ECF Logo eclipse communication framework

an eclipse runtime project

New and Noteworthy
3.7.0 Release

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New and Noteworthy for 3.6.1/Kepler
New and Noteworthy for 3.6.0

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Servlet API for Remote Services

There is a new API in the new plugin org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.servlet. This API supports the creation of OSGi remote service providers that are implemented via a Servlet along with some implementation of the OSGi HttpService (e.g. Jetty, Tomcat, etc). An example of using this new API for creating an OSGi Remote Service provider based upon a simple http/REST protocol is available in the following bundles:

OSGi Remote Services Robustness Improvements

There were several significant robustness improvements to the OSGi Remote Services/Remote Service Admin implementation. For example, see bug 414448.

Article with New Example OSGi Remote Services

An article about ECF's implementation of the OSGi Remote Services (and Remote Service Admin) specification provides some new example remote services along with explanation of how they work with the OSGi standards.

Support for Version 5 of OSGi Remote Services/Remote Service Admin Standards

As part of the 3.7.0 release ECF has successfully tested both our Remote Services (chapter 100) and our Remote Service Admin (chapter 122) implementations against the OSGi R5 Compatibility Test (CT) suite.

Apache HttpComponents version 4.2 for ECF Filetransfer

ECF's file transfer API implementation is now provided by Apache HttpComponents version 4.2. With the prior Kepler/ECF 3.6.1 release, HttpComponents version 3.1 was used.

Standalone Zookeeper Discovery Server

A standalone discovery server using the Apache Zookeeper discovery protocol was created. This server can be used for WAN discovery of remote services or as a standalone Zookeeper server run from the command line as an Eclipse product. The source code is available here. See the file for instructions on building and running this server.