations to obtain JMX metadata: the JMX attributes and JMX operations.

// Annotate the class with @ManagedObject and provide a description.
@ManagedObject("Services that provide useful features")
class Services
    private final Map<String, Object> services = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private boolean enabled = true;

    // A read-only attribute with description.
    @ManagedAttribute(value = "The number of services", readonly = true)
    public int getServiceCount()
        return services.size();

    // A read-write attribute with description.
    // Only the getter is annotated.
    @ManagedAttribute(value = "Whether the services are enabled")
    public boolean isEnabled()
        return enabled;

    // There is no need to annotate the setter.
    public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
        this.enabled = enabled;

    // An operation with description and impact.
    // The @Name annotation is used to annotate parameters
    // for example to display meaningful parameter names.
    @ManagedOperation(value = "Retrieves the service with the given name", impact = "INFO")
    public Object getService(@Name(value = "serviceName") String n)
        return services.get(n);

The JMX metadata and the bean are wrapped by an instance of org.eclipse.jetty.jmx.ObjectMBean that exposes the JMX metadata and, upon request from JMX consoles, invokes methods on the bean to get/set attribute values and perform operations.

You can provide a custom subclass of ObjectMBean to further customize how the bean is exposed to JMX.

The custom ObjectMBean subclass must respect the following naming convention: <package>.jmx.<class>MBean. For example, class com.acme.Foo may have a custom ObjectMBean subclass named com.acme.jmx.FooMBean.

//package com.acme;
class Service

//package com.acme.jmx;
class ServiceMBean extends ObjectMBean
    ServiceMBean(Object service)

The custom ObjectMBean subclass is also scanned for Jetty JMX annotations and overrides the JMX metadata obtained by scanning the bean class. This allows to annotate only the custom ObjectMBean subclass and keep the bean class free of the Jetty JMX annotations.

//package com.acme;
// No Jetty JMX annotations.
class CountService
    private int count;

    public int getCount()
        return count;

    public void addCount(int value)
        count += value;

//package com.acme.jmx;
@ManagedObject("the count service")
class CountServiceMBean extends ObjectMBean
    public CountServiceMBean(Object service)

    private CountService getCountService()
        return (CountService)super.getManagedObject();

    @ManagedAttribute("the current service count")
    public int getCount()
        return getCountService().getCount();

    @ManagedOperation(value = "adds the given value to the service count", impact = "ACTION")
    public void addCount(@Name("count delta") int value)

The scan for Jetty JMX annotations is performed on the bean class and all the interfaces implemented by the bean class, then on the super-class and all the interfaces implemented by the super-class and so on until java.lang.Object is reached. For each type — class or interface, the corresponding *.jmx.*MBean is looked up and scanned as well with the same algorithm. For each type, the scan looks for the class-level annotation @ManagedObject. If it is found, the scan looks for method-level @ManagedAttribute and @ManagedOperation annotations; otherwise it skips the current type and moves to the next type to scan.


The @ManagedObject annotation is used on a class at the top level to indicate that it should be exposed as an MBean. It has only one attribute to it which is used as the description of the MBean.


The @ManagedAttribute annotation is used to indicate that a given method is exposed as a JMX attribute. This annotation is placed always on the getter method of a given attribute. Unless the readonly attribute is set to true in the annotation, a corresponding setter is looked up following normal naming conventions. For example if this annotation is on a method called String getFoo() then a method called void setFoo(String) would be looked up, and if found wired as the setter for the JMX attribute.


The @ManagedOperation annotation is used to indicate that a given method is exposed as a JMX operation. A JMX operation has an impact that can be INFO if the operation returns a value without modifying the object, ACTION if the operation does not return a value but modifies the object, and "ACTION_INFO" if the operation both returns a value and modifies the object. If the impact is not specified, it has the default value of UNKNOWN.


The @Name annotation is used to assign a name and description to parameters in method signatures so that when rendered by JMX consoles it is clearer what the parameter meaning is.

Appendix B: Troubleshooting Jetty

TODO: introduction


The Jetty libraries (both client and server) use SLF4J as logging APIs. You can therefore plug in any SLF4J logging implementation, and configure the logging category org.eclipse.jetty at the desired level.

When you have problems with Jetty, the first thing that you want to do is to enable DEBUG logging. This is helpful because by reading the DEBUG logs you get a better understanding of what is going on in the system (and that alone may give you the answers you need to fix the problem), and because Jetty developers will probably need the DEBUG logs to help you.

Jetty SLF4J Binding

The Jetty artifact jetty-slf4j-impl is a SLF4J binding, that is the Jetty implementation of the SLF4J APIs, and provides a number of easy-to-use features to configure logging.

The Jetty SLF4J binding only provides an appender that writes to System.err. For more advanced configurations (for example, logging to a file), use LogBack, or Log4j2, or your preferred SLF4J binding.

Only one binding can be present in the class-path or module-path. If you use the LogBack SLF4J binding or the Log4j2 SLF4J binding, remember to remove the Jetty SLF4J binding.

The Jetty SLF4J binding reads a file in the class-path (or module-path) called that can be configured with the logging levels for various logger categories:
# By default, log at INFO level all Jetty classes.

# However, the Jetty client classes are logged at DEBUG level.

Similarly to how you configure the file, you can set the system property org.eclipse.jetty[.<package_names>].LEVEL=DEBUG to quickly change the logging level to DEBUG without editing any file. The system property can be set on the command line, or in your IDE when you run your tests or your Jetty-based application and will override the file configuration. For example to enable DEBUG logging for all the Jetty classes (very verbose):

java -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.LEVEL=DEBUG --class-path ...

If you want to enable DEBUG logging but only for the HTTP/2 classes:

java -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.http2.LEVEL=DEBUG --class-path ...

Jetty Component Tree Dump

Jetty components are organized in a component tree.

At the root of the component tree there is typically a ContainerLifeCycle instance — typically a Server instance on the server and an HttpClient instance on the client.

ContainerLifeCycle has built-in dump APIs that can be invoked either directly or via JMX.

You can get more details from a Jetty’s QueuedThreadPool dump by enabling detailed dumps via queuedThreadPool.setDetailedDump(true).


Sometimes, in order to figure out a problem, enabling DEBUG logging is not enough and you really need to debug the code with a debugger.

Debugging an embedded Jetty application is most easily done from your preferred IDE, so refer to your IDE instruction for how to debug Java applications.

Remote debugging can be enabled in a Jetty application via command line options:

java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:8000 --class-path ...

The example above enables remote debugging so that debuggers (for example, your preferred IDE) can connect to port 8000 on the host running the Jetty application to receive debugging events.

More technically, remote debugging exchanges JVM Tools Interface (JVMTI) events and commands via the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP).

Appendix C: Migration Guides

Migrating from Jetty 9.4.x to Jetty 10.0.x

Required Java Version Changes

Jetty 9.4.x Jetty 10.0.x

Java 8

Java 11

WebSocket Migration Guide

Migrating from Jetty 9.4.x to Jetty 10.0.x requires changes in the coordinates of the Maven artifact dependencies for WebSocket. Some of these classes have also changed name and package. This is not a comprehensive list of changes but should cover the most common changes encountered during migration.

Maven Artifacts Changes
Jetty 9.4.x Jetty 10.0.x











Class Names Changes
Jetty 9.4.x Jetty 10.0.x















Example Code
Jetty 9.4.x Jetty 10.0.x
public class ExampleWebSocketServlet extends WebSocketServlet
    public void configure(WebSocketServletFactory factory)
        factory.setCreator(new WebSocketCreator()
            public Object createWebSocket(ServletUpgradeRequest req, ServletUpgradeResponse resp)
                return new ExampleEndpoint();
public class ExampleWebSocketServlet extends JettyWebSocketServlet
    public void configure(JettyWebSocketServletFactory factory)
        factory.setCreator(new JettyWebSocketCreator()
            public Object createWebSocket(JettyServerUpgradeRequest req, JettyServerUpgradeResponse resp)
                return new ExampleEndpoint();