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Platform and Equinox

Views, Dialogs and Toolbar

New clean message dialog api A new API in the class PlainMessageDialog is introduced. It uses a builder pattern to create an immutable instance of PlainMessageDialog. It has a clean API and consists of methods for e.g. the button labels, the message and the image.

Example Usage:
int answer = PlainMessageDialog.getBuilder(myShell, "The new dialog").image(SWT.ICON_Question).message("Like it?").buttLabels(Arrays.asList(IDialogConstants.YES_LABEL, IDialogConstants.NO_LABEL)).build().open();

Accepted licenses remembered permanently Before accepted licenses were only remembered during runtime and not persisted between restarts. The user selection of accepted licenses is now persisted between restarts.

Themes and Styling

New close icon on tabs The drawing of the close icon of tabs has been updated to align better with the operating system.



Eclipse Windows now supports dark-theme tool-tips Eclipse on Windows now support dark-theme tool-tips. Refer below screens-shot which show various tool-tips@dark-theme:

General Updates

New method create(int style) in GridDataFactory GridDataFactory contains a new static method create(int style) which returns a new GridDataFactory instance.
This method is similar to new GridData(int style).
Minimum Java version for SWT SWT now requires minimum Java 11 to run SWT.
Ant 1.10.11 Eclipse has adopted Ant version 1.10.11.

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