Checking the accessibility and usability of a document for screen reader users in the OpenDocument Accessibility mode

The OpenDocument Accessibility mode can check the accessibility and usability for screen reader users. The Blind Usability Visualization in the OpenDocument Accessibility mode visualizes the accessibility and usability of HTML files converted from ODF files.

The following steps will check the accessibility of an ODF file using the OpenDocument Accessibility mode:

  1. Open the ODF file in one of the following ways (OpenDocument accessibility mode only supports local files):
  2. Click Blind above the top right pane to select the blind mode.
  3. Open the Blind Usability Visualization preference page in one of the following ways:
  4. Visualize the blind usability and detect any accessibility and usability problems in one of the following ways:
  5. (Optional) Click Save to save the report file as an HTML document.
    (Notes: The report file is an HTML document, and it consists of three parts: a diagram showing the overall rating, a usability visualization view, and a problem list. When a line is selected in the list of problems, the corresponding element in the visualization view is highlighted, and the page automatically scrolls if necessary to show the element.)
  6. Each entry in the problem list should be addressed. See Line View pane (blind usability) for details. As each problem is successfully resolved, the rating in the Overall Rating pane will improve.

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