3.2 M4 Test Grid

Test day: Tuesday, 2005-12-13
Test Build: latest I-build
Components: JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search, and Platform/Text
Testers: Martin, Dani, Markus, Tobias, Benno, Tom, Philip


Verification of Bugs (ALL)

There are 184 so everyone should verify 31. Take high-priority and M4 bugs first.
Before starting to verify add a comment that you take a bug for verification.

Watch out for cheese and odd behavior in the Text and Java editors (ALL)

New clean ups (Philip, Tom) (FAQ: Benno)

Surround with template (Tobias, Philip) (FAQ: Benno)

JAR Import/Export with refactorings (Markus, Philip) (FAQ: Tobias)

Currently available for all Rename refactorings, Move Method and Change Method Signature

enhanced support for Java files from repository (Martin, Benno) (FAQ: Dani)

enhanced support for external Java files (Tobias, Martin) (FAQ: Dani)

test the Java editor with a Java file that has non *.java extension (Markus, Martin) (FAQ: Dani)

test Javadoc view and hovering with library that has no source but attached Javadoc (Tom, Markus) (FAQ: Dani)

test content assist with a library that has no source but attached Javadoc (Markus, Tom) (FAQ: Dani, Martin)

test Delete Line and Cut Line with empty, full single line and multiple line selection (Tom, Benno) (FAQ: Dani)

Test camelCase navigation in dialog fields (Tom, Martin) (FAQ: Markus)

Content Assist: most recently used ranking of type proposals (Tobias, Markus) (FAQ: Tom)

Content Assist: test CamelCaseCompletion (Benno, Tobias) (FAQ: Tom, Dani)

Enable different file extension for compilation units (Benno, Philip) (FAQ: Martin)

Quick Fixes for annotations (Philip, Tobias) (FAQ: Martin)

Search (Dani, Tom) (FAQ: Martin)

Rename Type with "update similar elements" (Benno, Tobias) (FAQ: Philip, Markus)

Delete Package (Tobias, Tom) (FAQ: Philip, Markus)