Test Pass Three: JDT UI, JDT Text, Platform Compare, Platform Text, and Platform Search

Testers: Martin, Dani, Markus, David, Tobias, Tom, Dirk


Setup / Introduction



General Items (everybody)

Use of different fonts (everybody)

Workspace Setup

Setup workspace in a way unusual compared to your normal setup. Testing should take place in one of the following workspace setups. When setting up the workspace test also the functionality to setup this workspace style:

Java Editor in Single Method mode (Martin, Tobias, Markus)

Multiple Windows (Tobias, Markus, David, Dirk)

Multiple Editor Areas (Tom, Markus)

Java Perspective / Browsing Perspective / Working Set mode

Automatic workspace refresh (Markus, Dirk, Dani)

3.1 RC2 items

Bug verification (all)

Search engine and impact on Refactorings (David, Tobias FAQ: Markus)

Test rename method and Change Method Signature on methods whose parameters contain type variables and that are overridden in subclasses where the type variables are bound to a concrete type. e.g.
class Top<E> {
    void add(E e) {}
class Sub extends Top<String> {
    void add(String s) {}
and clients calling both add methods

Infer Generic Type Arguments (Dirk, Martin FAQ: Markus)

Refactorings (David, Dani FAQ: Tobias)

Source Actions (Markus, Martin FAQ: Tobias)

Java Editor (Dani, Tobias)

Text Editor (Dani, David) FAQ: Dani)

Undo (David, Tom FAQ: Dani)

Saving (Tobias, Martin) test both, Text and Java editor) (FAQ: Dani)

Folding and segmented mode (Tom, Markus FAQ: Dani)

URL Hyperlinking (Dirk, Martin FAQ: Dani)

File Associations, Content Types and opening of editors (Tom, Markus FAQ: Dani)

Externalize Strings wizard (Tobias, Dirk FAQ: Dani)

New Project Wizard (Dirk, David FAQ: Martin)

Build path (Dani, Dirk, FAQ: Martin)

Build path dialog (Tom, Markus FAQ: Dirk, Martin)

Quick Fix (Markus, Tom FAQ: Martin)

Open External Javadoc (Tobias, Dani FAQ: Martin)

Project specific settings (Tobias, David FAQ: Martin better steps needed here)

JUnit (Markus, Dirk FAQ: Tobias)

Open Type Dialog (Dani, Tobias FAQ: Dirk)

Package Explorer (Tom, David FAQ: Dirk)

New synthetic method filter (Markus, Tom FAQ: Dirk)

Drag and Drop (Dirk, Dani FAQ: Tobias)

Preferences (David, Dani FAQ: Tobias, Dani)

Realize a project (everybody)

When done with your assigned items from above start realizing whatever "small" project you want. Setup new projects, adjust preferences settings to your normal programming style. Implement the project using J2SE 5.0 features. The goal is to test functionality not covered by your daily developement.