3.7 M1 Test Plan

Test day: Tuesday, 2010-08-03
Test Build: I20100802-2000 (always switch to latest available build)
Components: Platform Search, Platform Text, JDT Text and JDT UI
Testers: Dani, Deepak, Markus, Raksha



Test New Functionality

First test all those items where you are listed as first tester.

Text file encoding on 'Resource' property page (Deepak, Raksha - Questions: Dani)

Test that the 'Resource' property page shows the correct information about the text file encoding (bug 315936).

Memory leak fixes (Markus, Raksha - Questions: Dani)

Verify that the memory leak fixes work.

Show hand pointer for single-click tables and trees (bug 277862) (Markus, Dani - Questions: Deepak)

Verify that hand pointer is shown correctly for

Better UI to find preferences on Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings (bug 315772) (Dani, Raksha - Questions: Deepak)

Refactoring (Dani, Raksha - Questions: Deepak)

Wizards(Raksha, Dani - Questions: Deepak)

NLS Tooling (Dani, Markus - Questions: Deepak)

Externalize strings escapes ISO 8859-1 (bug 320133)

'F' decorator for local variables (Raksha, Markus - Questions: Dani)

Verify that the 'F' decorator works as expected:

Platform Team fixes (Raksha, Markus - Questions: Dani)

Verify the following fixes/enhancements:

Open Hyperlink (Deepak, Markus - Questions: Raksha)

Verify that the new command works in text editors with key binding and command/action works in Java and Properties File editors (bug 78522)

Refactorings (Markus, Deepak - Questions: Raksha)

Verify that Convert Anonymous Class to Nested... refactoring stores all the settings in the wizard (bug 167590) Verify that Extract Constant... is enabled in the context menu and works for Annotations (bug 303617) Verify that the comments do not get deleted after Move Type to New File... refactoring (bug 305103) Verify that Encapsulate Field... generates getter and setter in the same order as Source -> Generate getters and setters (bug 315363)

Search In options (Deepak, Dani - Questions: Raksha)

Verify that the Search In dialog is added to the Call Hierarchy view menu (bug 234849)

Open declaration (Deepak, Markus - Questions: Raksha)

Verify that Open Declaration works well on .java files that are not on the build path (bug 311283)

UserLibraryPreferencePage (Markus, Deepak - Questions: Raksha)

Verify that after renaming a user library the Up, Down, Remove buttons work as expected (bug 312054) Verify that Edit/Remove work as expected when same jar is contained in 2 or more libs (bug 320199)

Hover and Javadoc view colors (Deepak, Dani - Questions: Markus)

Decorator on CUs for Deprecated and package-visible (Raksha, Deepak - Questions: Markus)

Extract to constant or local variable Quick Assists without selection (Deepak, Raksha - Questions: Markus)

Naming of File > Convert Line Delimiters To > ... (Deepak, Markus - Questions: Markus)

Breadcrumb (Raksha, Deepak - Questions: Markus)

Open Resource (Dani, Raksha - Questions: Markus)

JUnit 4 test suite wizard (Raksha, Deepak - Questions: Markus)

Test 3.6.1 Fixes

Make sure to verify all Platform Search, Platform/JDT Text and JDT UI fixes.

Test all fixes against 3.7 M1 (Raksha, Deepak)

Don't set bugs to verified.

Test all fixes against 3.6.1 (Deepak, Raksha)

Use M20100728-0800, set bugs to verified.

Bug Verification (All)

Before starting to verify a bug add a comment indicating that you are about to verify it.