Annotation Type MapKeyJoinColumns

  • @Target({METHOD,FIELD})
    public @interface MapKeyJoinColumns
    Supports composite map keys that reference entities.

    The MapKeyJoinColumns annotation groups MapKeyJoinColumn annotations. When the MapKeyJoinColumns annotation is used, both the name and the referencedColumnName elements must be specified in each of the grouped MapKeyJoinColumn annotations.

    See Also:
    MapKeyJoinColumn, ForeignKey
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      MapKeyJoinColumn[] value
      (Required) The map key join columns that are used to map to the entity that is the map key.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      ForeignKey foreignKey
      (Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        MapKeyJoinColumn[] value
        (Required) The map key join columns that are used to map to the entity that is the map key.
      • foreignKey

        ForeignKey foreignKey
        (Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect. If both this element and the foreignKey element of any of the MapKeyJoinColumn elements are specified, the behavior is undefined. If no foreign key annotation element is specified in either location, the persistence provider's default foreign key strategy will apply.