M6 Test Grid for JDT UI/Text, Platform Text/Search

Test day: Wednesday, March 29, 2005
Components: JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search and Platform/Text
Testers: Martin Aeschlimann, Daniel Megert, Markus Keller, Dirk Baeumer, Tobias Widmer, Tom Eicher

Javadoc locations in .classfile (Dani, Markus)

Type hierarchy lock mode & override indicators on methods with variables or parameterized types in the signature (Markus, Dirk)

Preference pages with links to per-project preferences (Dirk, Tobias)

Organize imports (Tobias, Tom)

Type access rules (Java build path, attribute for libraries) (Tom, Martin)

Undo / Redo (Martin, Markus)

Externalize Strings (Markus, Dirk)

Code Formatter (Dirk, Tobias)

Source actions (Create Getter/Setter,...) (Dani, Tom)

Extract Interface (Tom, Martin)

Use Supertype (Martin, Dani)

Infer type arguments (Dani, Tobias)

Introduce Parameter (Tobias, Tom)

Content assist (Markus, Dirk)

Filters in Java search (Tobias, Tom)

JAR creation wizard (Dani, Martin)

Drag and Drop (Dani, Markus)

Multi Display (Martin)

New Class wizard (Dirk, Tom)

Bug verification

Verify P1, P2, blocker, critical bugs fixed during M6

86152 Cannot "Generate Delegate Methods..."
86107 ClassCastException while importing Organize Imports prefe...
88118 NPE trying to add unimplemented methods
88304 CCE in RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isDeleteAvailable
86078 JavaCapabilityConfigurationPage broken in 3.1M5? [code ma...
85901 Code assist/auto completion - overwrite method not working
85832 [projection] Folding: Select All doesn't correctly unfold...
71354 [painting] IAE in StyledText.getBidiSegments upon revert
86511 [projection] IAE after QuickFix 'Create method in superty...
86253 [projection] NPE when typing characters in Incremental Find
86245 [projection] error annotations in folded areas are not sh...
86840 AFE in DefaultJavaFoldingStructureProvider after undoing ...
85255 Replace custom Link implementation with SWT Link
86177 [implementation][preferences] crash with non-"system defa...
21476 [preference] Maximum number of "Undo"s
85408 [implementation] TextViewer.forgetDocumentSelection() sho...
66903 [projection] collapsing a foldable region puts caret to s...
88995 Deleting line with folded javadoc comment only deletes pa...