EclipseLink 1.2.0, build 'v20091016-r5565' API Reference

Annotation Type BasicMap

public @interface BasicMap

A BasicMap is used to map an org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectMapMapping, which stores a collection of key-value pairs of simple types (String, Number, Date, etc.). It is used in conjunction with a CollectionTable which stores the key, the value and a foreign key to the source object.

See Also:
A converter may be used if the desired object type and the data type do not match. This applied to both the key and value of the map., Convert, Converter, ObjectTypeConverter, A BasicMap can be specified within an Entity, MappedSuperclass and Embeddable class.
Guy Pelletier
Oracle TopLink

Optional Element Summary
 FetchType fetch
          (Optional) Defines whether the value of the field or property should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched.
 Column keyColumn
          (Optional) The name of the data column that holds the direct map key.
 Convert keyConverter
          (Optional) Specify the key converter.
 Column valueColumn
          (Optional) The name of the data column that holds the direct collection data.
 Convert valueConverter
          (Optional) Specify the value converter.


public abstract FetchType fetch
(Optional) Defines whether the value of the field or property should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched. The EAGER strategy is a requirement on the persistence provider runtime that the value must be eagerly fetched. The LAZY strategy is a hint to the persistence provider runtime. If not specified, defaults to LAZY.



public abstract Column keyColumn
(Optional) The name of the data column that holds the direct map key. If the name on te key column is "", the name will default to: the name of the property or field; "_KEY".



public abstract Convert keyConverter
(Optional) Specify the key converter. Default is equivalent to specifying



public abstract Column valueColumn
(Optional) The name of the data column that holds the direct collection data. Defaults to the property or field name.



public abstract Convert valueConverter
(Optional) Specify the value converter. Default is equivalent to specifying


EclipseLink 1.2.0, build 'v20091016-r5565' API Reference