3.3 M1 Test Plan

Test day: Tuesday, 2006-08-08
Test Build: I20060807-2000
Components: JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search, and Platform/Text
Testers: Martin, Dani, Markus, Tobias, Benno, Tom


Verification of Bugs (ALL)

There are 130 so everyone should verify 22. Take high-priority and critical bugs first.
Before starting to verify add a comment that you take a bug for verification.

Refactoring Scripting (Martin, Tobias) (FAQ: Tobias)

Build Path (Dani, Markus) (FAQ: Benno)

Package Explorer (Tom, Dani) (FAQ: Martin)

Search Dialog (Markus, Tom) (FAQ: Martin)

Miscellaneous Java UI (Markus, Tobias) (FAQ: Tom)

Java Editing (Tobias, Benno) (FAQ: Tom)

Pluggable Vertical Ruler Support (Martin, Benno) (FAQ: Tom)

Template Support (Benno, Markus) (FAQ: Tom)

Text Replace All (Martin, Dani) (FAQ: Tom)

ASTRewrite (Dani, Tom) (FAQ: Martin)

Paste Compilation Unit (Tom, Benno) (FAQ: Markus)

Extract Local Variable (Tobias, Tom) (FAQ: Markus)