in a Nutshell

  • A documentation environment
    • synchronized with development artifacts
    • customizable for your development processes

    Parf of Mylyn docs

    In incubation phase

    Parf of Release train since Juno

1. Documentation Sucks _

Why does Documentation Suck?

1. Because most of the time it does not exist/contain the infos you need

Why does Documentation Suck?

1. Because most of the time it does not exist/contain the infos you need

Why does nobody write doc?

Comparable to massive rejection of Unit Testing

"Working software over comprehensive documentation"
Agile Manifesto

Don't be short-sighted: Enable your next effort

As a developper, you spend most of your time understanding other people's code.

Why does Documentation Suck?

1. Because most of the time it does not contain what you are looking for.

2. Because most of the time it's outdated -> no one trusts it anymore

Why does Documentation Suck?

1. Because most of the time it does not contain what you are looking for.

2. Because most of the time it's outdated -> no one trusts it anymore

Why is Documentation outdated?

Because keeping your doc synchronized is a burden

That's exactly what Intent is about

2. Synchronize your Doc with Intent _

What do we want ?

A mechanism to link documentation parts with technical
artifacts (Java code, models, plug-in dependencies...)

One Intent Document mixing both

- Pure documentation zones

- Formal links zones

Chapter Significant Scenarios {

This chapter specifies the behavior of the *com.example.offer* platform by listing relevant scenarios.
These scenarios can involve both human actors or computer/system actors, as defined in chapter 1.5.

Section Scenario S-01: filter offers according to a Category {

*As a* end-user
*I want to* be able to _filter_ offers according to their associated Category
*Given* A set of offers
*When* I select the category entitled "Books" in the Category Page
*Then I should only see the offers associated to this category
@ref "com.example.offer.test/src/com/example/offer/test/"

One Intent Document mixing both

- Pure documentation zones
Explanations in Natural language
Use the Textile syntax

Chapter Significant Scenarios {

This chapter specifies the behavior of the *com.example.offer* platform by listing relevant scenarios.
These scenarios can involve both human actors or computer/system actors, as defined in chapter 1.5.

Section Scenario S-01: filter offers according to a Category {

*As a* end-user
*I want to* be able to _filter_ offers according to their associated Category
*Given* A set of offers
*When* I select the category entitled "Books" in the Category Page
*Then I should only see the offers associated to this category

@ref "com.example.offer.test/src/com/example/offer/test/"

One Intent Document mixing both

- Formal links zones
Reference to technical artifacts (Java, models, Manifests...)
Extensible behavior (display, hyperlinks, export, validation...)

Chapter Significant Scenarios {
This chapter specifies the behavior of the *com.example.offer* platform by listing relevant scenarios.
These scenarios can involve both human actors or computer/system actors, as defined in chapter 1.5.

Section Scenario S-01: filter offers according to a Category {
*As a* end-user
*I want to* be able to _filter_ offers according to their associated Category
*Given* A set of offers
*When* I select the category entitled "Books" in the Category Page
*Then I should only see the offers associated to this category
@ref "com.example.offer.test/src/com/example/offer/test/"

3. Intent in Action _

Demo context



Intent Synchronizer

Compares Doc (Formal links) with Artifacts (as Models)

Intent Synchronizer

Compares Doc (Formal links) with Artifacts (as Models)

Synchronization Bridge

Represents a technical artifact as a Model

Intent Synchronizer

Compares Doc (Formal links) with Artifacts (as Models)

Synchronization Bridge

Represents a technical artifact as a Model

4. Checking Constraints Sucks _

Automate high-level constraints checking

You already constraint Development

With informal processes, dev guidelines, good practices...

But high-level constraints are hard to check

Manual reviews: painful, long, error-prone

Automate high-level constraints checking

Plug custom constraints in Intent

- Live & formal validation
- Problem view integration
- Extensible quick-fixes

5. What's cooking? _

Intent: what's Cooking?

CDO Integration: Share your doc in real-time

Intent: what's Cooking?

- HTML Bootstrap / Latex / PDF export

- new Bridges (Manifest.MF, plugin.xml, Xtext...)

- Performances & Stability

And in the future?

Mylyn 4.0 will store tasks, bugzillas, git repos... as models

Imagine what Intent could do!

Alice is writing a contribution guide showing the git repo URL
→ And if URL changes, sync. issues will be raised

John is closing a bugzilla issue without writing Junit test
→ Intent will raise a validation issue as team defined custom rule

The 3 things to remember about Intent

1. Intent keeps your doc up-to-date with concrete world

2. Intent allows you formalize your dev constraints

The 3 things to remember about Intent

1. Intent keeps your doc up-to-date with concrete world

2. Intent allows you formalize your dev constraints


Intent Needs You

Give us feedback

We do take community feedbacks in account

You're driving this ship!
- Syntax simplification
- Java bridge...

Technical contributions

- Sync. bridges, validation rules, new repository back-ends...
- Become an Intent committer!

Thank You!