4.3.2 RC2 Test Plan

Testing day: Thursday, 2014-01-30
Test Build: M20140129-0800

Components: Platform Search, Platform Text, JDT Text and JDT UI
Testers: Manju, Noopur and Dani



Test 4.3.2 Fixes (All)

Make sure that all Platform Search, Platform Text, JDT Text and JDT UI fixes are verified.

About Info (Dani)

Verify that all plug-ins and features appear correctly in the About dialog:

Sanity Check The Build (All)

Once all of the above items are done, start with a fresh workspace and change the settings in a way you normally don't work.

Implement a little feature or tool or create a patch for one of your favorite bugs. Use refactorings and UI gestures you don't normally use.