3.1 M2 Test Grid

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Also see the M2 build schedule


This test grid covers the following components


Testers So Far

Everybody from the community is welcome to help with testing. Please send a note to this list if you want to help testing the 3.1 M2 candidate.

1.5 Features - UI (Andre, Tom)

Test whether the following items work correctly, and whether switching the source version of a project has the appropriate consequences (i.e. convert for loop only available in 1.5, but not in 1.4).

New Quick Assists (Dani, Tom)

1.5 Features - Editor (Erich, Markus)

Test whether the following items work correctly, and whether switching the source version of a project has the appropriate consequences (i.e. enum is a keyword for 1.5, but not for 1.4).

Encoding (Kai, Tobias)

Verify the following works correctly:

Javadoc (Dani, Markus)


Linked Mode (Andre, Tobias)

Linked mode has undergone some changes to avoid exiting when changes occur somewhere in the document while the linked mode is active.

Verification of 2 Bugs

Before starting to verify add a comment that you are taking the bug for verification.